🌸Tsukasa Suou

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Request by:@Rendang_Itu_Enak

Overview- When childhood friends meet again after years of separation, will they remember a thing?


"Suou-chan! Suou-chan guess what!" A small h/c haired girl yelled running up to her best and childhood friend.

The red haired boy, Suou Tsukasa, looked up to the girl, l/n y/n, before glancing back down at something.

"What?" He tilted his head, still keeping an eye on whatever he was looking for.

"I gotta gift for you! Mom let me get it!" Y/n smiled wide, handing Tsukasa a small box. 

He took it gratefully. You see, if there was one difference between the two of you was your status and money. Tsukasa would be considered a noble, and really rich, but you on the other hand? You lived in a decent home, but money has always been a struggle for your family.

Although, you were both too young to know that. Tsukasa opened the top of the box and revealed some limited edition cards for a game he loves. 

He looked up to y/n, "Waaah! These are expensive! How'd you guys get em?" He asked, tilting his head , admiring the cards still sealed.

Y/n shrugged, "Mom just handed them to me and said to ive it to you before it's too late? I think.." she replied. Leaning closer to observe the cards. She pointed at a few of them and smiled, explaining the things Tsukasa had told her about them.

Tsukasa smiled at the fact she had remembered it all, although one thing stuck in his head. 'Before it was too late'. What would that mean? 

"Hey! Hey! Suou-chan, when were older, you think we'll still be friends?" Y/n tilted her head.

"I don't see why not..?" Tsukasa laughed. However, within a week, Y/n would be gone, and out of Tsukasa's reach. They would no longer be able to see each other, or talk for years...

[Timeskip 10 years later]


Here i am!!! Standing outside of the Knights venue! Ooooh I'm so excited! It took Months to get the tickets but I finally got them! My even came with a meet and greet with the members!

There was only one member i really wanted to do a meet and greet with, and that was none other then Tsukasa Suou himself! I've been a fan for a while, and don't get me wrong, everyone else in the unit is good, but there's something about Tsukasa.. I dont know what it is... 

–There were so many people... I cod barely breathe considering how many people were packed into the place. Im glad people in the first few rows had more spacing, otherwise I'm sure I would've passed out.. 

In the midst of the loud chatter, the lights on stage came on and the unmistakable voice of Leo, the composer and former leader of Knights, was heard.


Even when the show ended, I could feel the energy I still had. It was amazing! 

Though.. now I had been standing in line for the meet and greet for.. everyone really. Though Izumi and Arashi had the longest lines. 

Since Tsukasa was still fairly new to the unit, he didn't have to many people (but still a lot). Oh lord... please just have the staff call my turn already!!


I jumped, my eyes shining as I walked to Tsukasa's section of the table.

There was something about his reaction i couldn't really place me finger on.. happiness? I dunno. I probably shouldn't think to much of it..

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