🍋Hiyori Tomoe

404 4 1

Requested by @h1nomorishizu

Yukati~ Well looky here, lemon #2 for possible my a favorite of mine whom I nicknamed a cabbage. Again, I'm am realtivly new to writing lemons, but I try my best.

Disclaimer - The timeline is during the enstars music timeline.

Overveiw - This y/n has no affiliation with yumenosaki academy or production. Instead she works at a maid Cafe, and gets to know a regular whom she is tasked to serve. While others fawn, y/n isn't decided by Hiyori Tomoe's looks. But will that last?


The afternoon sun beat down on the city as many went looking for places to cool off and get some drinks. Whilst two members of the musical unit Eden, wandered the not so bustling streets.

"Ohii-san, where exactly are we going? Shouldn't we be with the rest of Eden?" Jun Sazanami questioned. The green haired boy looked back, a small pout on his face.

"Now, now Jun-kun. I doubt that they would mind. After all were only two units put together!" Hiyori cheered, continuing leading Jun to a building. The boy watched as his upperclassmen walked into the building, he wondered what had him in such high spirits. Hiyori motioned for Jun to come in.

The bluette took one look around, they were in a maid cafe.. "Uh.. Ohii-san. "

"What? Do you not like it? I think its good Hiyori!" 

"Welcome home, masters!" A cheerful voice greeted the two. Jun eyed the girl, she had h/c hair, and e/c eyes. She seemed more .. normal then the others. When he looked around, he saw all the others staring at them, probably fan girls. 

"Ah! Y/n-chan!" Hiyori cheered. The girl named y/n led them to a seat near the corner, wear she pulled out her notepad and flashed a smile.

"Mr. Tomoe, your usual I assume?" Hiyori sighed, he didn't like it when y/n was saying this so forcefully. From previous visits, Hiyori found out that y/n worked here due to lack of money. That didn't have to make her so miserable to put on a facade now, would it? "And for you. Mr. Sazanami?"

"How do you know my name?" Jun questioned with an eyebrow raised. Y/n frowned, holding up a single finger.

"One: Hiyori here talks to much about you," she held up a second finger "Two: Almost all the girls here are fans of yours."

"Are you, Ms. Y/n?" The green haired boy teased.

"No. I'm not. I'd rather not be part of some brain dead fandom that simps over you guys." She scoffed. 

Hiyori put a hand over his chest, dramatically looking like he had been shot. "Oh how an angels words can hurt.." he cried.

"Uh huh. Yeah..." y/n sighed, before she walked off to deliver the order. Jun watched as his upperclassmen recomposed himself, smiling giddily.

"Ohii-san, that Y/n girl. Do you like her?" Hiyori's eyes shined at the question.

"Of course I do! Shes unlike others in this cafe. Or better yet other women in general. How I wish she would just acknowledge how much I love her so~!" He sang. 

"Have you tried asking her out?" 

"Yes! And she rejected me! How could ANYONE reject me, Jun-kun?"


"Exactly!" Hiyori stated, he grinned and thought about all that could happen if y/n would just return his feelings or give him a chance. 

[Time skip brought by Bloody Mary]

Its been months, and Hiyori has gotten to the point of a deep friendship with y/n. Though she remained ever the same, so denying, so unwilling to spend time one on one with the male. That just made Hiyori fall even harder for the girl. 

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