🌸Izumi Sena

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♠In which Izumi is pissed that Makoto keeps rejecting him and refusing to re-join modeling. So dearest Y/N helps him out. Maybe he'll find a new person to love?

-Requested by The_Evil_Creator


"I don't get it.. I've tried countless times to make Yuukun come back to modeling, given him gifts, everything! But he refuses every damned time.." Izumi complained to me, as he has done for the past... Oh I dunno, three months???

I sigh, leaning back in my chair, "Look.. maybe he just. Isn't interested. Plain and simple.. If Makoto wants to be an Idol and not a model, leave him be.."

Izumi gives me a face like I said the most outlandish thing in the world, "He can be a model and Idol like I am. Moreover, he should join Knights like Tenshouin suggested last year."

"You know that's an industry scandal waiting to happen. Whether NEW DIMENSION wants it or not." I mutter, Izumi's stubborn.. But if he needs someone to talk to, I'll listen. It's the job of a producer after all..

The gray haired idol huffed, running a hand through his hair in annoyance, "You're right.. But

Even so.."

My phone alarm goes off, "I have to get to a meeting, Sena.. Just.. think about this for a while though.. Makoto doesn't want to go back to Modeling, so don't try to force it on him.. He's nervous as is.." I say softly, before grabbing my stuff and walking out.


That damned meeting took a whole two hours.. I swear if I get put through shit like that again I–

"Y/N!" A voice called out, and I turned to find Izumi leaning against the wall. "Took you long enough.. Tch.. so annoying.."

I frown and gently punch his shoulder, "Not my fault the higher-up ranted on for an hour about meaningless merch that won't sell." I could've imagined it, but I swore I saw the slightest smile grace the usually stern idols face.

I place my hands on my hips and raise an eyebrow at him, "So what's this about? Waiting outside the building for me, I mean."

"Are you free now? Like.. for the rest of the day..?" He asked slowly, as if deciding if his words were correct. When I give a nod, he takes my arm and drags me down the paved roads of the Square and towards the dorms.

I yelp, "Hey? Where are we going? Why are we headed toward the dorm? Do you need something?" I ask a million questions and he stops for a second and hisses.

"Could you just.. Stay silent until we get there?" His tone was harsh, but his expression was oddly soft..

As I nod, we go at a slower pace and he leads me to the dorms. If im memorizing today's schedule correctly, Izumi is done with most of his work.. And Kuro, Mao, and Shu won't be back for a long while.. A thought crossed my mind, but I shook it off.. Izumi isn't the kinda person to do that kinda stuff.... Right? I'll give him the benefit of the doubt! Haha..

He led me up to his dorm room as expected, "Sit," He demanded, and I found a seat on his bed. "I thought about it.."

I tilt my head, "Thought about what?"

"About Yuukun, dumbass!" He snapped, before sighing.

"And what conclusion have you drawn?"

Izumi shifted, laying back on the bed. His expression looked... hurt.. "I.. still don't know.. I still don't get it.. I've tried.. So goddamn hard and Yuukun always runs away.." For the first time ever, he seemed.. Vulnerable.. He's talked like this before but its always been harsh and upset.. Never.. Sad...

I stay silent as he continues, "Am I doing something wrong? Should I be approaching this differently? I wanna go back to the way it was when we were younger.. But no matter how hard I try it's always meaningless.." He laughed bitterly, "I mean.. What do those no-goods from Trickstars know what's good for Yuukun..? Nothing! I know and see his potential and he still is so fucking keen on being with them.." He pulls his arm up to cover his eyes, a weak smile on his face. He began to shake a little... crying..

"Sena.." I mutter softly, reaching to touch his arm.

"Hm..?" He pulls his arm away and looks at me, eyes glossy.

I don't know what to say to comfort him.. "It's... hard.. Coming to terms with these things... but.. Sometimes... you have to accept you can't have everything the way you want it.. If Makoto wishes to leave modeling, then that's that.. He's his own person.. You can't force anyone into something you want them to be.." I spewed nonsense, hoping it sounded good. I smiled, and scooted closer, "And at least be glad you have the rest of Knights, and me too.. We all care, and I'm sure Makoto would show he cares too if you lay back on pestering him.."

Izumi seems to hesitate for a good few seconds before pushing himself up to sit. He's silent, fiddling with his fingers like a child would. The smallest pout on his face.. Gosh he looked adorable..

"Thanks.. I guess.." He muttered softly, and I nodded.

"You're welcome," I smiled.

We sit in silence for a few more moment before Izumi speaks up again, "Can I ask... if its okay..." He trails off, still not facing me.

Curious, I lean closer, "Okay to what?"

"Okay... to.." He mutters something I can't hear.

"Say that again..?"

Izumi grows slightly flustered, another new side of him. "Is it okay if I.. love you instead..?" He asks, his voice growing quieter with every word he says.

It hadn't fully processed in my head for a few seconds, and when it did, I was a flustered mess. Had he really asked that..? A-and so casually too! What the hell, Izumi!

He made a face, "Tch, so annoying... I asked if it's okay if I love you instead, dumbass!" He snapped, face red.

I couldn't help but smile at his embarrassed outburst. I nod and say, "Sure.. I don't mind if that happens.." He looks up, albeit a little stunned, but then huffs. Or... more like sighs in relief.

Unexpectedly, he reaches over and wraps his arms around my waist, burying his head against the crook of my neck. "Thank god.."

It's odd... but not unwelcome.. Testing waters I bought a hand up to run through his hair. When he didn't complain about the snap, I leaned forward and kissed the top of his head. Izumi tensed, and then relaxed, humming the slightest bit and leaning into me.

Whether or not I'm just a stand in for Makoto... it doesn't matter right now.. What does is making sure Izumi is okay..


Word count-  1195

I am back for a bunch of summer writing for all I missed out on, and all the damned requests that have been long since been on hold. I'm sorry for that. I loose motivation and had little time to work. I may or may not reopen requests when I'm done with the current ones. But regardless, this is one of my popular books so I probably will continue it for a long while! 

Again, sorry for my absence in writing, but I'm back now!

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