🌸Itsuki Shu Part One

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Note: This is Old valkyrie, for those who don't know, back when Shu was a second year and Mika a first year, Nazuna was part of Valkyrie. Also Shu is a bit of an asshole back then.

Overview: Y/n has been assigned the difficult task of being Valkyrie's producer, meeting Shu, mika and Nazuna. She hit it off with the two boys, but Shu had shown her nothing but rudeness. Would this ever change?

Requested by:@TheMemoriesWeCreated


The music blasted loudly as I watched the three of them practice dancing around with such perfection that it was kinda scary.

I watched as Mika and Shu sang and watched Nazuna's solo part. This was one of the reasons I loved being Valkyrie's producer, there professionalism. 

"There. What do you think of that?" Shu asked when the music stopped. He never really did like the idea of having a producer, since Shu liked doing everything himself. 

I smiled, "I think it was amazing. You all did really well!" I stated, giving Nazuna and Mika head pats. 

"Good. Now you may go. We don't need your help." He hissed, waving his hands at me. I laughed walking over to him.

"Nope! I'm staying, whether Eichi wants me to or not!" I grinned. Shu pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed.

I turned to the other two, holding up bags of treats from who knows where. Mika's eyes shined and so did Nazuna's. They were both reaching for some when Shu slapped both their hands away.

"Non! You shall NOT it such things before our live." He scolded. I felt bad.. Mika looked so bummed about it. While Shu left to grab a few things I handed him one of those weird candies he likes. He thanks me and eats it gratefully. Nazuna turned it down by shaking his head, his voice isn't the same as it used to be.. but why'd that stop him from speaking? I always wondered that..

Shu walked back inside carrying all sorts of fabrics in his arms, when i tried to help him back taking some, he turned away, smacking an end of the plastic into my forehead. 

"Ah!" Both Mika and Nazuna yelped, rushing over to me. 

"Ya alright, Y/N-chan?" Mika asked. I nodded, slightly rubbing the spot on my head. Shu hadn't even glanced down when he did that. He just walked to the table and placed everything down. What is wrong with this guy?!

Nazuna whipped around to face Shu, his face slightly upset. 

The pink haired boy let out a sigh, "Its not my fault she got in the way." He hissed. The two were about to protest, but I put my hands on their shoulders.

"Its fine, really. I've been your producer for a while! I gotta learn how to get used to it!" I smiled. Mika and Nazuna look unsure but nodded, joining Shu at the table.

That wasn't the only time Shu has done something rude to me, nor would it ever be the last. It got so tiring putting up with it, even when I got used to it. I've never done anything wrong have I? It wouldn't hurt to ask right...

My homeroom I have with Shu, I could ask him then. But...

"Y/N-chan?" A first year student, Arashi, called out. Arashi was a friend of Mika's so I knew I could trust her. 

I looked up, her face was one of concern. "Are you alright? You've been spacing out for awhile now.." she questioned.

"Juuust thinking!" I laughed. She nodded, watching as I hopped up the stairs to the second year hallway. 

As expected, there was a lot of ruckus going on in the class of 2-A. Chiaki was yelling something about purging evil, and I could hear Kaoru complaining extremely loudly. 

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