🩹🌸Leo Tsukinaga

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Yukari ~ I tried my best with comfort chapter! Leo is such a sweet boy! I love him so much! I'm a knightsP soooo yeah. 

Requested by — @ThaiKittyCatDumpling

Overview– Y/n is the only girl accepted into the idol course, though gets shamed and bullied for it. Leo comofrts her.


Everyday.. Every second.. I'm surrounded by people. People who always fawn over me saying things like–

"Oh! You got accepted into Yumenosaki as an idol?"


"Lots of the people there must admire you for you hard work!"

They couldn't be anymore wrong. That.. Hell.. has shown me nothing but suffering. How come I can't just be Y/n l/n? Normal.. Hard working  idol like everyone else? Why do they target me for being an individual set aside from the rest..

"Y/n-chan~!!" A voice yelled in my ear, making me jump. I turned to the source, facing a short, red-haired male. Tsukinaga Leo... 

"What?" I asked, not a single thread of my pained thoughts sounded out. When the boy noticed I saw him, his eyes lit up, almost quite literally. You could nearly see the sparkles that showed in his green eyes. 

"You're spacing out again.. " He stated, throwing his arms across my desk. I only smiled-

"A lot on my mind.. Since midterms are coming up soon, you know?" I laughed aloud, it was true. Although, it wasn't really the only thing clouding my mind at the moment.

"Ooh! We can go somewhere to help you take your mind off things! I know this really good place where–"

I don't care.. It doesn't matter to me.. Why does he even hang around me? Sure he's Leo of all people, ever oblivious and childlike, but shouldn't he know that sticking around me.. Could cause him trouble? The last thing I'd want is to drag others into my problems... 

"That sounds nice, Tsukinaga-kun, but I'll have to decline." I muttered, shaking my head. The redhead's shoulders drooped and his expression went into this pouting, yet adorable face. 

"Huuh? C'mon y/n-chan! We never hangout anymore like earlier this year! Just this once? Please?" Leo whined, grabbing onto my arm and shaking it. 

"No is no. Okay? End of discussion!" I snapped, Leo stepped back in surprise. I'd never yelled at him in such anger before. He only nodded and walked out of the classroom, seemingly in a rush. I let out a sigh and packed my own things. 

The halls were quiet, considering most were in the practice rooms that were located in the other half of the building. I had my own small studio at home so I never used the rooms here, especially considering most were made for group shows, not solo acts like mine.

"Oh? Is that r/n [Rude Name] I see?" The stupidly familiar voice of b/n [bully name] laughed. And with b/n came his shitty 'crew'. I don't wanna deal with this today.. Why didn't I leave earlier? Why do they do this everyday? What did I ever do to them? 

I shook my head when I realized the thoughts kept me glued in place. If I just avoid them, I should be fine! Right? I sped up my walk to get away from them, though as expected, the followed close behind.

I burst into a run, aiming for the female bathrooms. 


Within seconds my face met the floor and b/n caught up to me..

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