🍋Natsume Sakasaki

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Yukari ~ The fact that I actaully decided to do a lemon... ANYWAYS! I thought I'd write it about the dude who calls player 'Koneko-chan' or little kitten. 

Disclaimer- First time writing this kinda stuff.

Overview- Y/n is a TENSHOUIN, and Natsume still holds a grudge against Eichi. Therefore, he mildly hates y/n for ni apparent reason other then being related to the blond boy. Y/n on the other hand, wants to befriend Natsume cause she finds him interesting according to Eichi.


"Good morning, Sakasaki-kun~!" Y/n sang as she spotted the redhead. Natsume sighed, turning to face the younger Tenshouin.

"WhAT dO yoU NeEd nOw?" He groaned. How he loathed her and her brother so much. He wished he could somehow get her off of his back.

"Dont be like that!" The girl pouted, she poked at Natsume's shoulder. 

"Is tHis sUppOsed tO be IMporTant?" 

"Nah! I just wanted to hang out!"

Just that? Natusme scoffed, there has to be more to it then 'Just Hangout. There was always more to what the Tenshouin's say. He should be wary about what this girl does. 

He walked down the halls, headed for his secret room in the library. Y/n trailed behind him, talking on and on about crap he didn't even care about. Even when she stopped talking, her voice and her smiles were engraved into the boys mind at this point. He wanted to see something... different. 

Y/n hummed some of her brothers unit songs to herself while they decended into the secret library. She still followed Natsume down to his small room, looking around at all the things he placed.

"Don't tOuCh anyThiNg!" Natsume demanded.

Y/n frowned at the redhead. "What do you take me for Sakasaki-kun?" She sighed. Natsume groaned, whyd she have to be down here with him again? He could just send her off, she didn't have to be down here. Then again...

Natsume had a thought, "Tenshouin-chan." He called. Y/n hummed a response. "You knOw hOw yoURe always PesTerinG me abOUt geTtIng alONg  with YoUr brOthER?" 

"Yeah, what about it?"

The redhead made his way toward the girl, slowly lifting her head to meet his. "I can forgive him," the girls face lit up as she was about to say something. "HowEveR! YoU wiLl neED to pAy me.." he finished.

"How so? I mean, if it'll stop you hating me and nii-san's guts!" Y/n smiled. Natsume smirked, how innocent this girl was. 

"So yOU'll do wHaT I ask?" The girl nodded 

Within a second, Natsume pushed y/n back toward one of the desks that lined the walls. He placed both his hands on either side of the girl, trapping her. 

 "Sakasaki-kun?" Y/n tilted her head, looking slightly flustered. The boy leaned into her ear, while his hands began to fiddle with her clothes.

"No need for formalities now~." He spoke in a slow, sly voice that made y/n shiver. She felt her button up fall off he shoulders and stood their with just her skirt and undergarments.

"E-eh.. Natsume... I thought you uh.. hated me-" The girl let out a gasp as she felt the redheads fingers against her clit. 

"Oh I do.. this is merely payment, sweet little kitten." He cooed . Natsume slid off the girls panties, not bothering with the skirt. He looked up to face y/n's e/c eyes, expecting to see a feeling akin to regret to agreeing with him. Instead, Natsume was met by eager looking eye, as if y/n was wanting this. 

"I'll start with one." He whispered, y/n nodded and he inserted one of his fingers into her. Y/n let out a soft whimper, which kinda turned the magician on. Natsume continued with a second finger, doing a scissor motion with them. The girl moaned, how good it felt to her.

"Na- Natsume~." The redhead smiled at the reaction, her face was all scrunched up, he found pleasure in that. Maybe seeing y/n like this made him feel differently about her, the happy and proud looks she puts on at school are nothing now. Y/n looked so fragile, so pretty, so hot to the male.

He pulled his fingers out to unclip the girls bra, dropping it to the ground. Before Natsume continued, y/n stopped him with her lips meeting his. Surprised, Natsume stared wide eyed. He felt the girls own hands travel along him, reaching his button up shirt, dragging it off him. Natsume grabbed the girls hands, shoving them down and deepening their kiss. He slid his tongue into her mouth.

When they pulled apart, the redhead stared at the young Tenshouin. A smile if amusement on his face. "What wiLl EiChI think? Hmm?" He questioned,  looking down to where her chest was. 'Damn..' was all he thought.

"You.. won't tell.. right?" Y/n mumbled.

"DePenDs... will yOu let me do MoRE?" He asked.

The girls face flushed as she got the hint, but despite this she nodded. Y/n wanted more of Natsume. She wanted to know what he felt like, she wanted him to pleasure her to no end. As if reading her thoughts, the redhead let put a low laugh, as he stripped off the other articles of clothing, fully revealing him and all his glory.

"TrUst me... I wON't diSaPoINt you." He whispered sweetly. Natsume held her waist tightly, muttering words of resurgence and encouragement to the girl. Once she was ready, he gave her a long kiss as Natsume put 'it' in.

Y/n felt brief pain but moaned into the boys mouth. Natsume felt her tense up and then relax, taking it as a sign to move, he did so. Y/n held onto the boys shoulders, her legs quivering from the pleasure. 

"Ah~, f-faster!" She begged when they pulled away. Natsume eyed her as she gave him a pleading look. He couldn't say no. He began thrusting in faster, Y/n's whimpers became louder as she tried desperately to muffle them.

"No. I wANna hear you." The boy commanded, he went deeper ever time, and Y/n obeyed his orders. She kept making sounds, not attempting to quiet them down. Oh, how the sound made Natsume so close. He could feel it, he wanted y/n to first though.

He kept on picking up the pace, and he felt y/n's entire body tremble as he proceeded. Now their sounds of pleasure were near unison as Natsume got close to his release. Y/n too, she held back, though the longer the male kept this up, the sooner she'd have to.

"Natsume, I'm gonna... ugh~" as she was about to finish, she released it all, quickly followed by Natsume he smiled in his victory. The sensation of it all was so new to the both of them, and yet, it felt so good. 

"Thats a GoOd KitTEn~, mm. I liKe seeINg you LiKe this~." Natsume hummed. Y/n's head fell onto his shoulder, her legs beginning to fail her.

"I love you..." Y/n muttered. The redhead stood still, did he still loathe her? She seemed so precious, something he wanted to keep as his but.. she was a Tenshouin.

'Fuck it...' Natsume thought. "Aw. My liTLe KiTEn is so cute LiKe ThIs." He chuckled. Subtly he kissed the top of the girls head. "Now, LeTs gEt you to ClASs beFoRe YouR brOTher finDs out." He finished.

Y/n slowly put her clothes back on and was escorted to class, walking a bit off.


Yukari ~ This is my first one, again. So I apologize if it wasn't very good.

Words : 1224

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