🌸Kanata Shinkai

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A Potato's Words of Knowledge~
Thalassophile - Person or people who love the ocean

Type: Fluff

Overview - Anzu had set up an away trip live for Ryuseitai, but turns out she couldn't come due to other units. In her place is Y/n, who is thrilled to hear the venue is held near the sea.


Yumenosaki Academy. A place for the dreamers and talented. Though, when it came to the conjoined idol and producer courses, you could say it's more... Unique. One of the oddest being two siblings. Izumi and Y/n Sena to be precise. 

They were so similar and yet, so different in unexplainable ways. One of the most understandable is that Y/n doesn't stalk people. 

Maybe that was a little farfetched because y/n peaked around the corner, waiting for a certain blue-haired friend of hers. Other students looked at her weirdly, some muttered, Y/n wasn't bothered though. If she wanted to she could beat up everyone in the halls, but that would get her expelled and she didn't want that. 

"Y/n!" The familiar, gruff voice snapped. Y/n sighed and faced her brother, an irk mark on his face. "What?" She muttered, casting a few glances over her shoulder. 

Her brother crossed his arms and stared the younger down. Y/n was hardly fazed, Izumi's antics were nothing but a spec of dust when it came to how bothersome they were. "Don't 'What?' me! Shouldn't you be with Anzu? What're you doing peaking around corners like a creep?" He demanded.

"Like your any different, what if I tell Yuuki about all the pho-" Izumi covered the girl's mouth and dragged her towards the producers' makeshift office.

Before the older opened the door he gripped on his sister's wrist, "You're NOT going to tell ANYONE about that! Okay?" He hissed. Y/n shrugged and agreed, leaving her brother for Anzu.

"Morning Anzu~!" Y/n sang as she walked up to the brunette. She looked up from her desk and gave the younger Sena a smile. 

"Good morning, Y/n." The smile she wore faltered a little and she glanced down at the papers she had. Y/n took some of the papers and began signing things off, accepting and declining as well. 

"Ah! Y/n.... You're, not the one that suppose to do the paperwork.. We agreed!" Anzu reminded. The girl sighed, holding her pen up in the air.

"C'mon Anzu. You overworking yourself. I'm doing my part as a producer, trying to help. Whether it be idols or my fellow colleagues." She pointed out. The brunette let out a small laugh, thanking the girl before going back to her own work. 

A few minutes go by and Anzu looks up again, "Hey, can I ask a favor?"

"Of course! What do you need?"  

Anzu glanced outside for a second, "Well... Originally, I had planned on going. But due to the other units, I cannot travel with Ryuseitai to their live venue in Kagoshima... I was wondering if you could go instead." She explained. 

"Sure thing! I'd love to go! After all, I hear Kagoshima has really pretty ocean views and good food!" Y/n smiled. She was in awe at the thought of all the yummy foods. 

The brunette let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you so much.."


"Alright! Kagoshima, get ready for Ryuseitai!" Y/n and Chiaki cheered in front of the train station. The girl looked at the five, everyone is accounted for, she glanced down at their baggage, some its a five-hour train ride there, and five hours back it would be better to stay the night. 

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