Chapter 4: Playin'

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*Zach's POV*

I still haven't found out who that girl is. I've been bugging her all day. And when I say all day, I mean it.

Every period we have, I asked her throughout class. I asked her whenever I passed her in the hallway.

One time I even told her, if she told me her name, I would give her a kiss. And then all she does is scowl in disgust and say, "I'd rather puke" or something like that.

Can you believe that?

"Look man, I think you should just simmer down. Maybe you shouldn't mess with her. I mean, she won't even tell you her name. So what makes you think she'll fall in love with you?" Jack suggested as he took a bite of his cheeseburger.

I rolled my eyes. "It's a challenge! And I like challenges because they are hard. Usually a girl would kill to be with me, and her......the mysterious girl, would rather die of Ebola than be with me." I smirked.

This is going to be so much fun!

Jack frowned. "Why am I friends with you? All you do is play girls. Don't you ever feel guilty afterwards? Hmmmmmmmm? You should seriously find your mate."

I cringed at the word "mate". It just disgusts me. I find that whole mate thing is stupid. Come on, soul mates? Really? It's just ridiculous.

I was about to say something, but then Jack continued his speech. This is like the billionth time he's said this. I practically have it memorized!!!!

He finally finished, and I was basically asleep! "Do you get my point?" he asked as he cocked an eyebrow.

"She's my mate." I blurted before I could stop myself. My eyes widened in realization of what I said.

God dammit!!!! Why am I such an idiot?!

His mouth dropped. "S-she's your mate?" I didn't respond. "YOU FOUND YOUR MATE!!!!" He shouted.

The cafeteria went silent. Everyone looked in our direction. I face palmed myself before glaring at Jack.

"MIND YOUR OWN SHITTY BUSINESS!!!!" He yelled, waving them off.

Scared, everyone quickly went back to their own businesses.

"So your mate is your next victim?!" I could tell his voice was full of anger.

"You do realize, you only get one in your whole life." He gave me an emotional facial expression, but I could tell he was upset.

I ignored his question. "What about you, you don't know your mate!" I whisper yelled.

He frowned and looked down at his food. "We're not talking about me right now."

"I don't give a shit about all of this soul mate stuff. I find it stupid."

"What, are you just going to ruin her? Not caring that it would break her? You might as well cut her in half because half of her would be missing. And so would you."

"She hasn't even shifted yet." I muttered.

"How do you know? Not everyone shifts at 18. I shifted when I was 16. You shifted when you were 14." Jack stuffed the rest of his burger in his throat.

"This is stupid." I mumbled.

He stood up abruptly, his chair screeching against the tiled floor and slammed his fist against the table. "You seriously need to get your shit together!!'" Jack yelled angrily. And with that, he grabbed his tray and walked away.

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