Chapter 5: "Mood Swing"

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*Rachel's POV*

I quickly ran into my room and plopped down on my bed. Tears trickled down my face as I pressed my pillow against my face.

Memories flashed into my mind as I remembered what happened in middle school. It's like deja vu, but this time it wasn't as bad.

I felt my phone vibrate. I looked down and scoffed when I saw the Caller ID. I threw my phone at the floor and bursted out crying.

Why do boys have to be so stupid and cruel? Why can't they just all die in a whole? They're nothing but players, who like to ruin girls. They think we have no feelings whatsoever.

You are probably wondering how the date went. Well lets just get one thing straight. He is an asshole. A really big one. I don't even want to talk about it. We were eating and then he randomly started talking about all of the girls he's played. 

I mean, who in there shitty mind would talk about other girls when he's on a date. WHO DOES THAT???

Then he started messing with my head. Saying he's never been on a date and that I was different than all the other girls he's messed with. I am flattered, but I am pretty sure he's just putting shit in my head. 

And then he started talking about West. If you are wondering who West is, he is the bitch that played me back in junior high. And let me get one thing straight, Zach thought it was funny. 

So I just stormed out of Chipotle, ignoring his calls and found my way back home. Thank God I used to take track, so I was out of site by the time he came out looking for me. 

My phone vibrated again and again and again. I finally got tired of it and picked up my phone. I slid the bar to answer.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I yelled into the phone without even thinking.

"I-I just wanted t-to make s-sure you were okay...." he said in a low tone. I rolled my eyes. This guy has done enough already, and I don't want the same thing that happened in middle school happen again.

So that's what happened. And now I'm in my room crying.

I do want to get him back. He can play his little game, only if he passes mine.

A smirk grew on my face as I wiped the tears away from my eyes. "Why do you even care?" I asked with a little smile showing on my face.

"Well because you're my friend.... We're friends right?" he asked concerned. I giggled.

"What happens if I say no?" I asked curiously.

"I would want to know why?" he pouted over the phone. I could just picture him pouting right now which caused my to giggle again.

"Well....we're not." I said plainly. There was a long silence over the phone.

"Awwwww.....why not?" he asked. I frowned. I really do want to be friends with him, but I don't want to get hurt.

"Because of three reasons. Number one, I barely know you. Number two, you're a player, and number three, I don't want to get hurt." I said with a sigh. "Anyways, I got to um.....go." I said.

And then, I quickly hung up before he could say anything. I sighed. I honestly felt kind of bad for him, but I am trying to do what's right. I don't want to get hurt again. What happened in middle school will haunt me forever.

"RACHEL!!!!!" I heard a voice yell from downstairs.

"YA?" I yelled back while walking out into the hallway so that I could hear better.

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