🌸 Niki Shiina

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A small gift for @Sawasdeekubbb

Summary - Y/n and Niki have a past going back to grade school, though due to Niki never attending high school the two eventually forgot eachother. When Y/n gets a job under the famous Yumenosaki producer Anzu, she finds a familiar gray-head.


"Y/n! Y/n! Come here! I got something to show you!" A young boy with dark grey hair called out. His friend, Y/n L/n looked back to find the boy rushing towards her with something in his hands.

She cooked her head to the side, peering at the tray filled with all sorts of treats. "Whats all this Shiina-kun?" Y/n lifted her head to meet Niki's blue eyes.

"Their treats for us! I made them myself y'know!" Niki gloated, he showed the tray into the girl's face, urging her to take one. Y/n noticed that her friend had made f/t (favorite treat), and in a snap she took it. The treat seemed to display within a few seconds, making the gray haired boy laughed. 


"You ate that really fast!"

"I like your cooking and baking okay?" Y/n said sternly, though it was ment in a playful way. Niki nodded in reply, leading the two to a nearby bench. Y/n was suprsied that Niki had made all this just for the two of them, what sort of occasion was going on?

"Niki... are you dying???" Y/n asked in a monotone voice. She turned to the boy who raised an eyebrow at her.

"What? No! What makes you think that?"

She pointed to the tray that sat between them, "Is that really all for us?"

Niki smiled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. It was a little hard to see against the setting sun, but the unmistakable look of blush appeared on his face.

"I mean yeah... we're graduating Junior High now! Isn't that something worth celebrating with my food?" Niki asked. He had no intention of telling the girl that he was no longer going to be at school, for he did not wish to break Y/n's heart.

"True... oh well. Its always a joy to eat what you make!" Y/n cheered, taking a cookie. He had to admit, suddenly dropping out of school seemed to be his only choice, though, not being able to see Y/n, the person he hold closest, hurts. 

"You still friends with Rinne?" Y/n asked, a look of concern growing on her face. Niki let out a sigh, he knew exactly what she was gonna say.

"Y/n... You need to trust me with Rinne, okay?" He tried. The girl's brows furrowed slightly

"Alright... but at least be careful.. He's older, I'd hate for you to get dragged into something you not suppose too.." Y/n muttered. Niki gave the girl a reassuring smile, and pat her head. 

"Dont worry. Now I think we should head home, its getting late."

"Okay, thanks Niki! Oh, and happy Junior Grad!"

----------------- (Present day) --

Y/n walked up to the gates, this place was like a whole other world. Dorms, all kinds of facilities, shops, the square looked like it had everything! And now, y/n got to work here? It was like a dream come true. Ever since she saw Trickstars proformance last year, she couldn't help but think about working for idols.

It wouldn't be to farfetched to say the girl admired Anzu. Though the brunntlette was shy, she persevered and helped so many units before.

"Are you L/n?" A soft voice came from behind her. Y/n turned to be faced by her muse, Anzu herself. 

"Mhm! I am! And your Anzu!" The brunette looked shocked to here her name come from y/n's mouth.

"Well... from this day forward, you'll be my assistant, correct?"

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