🌸🩹 Mika Kagehira

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Overview– Mika gets sick from staying up late and practicing, so Y/n, the trusty 3rd Valkyrie member, takes care of him. Win, or loss? 


Mika POV

Ughnn... How'd this happen? I swear I was fine... then I had to go n get sick outta nowhere..?

I stay silent, mulling over why this happened now, while resting in bed. Teach told me its better to recover.... I guess... But the least I could do is practice even a little bit..

Shakily, I stand up and emptied a clearing across the floor. Standing in the middle and hoarsely humming 'Acanthe', while doing a fee of the moves. 

I fell a few times, but got up. Over and over.. and I began to feel dizzy... uwah.... Were those stars..?

The door opened just in time, I felt my legs add more weight to them for some reason and I fell...

[Hours later]

The smell of soup and a warm piece of cloth on my head awoke me. 


Something shifted beside me, and I looked over to find y/n... she's a first year... a year younger than me.... Teach saw potential in her..

She smiled, "Good.. your up... Itsuki told me to come and check up on you.."

I felt fuzzy, Teach.. wanted to make sure I was okay...? Why'd he have to send her though... Doesn't he know—

Y/n passed a bowl of soup closer to him. "Cmon.. eat... it'll get you better.."

Ugh.... This stuff ain't even what Teach makes... should I eat it..? Y/n held a spoon full of the soup, "Say 'ahhh'"

I stare, before begrudgingly opening. The spoon met my lips and she tilted it up to pour the liquid in. I refused to blush .

... I still wish it was Teach instead of Y/n...


He's been quiet.... I Mean.. I know Mika doesn't think of me to fondly... but...


He looked up at me, his heterochromatic eyes seemed tired... "What?" He hissed.

.... There so much I want to say... but..

"Nevermind... here.. eat some more.." I smile and feed another spoonful. He gives that same look, and eats.

Uuuggh... Itsuki why did you do this to me!?? He just had to go demand me to take care of a sick Mika when he knows damn well I like him! And the fact i know Mika only has eyes for Itsuki...

The spoon pauses above the bowl, I start spacing out and overthinking things. 

... No. No no.. stop! Your part of Valkyrie you have no use for meaningless emotions. As quoted by Shu. But even so.... 


I look up, he's staring at me... but.. I can't tell if its out of concern or a warning to get out of the house..

"Yer real spacey..."

"Im fine," I smile and say.

He gives me this adorable pout.... And I really really wish I could just say all these stupidly muddled emotions and feelings to him...

"Yer not. I know that look. Teach had it back a couple years 'fore you came."

I scoop another spoonful into his mouth, "Haha.. seriously Mika. Its pretty stupid anyways."

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