🌸Tsumugi Aoba

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Yukari ~ Ah the joy it brings me to right a fluff for him. 

Overview - Y/n struggles with her mid term exams, and call up her childhood friend Tsumugi to see if he's up for a study session at the local library. One things lead to another and now their on a date??? Y/n has no affiliation with yumenosaki and instead attends a college prep school.


[Y/n POV]

I stare down at the papers infront of me, hoping that by staring long enough, it'll suddenly fill itself up with the correct answers. Of course its not gonna happen, but its worth a shot right? 

"Ugh, stupid mid-terms... Why does school do this to us!" I groaned, lightly hitting my head in my desk. "I wish Mu-kun were here to help me..." I muttered, thinking about my friend. Then it hit me. 

"Ah-Ha! I'll just ask him if he'd like to help!" 


Y/n — Mu-kuuuun, I need help! T.T

Tsumugi — Huh?! What happened?! Did you get hurt or sm?!

Y/n — I need help with studying...

Tsumugi — 😰 Dont scare me like that n/n!

Y/n — Soorrry, but could ya help???

Tsumugi — Alright...  the library near you place? Around 4?

Y/n — Sounds good! Tyyy Mugi! 😘 


I sighed, staring at the clock. "I wonder how he's been.. so busy with idol work. I guess I'll ask later.." I yawned.

[3rd Pov]

When the clock ticked away, nearing the meet up time, both of them stood their looking at their reflections. "Alright! Time to go!" Y/n cheered whilst Tsumugi couldn't get his face to cool down. "This isn't a date, this isn't a date... just a study session..." he repeated to himself. 

The dark haired boy was the first their, standing outside the entrance. While he waited, he got a few questions such as 'Could I take a picture with you?' Or 'Can I get you autograph?', you know, questions from fans. Though, he politely declined them, nit wanting to cause something big.

"Well would you look at that. Mr. Always Timid is being a big shot now, huh?" Tsumugi turned to the source of the voice, seeing y/n smiling wide. 

"N-n/n!?" He yelped, making the girl laugh. She led them inside, placing her bag and school work on one of the tables. The boy took a seat next to her, watching as she pulled out a few of the study papers. 

She pointed out the ones she found difficult, and Tsumugi explained the basics to her. As y/n worked, the boy found a fantasy novel to read, every now and then stealing glances toward his friend. He couldn't help but be mesmerized by her, considering they've know eachother for so long. Tsumugi always got easily flustered around people, girls especially, but y/n gave him the feeling of comfort when things like that happened. In return, he showed her kindness, and well, knowledge. 

When he noticed a stray peice of hair on y/n, he subconsciously reached out to tuck it behind her ear. Y/n stopped writing and turned toward the boy. Realizing what he just did, he back away and failed his hands around.

"A-ah, sorry.. I wasn't thinking!" He stuttered, looking away so y/n couldn't see his blushing face.

"Uhm... its okay... but, I have another question." Y/n muttered, stretching her arms across the table. Tsumugi hummed a response, looking down at his book instead. "Hows idol life treating you. We barely have time to hang out now, so I though we could catch up too.."

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