🌸Nazuno Nito

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Overview: Y/n is a little clumsy due to bad luck and Nazuna being the worrywart he is tries to prevent Y/n from getting into dangerous situations.


There are many clumsy people in the world, many that fall and such. Though, students in Yumenosaki have yet to see some one more clumsy than their secondary producer. Y/n L/n. She'll be carrying a stack of papers and trip on the smallest crack, it she'll be sitting their and spill her drink across the desks. Call it clumsiness or bad luck, y/n has both.

Her inept ways have caused many to fret over her, but mainly her classmate Nito Nazuna. He'd be fretting over her and asking if y/n was okay, like the concerned older brother figure Nazuna is.

Today wasn't anything short of new, it was similar to everyday. Y/n walked up to the school to be met by the blond Ra*bits member. She gave him a wide smile as he rushed over, bombarding her with questions like 'You didn't fall on the way here?' 'Are you okay?' 'Your not hurt anywhere are you?'

"Nazuna-Nii, I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me all the time!" Y/n reassured, patting the boys head affectionately. His face went a bright pink as he pushed the girls hand away.

"Y-y/n-chin! Whot hava said about the head paths (pats)!" He claimed defensively. Y/n out stretched her arms for Nazuna to take, causing the girl to fall toward him. 

"Whats so wrong with it Nazuna-nii?" She yawned, has Ritsu gotten to her? Why was being so out of charater opposed to her peppy attitude she always had.

"I-uh... Y/n...." The blond sighed. "C'mon we gotta get to class.." he muttered. 

"Oookay!" Y/n hummed, letting go if her friend and hopping along the schools pathways. Nazuna watched carefully, to make sure she wouldn't fall. Its become his daily job he never asked for, but so long as Y/n wasn't going to be hurt, he would do it everyday.

Nazuna got distracted by a loud sudden noise, which only turned out to be Morisawa making a loud entrance. Though those few second he turned away, y/n had fallen face first into the ground. The blond quickly rushed to the girl's side.

"Y/n-chii?!" He called out. Y/n turned to the source of the voice, smiling as blood ran from her nose. 

"Heheh... thorry Nathuna-nii..."she laughed awkwardly. Nazuna quickly searched his school bag for a tissue (he came prepared), handing it to you. 

"Y/n, be more careful would've? You gotta learn how to take care of yourself, I'm not gonna be here everything y'know.." Nazuna scolded. Y/n sat there, staring at the blond. He e/c eyes staring at him in such focus caught Nazuna off guard.

"Spoken like a true older brother!" Y/n teased, poking the boys cheek. She hoped back up and continued her walk to the classroom. Little did she know, was that she left a little yellow rabbit all flustered. 

He really couldn't help but fall for y/n and her carefree, kind, and lively nature. Nazuna couldn't understand how she was never bothered about things, even the most stressful things. He truly admired that about her, though he knew that he never could get a chance with you. Especially compared to the others like say, Rei or Izumi.

When Nazuna realized you were staring at him, he quickly ran to your side. "Sorry just thinking.." He explained, giving you a warm smile. 

"Bout what?" 

"Ra*bits stuff." 

Y/n let out a laugh, which confused Nazuna. Reading his face, y/n stopped walking and looked the boy in his eyes, " You're always so caring for the Juniors huh? Heheh, thats one of my favorite thing bout you Nazuna-Nii!" Y/n smiled.

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