🩹 Cold --- Sena Izumi

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I tried. I really did. The song adds extra

Takes place like three years after Izumi's Academy graduation. So he's 21 roughly.


The early morning sun rose, the birds chirped happy melodies, and a smell of food and f/d (favorite drink) filled the air. All thing you would've loved. And Izumi knew that.

He imagined your smile in the mornings, the way you'd tie up your hair, your complaints about it being early, and the way you'd cling to him and ask for cuddles. He missed all of it, to a point where it made him sick.

How long has it been since that day? Roughly seven months now, why did he care so much? Your gone, your never coming back. He knows that, so then... why?

"Izu-Kun!" Hell, now your voice seemed to echo in his head. If only there was a cure, any kind of cure or medicine to keep your condition at bay. And yet, no matter how hard he tried, no matter how much money was spent on the medicinal advancements, Izumi couldn't save you.

He recalled the days you had overworked yourself and he had to carry you home. How happy he was, spending time around you. Why? Why couldn't have been him, not you. 

He trudged out of his room, not anything like how he usual is. Blunt, and very much a tsundere. Instead, he was all blank stares and silence. He stared at a photo on the table opposite of him. A photo of the two of you, when you two were still at Yumeosaki Academy. 

How Izumi wished he could've spent his future with you, even if you were a producer and he and idol. He loved you deeply. Izumi wished he could see you, just once more, and say goodbye. He hated how work held him back from seeing you before your death.

The many times the other Knights and Anzu tried to cheer him up all ended In failure. You were just... so precious to him, even more then Yuuki. Everything he wanted to do with you, could no longer happen.

"Y/n..." he muttered to no one. Izumi hadn't eaten in days, hasn't taken care of himself, nor has he gone to work. He couldn't stand it anymore. The once warm and cozy household became cold, with bittersweet memories hidden in every sector of the home. 

Izumi remembered the first time you cooked for him, nearly burning the house down. He remembered that time you got so drunk he had to drive his ass over to pick you up. And the argument you had. Claiming that Izumi was a stranger. Those many times when the two of you had to dress formerly for a gathering. That time when he suprsied you with an engagement ring, you got all teary at and quickly accepted. 

He would've loved to see you in a white wedding dress, though at this point it was nothing but a fantasy. Izumi wanted to throw something, he wanted to cry and scream out when he received the news. He still does. Desperately, he needs to let out his sorrow and anger.

Izumi wanted you back, he wanted to talk to you again, have you reassure him that everything was gonna be ok. That he doesn't have to worry about his work, cause even when he's stressed he'd have you. He was still partially in denial, thinking your death was nothing but a long, bad nightmare. And that when it was all over, he'd wake up in your arms, you holding him tightly.


Yukari ~ First decent angst in my opinion.

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