Chapter 11: You're my Luna

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Hey guys, I can't believe I have over 200 reads!!!! This is really exciting and I'm really happy. It really means a lot how you guys read my story. I hope you guys continue to read it and please tell you friends!!!!

This is Rachel's wolf, Dawn. ->


*Rachel's POV*

If you got the sudden news that you weren't who you thought you were and that your life was full of lies, you would be mad, right? Well for me, I wasn't that mad. I knew there was a reason for this. Shocked? Really! But I didn't care. I found it kinda neat being a werewolf.

I made my way down stairs, after resting a bit more once my mom left my room. The horrible pain I had earlier subsided. I was really relieved afterwards.

I feel a bit different. My seeing, hearing, strength, and speed has gotten a lot better once my shift ended. I was trying to brush my hair when I got out of bed, and I broke it!!!!!

"Hey mom...." I chirped as I came walking into the living room. I sat down next to my mother, where she wrapped her arm around my waist.

"How you feeling?" she asked looking at me. A smile formed on my lips, "I've never been better."

"So has you wolf talked to you yet?" my dad asked from across the room, with a newspaper in his hands. Do people still read those things? What is he talking about? What wolf?

"My wolf........?" I asked unsure of what he meant.

"Your wolf. Ya know that you can shift, right?" a voice squeaked from the other room. I turned to see Evelyn come walking out of the kitchen. She's a werewolf, too!!!???

"You're a werewolf, too?" I frowned.

She nodded with guilt. "I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't." I understood I couldn't be mad at her.

"Its okay." I assured her with a warm smile. "How do I talk with my wolf?"

Evelyn came and sat on the other side of me. "It's simple actually." she paused for a second, "She just talks to you. If you want to talk to her you call out her name, but in your mind."

That doesn't sound that hard..... But I don't know her name! "I don't know her name." I exclaimed.

"The name's Dawn." I heard a voice in my head. Was that her?

"Um.....hi....?" I didn't know what to say.

"Hey! I'm so happy I can finally talk to you!" she gushed excitedly.

"I'm happy to talk to you too." I responded while smile internally.

"If you ever want to talk to me, you know how to reach me." I could tell she was winking. I can get used to this, now I'll have someone to talk to when I am lonely and when I need to talk to someone.

"You got that right!"

I snapped out of my conversation with Dawn as I heard my name being called. "Hmmmmmm?" I asked looking up at the voice.

"Were you having a convo with your wolf?" Evelyn asked with curiosity in her eyes.

"Yup." I smiled, popping the 'p'. Evelyn looks really happy. "Hey, what's you wolf's name?" she asked.

"Dawn." I grinned, leaning back in my seat, propping my feet up on the coffee in front of me.

"Nice." my mom smiled.

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