🍋Kaoru Hakaze

362 3 6

Requested by: @Yorumikoko

Overview – Takes place during the Ensemble Square timeline. Kaoru walks y/n back home from her errand run, and fun things happen.



Today was supposed to be the day where y/n would get some time to herself. Doing her errands and all that other stuff. Though unbeknownst to her, she ran into Kaoru Hakaze. Ultimate flirt of Yumenosaki Academy. 

It's not like she didn't like him, in fact, she found him quite amusing. It was just his persistent questions toward her. Like asking her out on a date, or getting to know her.

Unlike what she had expected, the blonde wasn't with any girls, making him almost immediately notice the h/c producer.

"Oh my, is that n/n-chan I see~?" He cooed, walking up beside her.

"Kaoru-kun, hello!" Y/n greeted with a smile. 

The blond looked at the inhuman amount of bags she was carrying, before taking a good 80% of them. 

"Before you say anything," he said as you opened your mouth. Kaoru leaned closer to y/n, "I can't have you hurting your beautiful body now can we?" He whispered. 

The tone which he said it in made y/n blush, "Kaoru! What the hell?!" She yelped. The male only laughed.

"Alright, now where too?"

"You really want to carry all that? I was about to head back home.." y/n replied. The blond nodded walked alongside y/n out of the mall they were in. 

The producer looked up at the sky filled with oranges and pinks, then glanced over at Kaoru.

'He can be a nice guy.. did he always look this attractive though?' Y/n thought to herself, when it crossed her mind she immediately shook it out.

"Y/n-chan? Is something the matter?" Kaoru asked in a teasing tone. 

"No!" She yelped quickly.

"Hmmm? Don't think I didn't catch you staring~" he smirked. The producer ignored the comment and quickened her walking pace. "H–Hey! Wait up!" Kaoru called. 

The rest of the walk was just as y/n would've guessed, quite a lot of flirting and teasing from the blonde male. It was normal, since usually he'd go out of his way to walk Y/n home after work at the Square. At first it shocked her, considering it Kaoru. Kaoru Hakaze, the dude who ditches practice for dates. At some point, Y/n got used to it, accepting the fact that he was just trying to convince her to go on a date.

"Here, just drop them inside... Do you want something to drink?" Y/n asked, opening the door to her house. It was a small place, but it worked for just her.

"Letting me inside your house? This is new~." Kaoru cooed, bringing his face closer to yours.

"I can kick you out right now? Better?"

"I'll just have some water"

"That's what I thought."

The blond couldn't help but stare at the smile she gave him, there was something different about the way y/n would look at him. Different in ways that none of his dates ever did. He stared around the small home, it was pretty decorated for the such little time y/n had it.

Kaoru settled on the couch, continuing to observe some more. A photo of her family on the wall, posters of the units she helps produce for, lots of sea creatures and pictures of things she loves. The place was honestly cute.

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