Gift --- Arashi Narukami

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Mild Angst warning.

Keys- M/N (Member name) R/N (Random name)

Y/N's feeling down from a past meet-up, Arashi takes notice and helps her by taking the girl shopping.



And more work, piling higher and higher on Y/N's desk by the second. She stared helplessly at the stack, not noticing the blue eyes watching her closely.

"Y/N? Are you sure you don't need any help? 'Cause I'm always down for some work!" Anzu smiled, trying to get through to the other girl. Y/N shook her head.

"No thank you. I just need to take a walk. I appreciate the offer though, Aznu." You smile back, getting up from your seat and walking out the door, down to the school yard and out the gate.

What was wrong with you recently? You'd been so out of it, it's unnatural, and you hated it. For one, others were starting to notice your constant leg and arm twitching and your tired, sleepless face. They asked so many questions about it, and you had just brushed it off.

You didn't even know how far you walked now because you spotted the convenience store you always pass up ahead.

"Well, if it isn't Y/N!" The voice made you jump, for it was a voice you didn't want to hear. Y/N tried to ignore the person and continued on with her walk, only now tracing back towards the Academy. "Y/N! Don't just ignore me!" M/N demanded. You heard their pace quicken, and so did yours, almost till it was a full-on sprint. 

Finally, your former unit member caught up to you and jerked your wrist back. You let a small squeak of pain escape your lips. Slowly, you look up to meet M/N's eyes, still as cold as you remember. 

They rolled their eyes and stared at you up and down, "So it's true, you're a producer for Yumenosaki now?" 

"Yeah... what about it?" You say, a hint of verbal venom spat at M/N.

"Puh-lease, you can't even get rid of one units workload. How can you manage multiple while you're still..." They gestured to your entire body, "This... helpless, tired, and such. Just give up. We kicked you out for a reason. Your so-called 'dream' is impossible."  They crossed their arms, freeing the grip on you're wrist.

You were about to retort and say that you've gotten better since leaving that stupid unit, but someone else interjected before you.

"Y/N-Chan! Anzu said you'd be somewhere out here!" The unmistakably cheerful voice of Arashi called out to you. M/N looked up and frowned, you on the other hand looked realived.

M/N held up their index finger to you and made a 'tsk' sound, "Y/N... you should know better than to involve yourself with popular idols like Narukami."

"Shut up, I don't have to listen to you anymore!" You snapped, shoving them away from you. Both M/N and Arashi looked shocked at your sudden act.

"Fine! Fine! I was just giving you some desperately needed advice. From former work buddy to another. Cya." M/N scoffed.

Once they were out of sight, Y/N and Arashi went back to the school in silence. It was quite peaceful for you, no talking, just silence. Until Arashi spoke.

"Was that one of your former unit members, Y/N?" She asked, gripping one of your shoulders.


"What was that all about?"


"Y/N-Chan, tell me."

"You... I don't want you getting involved. Besides it's in the past, it doesn't matter anymore does it?" You try. Arashi shook her head, you knew she was in a state that caused her to pry things out of her friends if it was bothering them. 

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