🌸Ritsu Sakuma

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Y/n is an insomniac, meaning she has trouble sleeping, causing her to doze off at times. Then, there's Ritsu who loves sleeping in general. Y/n finds a good nap place in the shaded area of the school roof, which just so happens to be Ritsu's favorite place.

Yukari ~ I took inspiration from a romance anime called Insomniacs After School


"And here, the basic formula is simple. All you really do is-" The monotone voice stopped, a voice that belonged to a certain green haird vice-pres.

Y/n sat up quickly, looking toward the older boy. "Ehh? Sorry, Hasumi-Senpai... could you repeat that?" Y/n muttered, messing with her fingers. 

Keito sighed, pushing up his glasses, "Look, if all your going to do is nod off to sleep. Get this done on your own time. There is no reason to be sleeping when others are trying to help." Your upperclassmen pointed out. He stood up from his seat and walked out of the library.

The h/c haired girl sat there, looking down into her lap. 'Stupid sleep disorder... just go away would ya!?' Y/n mentally scolded herself. She couldn't help it, her insomnia wouldn't give her any breaks. 

She stretched out her limbs and gathered her things off the table. "Maybe I should just find a place to nap for now... some rest will do me good!" Y/n yawned. 

High and low, she searched for a comfortable, out-of-the-way place to sleep. Finally making it through the 3rd floor, she decided to find a place on the rooftop. No one really comes up there anyways. 

When the light shined into her eyes, she frowned. "UUUUGH! HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO SLEEP WITH ALL THIS SUN!!" Y/n yelled at the top of her lungs. She squinted her eyes, looking around the roof and her gaze landed on a shaded area right behind another entrance. 

Y/n hummed a happy tune as she made her way to the corner, proving her bag up to use it as a pillow. The girl adjusted herself into a comfortable position before letting out a quiet sigh.

"Ahhh, sleep. Finally coming at last..." she muttered to herself. Her eyes slowly shut and her dream world was upon her.


In the midst of a lovely food dream Y/n was having, came a soothing voice calling out her name. Barely awake, she muttered aloud.

"Guardia angel??? Is... that you.."

She heard a faint snort and her eyes fluttered open to see a familiar raven haired classmate. Y/n sat up, her face dusted red at the words she had just called him.

"S-sakuma-kun! I'm sorry! I didn't know it was you..." She stammered, waving her hands around. 

The boy looked at her with his ruby eyes, "Hehe... its alright... what're you doin' up here anyways?" Ritsu questioned, without warning her curled up on the ground, using the girls lap as a pillow. 

Y/n stared down at her friend, his face so relaxed. "I was just trying to find a place to sleep..."

"You? I thought you were always so... *yawn* awake." The vampire murmured, nuzzling his face into y/n's stomach.

"Yes me! I have insomnia ill have you know. And quit that! It tickles.." y/n sighed, she began to run her fingers through Ritsu's hair. Stopping, the boy leaned into you touch, a small smile forming on his face. 

Ritsu's eyes suddenly flew wide open, siprsing y/n. "Y'know.. its pretty dark out..." he stated pointing up to the sky.

The two looked up to the sky, filled with thousands of stars. Y/n's eyes shined, they were all so beautiful. The many constellations that decorated the night sky, Ritsu stared at the girl's reactions, he loved when she would smile like that. He'd only seen it a few times, but he always thought it was the most precious thing to ever exist in this world.

"Look at all of the stars! Arnt the beautiful Sakuma-kun?" Y/n looked back down to the boy, both her hands on his head.

"Mmm... yeah... and just call me Ritsu..." The raventte hummed. He sat up and looked into the sky with Y/n.

She pointed two a few clustered of stars that formed a line and curved at the end. "That ones horologium! Its suppose to be a pendulum clock constellation!" Y/n cheered. Ritsu happily listened as she pointed to others, naming them. She pointed out the known ones like Leo major and minor, Scorpio and Orion. She pointed out others not so known to Ritsu like apus and velpecula.

After the talk was over, Ritsu turned to the girl. She was still enamored by the sky though her eyes were so drowsy and ready to fall. The raven haired boy smirked, he had an idea on how to wake her up a little.

"Hey... n/n-chan~." He called. At the call of her name, she turned, met only by  someone pushing her to the floor. 

"Saku-... Ritsu?! Wha-what are you..." y/n rambled, losing track of her words. The girls face was as red as a tomato, as the boy onto of her smiled.

He leaned closer to Y/n's face, and she felt his breath next to her ear. "N/n-chaaan. Could ya promise something for me?" He whispered. His voice was hypnotizing, what ever he said you were bound to say yes to now. You felt his lips touch you neck and shivered. Ritsu began to trail kisses down you neck, reaching you collarbone. Before anything else, he brought his eyes up to meet yours once more.

"Promise me... that you'll be mine... and i'll give ya all my attention.." Ritsu muttered. He leaned down to kiss you. Eyes wide at the sensation and what he had said. As the shock died down, y/n kissed back, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. You felt the boy smile through it, as he deepened the kiss. You felt him slip his tongue in, you let him do it too. You lay their, still, with you hands in the boys hair. Thet wo of you pulled apart, out of breathe. Ritsu didn't even let the girl speak before he moved back down to her collarbone, sinking his sharp teeth into her skin.

Y/n let out a faint gasp, close to a moan as the boy sucked the wound that he made."Ritsu..  quit it...: she muttered, leaning her head away.

Ritsu stopped and rested his head on y/n's shoulder. "I know... its not right to do that kinda stuff here.." he yawned, wrapping his arms around your waist. Ritsu leaned his head closer to yours, "But I gotta let people know to lay off of you... especially that stupid anija.."he muttered.

Y/n pat his head, "Dont worry. I'll keep you promise anyways." She reassured. Ritsu smiled, placing a quick kiss on the girls cheek.

"We could keep doing this some other time though... right n/n-chan?" Ritsu smirked. The girl rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Depends. Maybe~."


Yukari ~ I finally did one for my lovely baby!! I figured thatvifbI had done his little boyfriend (Mao) I gotta do a Ritsu one. This was also a sorta test for a future oneshot story that is currently a secret! 🤫 I'm fairly sure yall cam figure it out tho...

Words : 1183

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