Chapter 17: Who do we have here?

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*Rachel's POV*

I heard a door slam shut. My eyes snapped open and I sat up abruptly, startled by the sudden noise.

My eyes widened as grey eyes stared at me. They sent daggers that burned holes through my head.

He was at the bed in two strides. He grabbed my arms roughly and yanked me up. Then I felt my body being slammed against the wall.

"You shouldn't be in here." He whispered in my ear, pushing me even harder against the wall. I'm pretty sure there is probably a dent in the wall now.

I whimpered in pain. "You're hurting me." I choked out.

"That's the point." A huge lump formed in my throat, making is super hard to swallow.

"I would kill you now-" he stroked my cheek and then pushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "-but sadly, I have to keep you alive."

"Why keep my alive? Just kill me if it makes you happy. I'm sure dying is a lot better than suffering here."

Where the hell did that come from?

"I will kill you once I get what I want." He sent me a smile. Not a friendly smile, but a menacing smile.

"What do you want?" I asked curiously.

"They stole something that meant everything to me, not its time to return the favor. If they don't give it back, then I'll just have to kill you."

He pulled out a knife and trailed the blade across my neck. I could just feel the sticky blood dry to my skin.

"Who brought you in here?" He questioned.

I probably shouldn't tell him. I saw what he did to the guy who told him not to kill me, and I don't want him to hurt Marco.

Marco didn't hurt me, so why should I hurt him?

"Answer me!" He shouted, gripping my arms tighter and slamming me hard against the wall.

I let out a yelp as I could already feel a bruise forming on my back.

"I.....I d-don't k-know...." I stuttered.

"You're lying! Who brought you in here and gave you these clothes?!" He continued to yell.

I bet you could hear him a mile away. I gulped and shook my head. "No I'm not! I couldn't tell who they were because they had something covering their face and hair. I don't know what sex they are."

What surprised me was that he bought it. Like he actually bought it!

He grabbed my arm and began dragging me out of the room. "You can't be in here." He stated as he pulled me down the hallway.

We went back through the huge room. People kept staring at me, but I tried as much as possible to ignore them.

We passed through the long corridor and down the stairs. Once we got to the cells, he pushed me in.

I tripped on my own feet and fell onto the floor. My back started hurting even worse from the impact.

I felt something soft but smelly land on my. I looked down and noticed it was my ceremony dress.

Where did he keep the dress? I can't answer you there.

"Change." He ordered.

I slowly stood up with the dress in my hand. But I didn't start in dressing. "But-" I started until he cut me off.

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