🌸Mao Isara

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Yukari ~ I won't lie when I say there will be a shit tone more of Mao and Kanata oneshots in the future. I barely see any of my fav boys, not to mention I'm a KanataP and MaoP.

Includes — Anzu and Subaru as a ship. Ik I do Anzu and Hokuto normally but not for this plot!

Overview - Anzu and y/n invite Subaru and Mao to the theme park, making it a double date.


"Hey! Hey! Subaru-kun, Mao-kun!" Y/n called, seeing the two boys walking. They looked over to see there beloved producers Anzu and y/n. Subaru's face lit up as he tackled Anzu into a bear hug, while Mao walked over.

"Did you need something?" Mao asked, smiling down at y/n before glancing toward Subaru and Anzu. 

"Oh, uh.. I got four tickets to the theme park. Maybe the four of us could go?" The brunette said, pulling four tickets from her bag. They had plastic rimming with a gold color, making Subaru even more happy, he snatched one up and pulled Y/n and Mao into a group hug.

"Of course we'll go! Right Sally?" 

"Sure, I wouldn't mind!"

Anzu smirked, "It'll be a double date then?"

Y/n's face erupted with shades of red, and Mao's was a face a pure shock with tints of pink. "Whaddya mean a double date?! You never told me this!" Y/n yelped, wriggling out of the group huddle. 

Anzu let out a laugh and held the girls shoulder, "C'mon, you and Mao have to go out! You like him don't you?" She whispered the last part.

"Well... y-yeah but.." Y/n sighed giving into the look of pleading Anzu gave her. I mean, how could she say no to her best friend? 

"Woohoo! Okay, okay! C'mon Anzu I wanna show you something!" Subaru urged, tugging in the girls arm.

"Alright. This weekend though, okay?" Anzu called back, y/n stood watching Subaru drag her friend to lord knows where. Which left only her and Mao.

"So when are we gonna tell them?" Y/n asked, looking up to her boyfriend.

Yup, you two had been dating for around a week now, but no one really knew. Only Ritsu, since he's, one: always around Mao, and two: very observant. You didn't even tell Anzu when it happened. Though you to agreed to share all sorts of tea and news with one another.

"I'm thinking, during the theme park date?" Mao laughed.

"Oooh! Okay! Anzu said we'll meet infront of the gates, by the bushes shaped like stars?" Y/n explained. Mao nodded in agreement before walking his girlfriend to class. To his relief no one aside from Ritsu was in the classroom at the time, but he had to do council work before returning. Before he left, y/n gave him a tight hug which he returned.

When he left, y/n skipped over to poke at Ritsu. "Mnnn... N/n-chaaan~, whaddya want?" He asked sleepily. 

"Oh nothing!"


The three of four stood at the entrance, Anzu tapping her foot impatiently. "Where is he? He better not have ditched!" She snapped.

"But Sally is that kinda person!" Subaru defended, y/n nodded quickly in agreement. That's when the h/c girl felt her phone vibrate. 


Maachan— 'I'm almost there!'


Just then Subaru spotted the magenta haired boy, to y/n's suprise he wasn't wearing his usual casual outfit, instead he wore some shorts and a long sleeve shirt. Then again. Everyone looked a little different today, Anzu wore a simple pastel pink dress decorated with brighter pink and blue flowers, while Subaru wore a colored shirt with jeans. Somewhat basic but he still pulled it off well.

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