Kou-Chan --- Koga Oogami

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A bit of ooc for Koga, cause I can't capture the kind of tsundere vibe he gives off. But I still love him sm!

Key-- ES/N (Elementary School's name)

Warnings- None


The alarm clock rang and you hopped out of bed. Excited that today was the day you could see your favorite person in the entire world. Oogami Koga. You two have known each other since your days back in ES/N, though he never seemed fond of you.

You had been expected into the producer course in Yumenosaki Academy, where all kinds of idols and idol units reside, including Koga's unit, UNDEAD. 

"Hehe, I can't wait to see Kou-Chan again!" You sang happily. As you rushed out toward your new school, you wondered if Koga would even recognize you. After all the last time the two of you spent time together was on the last day of Junior high, your first year of course, because that's when you had to move abroad for a while. Then you thought of how cool the campus would be, considering you haven't been to a school in Japan for so long now.

When you reached the campus, you were even more amazed than before. Sure you had seen photos online and news reports on the TV, but seeing it in person? Y/N felt so small.

"Are you the new producer?" A kind female voice asked, you turned to see a brunette, a little Shorter/taller than you, with clear blue eyes like the sky. 

"Yup! L/N Y/N, nice to meet you!" You smiled, shaking the other girl's hand.

"Im Anzu, I've heard quite a bit about you, actually.." She sheepishly grinned. You raised an eyebrow, tilting your head to the side.

"You've heard about me?" 

Anzu nods and talked both of your hands, "Yes, in honesty, Oogami-Kun won't shut up about you." 

So he remembers me! Your face brightened with delight, and Anzu gave you a look.

"I assume you and Oogami-Kun know each other?"

"Mhm! We've known each other since Elementary school!" 

The brunette smiled and dragged you off towards the practice rooms. You both talked and got to know each other better, Y/N found out Anzu has a younger step-brother who enrolls at her old school. 

Anzu burst through a door, and you immediately had to plug your ears. The music was so loud that Anzu had to walk up to the two in the room, hitting them both in the head. When the music stopped, you unplugged your ears, only to hear a familiar, snappy voice.

"What the hell Anzu?" Koga snaps at the brunette, The other boy, very tall and had purple hair held Koga back from potentially attacking Anzu. Out of instinct, you ran towards the ashen-haired boy, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Kou-Chan!" You cheered. It took a few seconds for Koga to process what was going on, and who had just tackled him out of nowhere. 

"Get off of me, Y/N!" He growled. You looked up at him, your face getting all pouty. Koga sighed, knowing what was coming.

"But didn't you miss me?" You tried, your E/C orbs getting all teary. It was an act, of course, you were good at making people feel like absolute crap but guilt-tripping them.

Koga didn't reply, he just pushed you off and walked out of the room. Sending your mind into a panic, what did you do to make him upset? Does he hate you? 

"Koga is just like that." The purple-haired male said. Anzu laughed weakly, reassuringly patting my shoulder.


It was lunchtime, and you sought out to look for Koga again. As soon as the bell rang, you burst out the door, and into the classroom next door, 2-B.  You rushed to Koga's desk and slammed both your hand on it. 

"What?" The boy hissed, visibly annoyed that his lunch was going to be interrupted. 

"Do you hate me?" You blurted, shutting your eyes tight. When he kept quiet, you forced yourself to look at him. Koga's face was a mixture of confusion and shock.

"No, I-, tch, c'mon." He muttered, grabbing your wrist and aggressively dragging you into the hallway. Koga looked around, and so did you, confused about why he had to speak out here. "To damn crowded.." You heard him say before he pulled you out toward the stairwell. This place was empty, aside from the two of you.

"Kou-Chan, why'd we come out-" you were cut off by Koga slamming you against the wall. You winced at the pain in your shoulder. "Kou...chan?" You muttered.

"What the hell makes you think I hate you?" The ashen-haired boy demanded. The irritation in his voice made you surprised, though it shouldn't have. "Are you gonna answer or not?" He hissed.

"Well.. uh.. you seemed really annoyed earlier, so I thought you hated that I was back and I was really concerned. Mainly because I wanted to know what I did wrong and if I did anything wrong, and-"

"Okay, I get it shut up." Koga sighed. You stared at him unbelievingly, as much as you wanted to, this Koga seemed different from the one you knew before. "Stop looking at me like that! And why are you being so damn quiet? Say something would ya!" He snapped. 

"I- uh..." Barely any words came out of your mouth, and that's all that Koga needed to realize you were scared. He lowered his head and let out a long sigh, letting his head fall on your shoulder. It was so unusual and out of character of him that you thought it might be a trick. When he didn't move you began gently stroking his hair.

"Sorry, Kou-Chan..." You murmured. His eyes shot up to meet yours.

"Why the hell are you apologizing?!" 

"Cause I made you mad.." 

"No, you didn't you idiot!" He groaned, glaring at you. Then his eyes softened, just a little. Almost unnoticeable for your typical passerby, but noticeable by you. "If anything.. I should be apologizing.." Koga mumbled, you could see the faint traces of pink scattered across his face.

Subconsciously, you went back to stroking his hair, which made him flinch. After he realized what was happening, he relaxed and even pressed against your hand. Waah.. Kou-Chan is so adorable when he's not being so mean!

"Oh-ho-ho. What's going on here, Wan-Kun?" A voice sounded from above. You both looked up to find a blond upperclassman leaning against the railings. He had a small smirk on his face, looking from Koga to you and to your hands in his hair. 

The ashen-haired boy looked ready to blow, he quickly pulled away from your hands and rushed up to the upperclassmen.

"Listen here, you stupid playboy. You didn't see shit got that? If you say a word to the stupid Vampire, I'll bite your head off!" Koga threatened. The mental image was enough to pry the boy off Kaoru. 

"Fine, fine. But I'll remember you~, Wan-Kun's girlfriend!" The blond pointed at you and hummed. 

"Eh? I'm not his-" 

"Buh- Bye now, don't have too much fun now!" The blond teased, running off.

"Hah?! YOU STUPID PLAYBOY GET THE HELL BACK HERE!" Koga demanded, chasing Kaoru down the hallways. You stood dumbfounded about the events that had just happened. Koga, for once, showed his softer side to you (If he even really has one) and then he went back to normal when Kaoru came. 

"Geez, I still have a lot to learn about idols..." You let out a defeated sigh before running after the two boys as well, because, hey, school fights.


Honestly lost view of the concept. I originally planned for Kaoru to play a slightly bigger role, but I more or less trashed the idea. It wasn't exactly well put together as I though it would be...

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