'You'--- Makoto Yuuki

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Yukari~ WAAAH look at my child! I love him sm!!


Y/N L/N, Sena Izumi, and Makoto Yuuki. Considered the best models for the longest time. That was, at least how it used to be. First, Y/N. Disappeared from modeling mysteriously, no trace. Then Makoto. Who claimed that modeling weighed him down. Therefore he left. Izumi (being him) ditested the idea that Makoto quit. Even when he had enrolled at Yumenosaki Academy, the gray haired boy still bothered him.

"Yuu-kun... your as pretty as a doll, you belong in modeling. With me." Izumi would say, everyday, every chance he got. Makoto got annoyed with it, he was happy as is. With Trickstars, having producers like Anzu. He wouldn't want to go back to modeling.

Today, was like any other, exepct.. not. 

"Yuu-kun!" The demanding voice called out. The blonde let out a tired sigh as he faced his friend. "Look, you won't litsen but-"

"Izumi-san... I'm not really in the mood..." Makoto muttered. 

"Eeh? Whats goin' on, Sena-Kun? You bein a big Tsundere agai-" The new voice stopped, it belonged to a girl with pretty h/c hair and beautiful e/c eyes that were unmistakably Y/n's. Makoto felt his heart squeeze in his chest, as his face lit up with joy.

"Y-y/n-chan?!" He gasped. Looking the girl up and down.

Izumi frowned, crossing his arms. "Yeah, its her. I was gonna bring the new but looks like she found you... sooo annoying..." he whispered the last part to himself. 

"Hi Toki-kun!" The girl smiled. Oh how he missed hearing your voice say his nickname. Toki being a mix if MakoTO and YuuKI. 

"Wait... what are you doing here?" The blonde questioned, taking a step closer to you. Y/n smiled up at Makoto, "I'm a producer her know! Sena-kun told me to do so!" she pointed to the spot where the ash haired boy should've been but wasn't.

The rest of the morning was spent with the two simply catching up with eachother. After all, Makoto wanted to know the things going on in his loves life after she left. Of course, they weren't dating, but Makoto would be a fool not to fall for her charms.

You were the same, since you often worked along side Makoto and Izumi, you were close with them. But between the two, the blonde infront of youbhad stolen your heart. Somethimgvyou never thought could happen.

By the time the afternoon had dawned, the two were still catching up, just enjoying youth. Makoto even asked to get out of club to continue talking to the girl. Which Natsumi found weird. Since Makoto wasn't one to talk to others often, specifically girls. He was a timid boy.

They walked in the garden terrace of the campus, "So... Sena-Kun tells me you quit too?" She asked. Makoto froze. How would he explain to her what he felt when he quit? All he did was simply nod. Y/n looked at him with sympathetic eyes, leading him to one of the couches. 

Both sat down, as Makoto looked down at the floor, puzzled. Y/n kept glancing at him in concern. Had she mentioned something he didn't want to hear?

"I'm sorry for-" "So the story is-" the two spoke at the same time, staring at eachother after the cut themselves off. 

"You go first!" They both said. You frowned, "Toki-kun, I'm serious you go first." She said sternly. Makoto shivered at her tone, but shook his head. Playing with his fingers as he spoke.

"So... I quit cause it was-"

"Becoming to much?" 

Makoto nodded, a slight blush painted upon his face. Y/n gave a weak laugh, looking down to the floor.

"I know how that feels... its why I quit afterall."

"That feeling to be flawless looking..."

"And fans?" 

Y/n and Makoto looked at each other, their eyes meeting directly for once in such a long time. Oh how pretty Makoto's eyes were to Y/n. They were like emeralds, or a warm spring green. Something that she could get lost in, not to mentioned the blondes other striking features. Makoto stared deeply into your e/c eyes, which were as clear as a forest river to him, everything reflecting itself. 

When the two realized they were quiet close together, they both blushed and back away. It was akward silence then, no words spoken. Yuuki was the first to break it.

"Y/n-chan... could I ask you a question?" He muttered, Makoto rubbed the back of his neck, looking at the h/c girl. You hummed a response. "Do you.... think I look better with or without glasses?" He asked, sliding his glasses off, placing them in his lap. Makoto looked at you once again, his model face bringing back memories.

You looked dumbfounded, a look that quickly turned into a smile. "Well... which one is more 'you'?" Was your response.

"More... 'me'?. ..... With my glasses I guess?"

"Then," Y/n paused as she took the glasses from the boys lap and slid them onto his face. "I like that look better. You look cute anyways." You smirked. It took a few seconds for Makoto to realize what you had just said. 

"Y/n! I really like you!" Makoto blurted in the momment. Y/n deadpanned, deep crimson red scattering across your face. 

"E-eh?! To- Makoto-kun! Where's this coming from?! You've gotta be joking right?" Was y/n going deaf, was she asleep? This had to be a dream. 

Makoto took you hand in his, leaning towards you a little, " Y/n, I'm being 100% serious! I'm in love with you!" He repeated, though more clearly. 

"W-why me though... why not Anzu-chan?"

"Cause your someone who actaully know 'me'. Not some obsessed fangirl or an Izumi case. Y/n... even when we were in the modeling industry.. I.... you helped me... lots! About how I should act, to keep my normal self in check. Hell, even just the snack recommendations helped! Your someone who i can count on, and I know you won't be weird about things like Izumi... plus... you're.. really pretty.." Makoto ranted. Spilling every thing he loved about you, from the smallest things, like when you smile at him, to big things like the gifts you'd give eachother in the past.

"L/n Y/n... please be my girlfriend!" He finished the speech with such a straightforward question that it made you laugh.

"Heheh... You really are adorable Toki-kun!" You giggled. Makoto tensed up, he blutered it all out, without preparing for rejection. He was about to say something but was interrupted by a pair of soft lips meeting his. 

His eyes widened, you had kissed him. HIM. Makoto let go of you hands, cupping both your cheeks, kissing you back. Your own hand wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to you. Lack of breathe made the two of you break apart, and you both placed you forheads together. 

"I'll take you up on that offer. I'll be your girlfriend, Makoto Yuuki." Y/n smiled, your hands still around his neck, your fingers entangled in the blondes messy hair.

Makoto had no words, just happiness. He placed a kiss on you cheek before pulling you into a hug. "Thank you... im.. so happy!" He laughed, almost on the verge of tears.

"Hehe. Don't worry Toki! I'll love the way you are, no matter what! Okay?" Y/n asked, tilting her head so it leaned against Makoto's. (Which rested in your shoulder.)

Your reply was a human from the boy and silence. A happy, joy filled silence.


Yukari- Im back to updating!


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