🌸Mika Kagehira

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Overview - Y/n's has to sew her younger brother's stuffed toy because he had played with it to much, she meets Mika in the Handicraft club room, both growing closer to each other.


"Neee-Chaaan!" B/n whined.

"What?! What happened?"

"Mr Beary got torn!!" 

"There there, it's okay, your Nee-chan will get it fixed!"


"Alright! I'm sure Itsuki-Senpai won't mind.." Y/n muttered nervously, standing outside the door to the handicraft room. She promised her younger brother to get Mr. Beary fixed.

The pieces that had made up Mr. Beary were wrapped up in a bag which she clutched tightly. Y/n lightly knocked on the door. 

It flew open, and Y/n was met by two mismatched eyes. "Hello, Mika-kun!" The girl smiled.

"Ah, Y/n-chan! How're ya?" Mika grinned, welcoming the girl inside. She took her seat and grabbed her sewing kit from her bag. 

"I'm fine. What about you? You're taking better care of yourself right?" Y/n replied, eyeing the boy as he sat across from her.

The boy nodded, "Yup! I'm doin' fine. Ya don' havta worry 'bout me!" He reassured. Mika watched as Y/n got to work sewing up the fuzzy blue bear. "I didn' know ya had a teddy bear.. It's cute." 

"Ah! It's not mine, it's my younger brothers. I promised I'd patch it up for him!" Y/n smiled. She looked up to see Mika, his face focused on the way you had stitched the arms back to the body. "Did I do something wrong?!"

"Nah.. Not that I see.." Mika muttered, he threw his arms across the table, continuing to inspect you(r handiwork.) 

You shrugged and went back to sewing, glad that it was a free day for you. A break from unit practices and paperwork. At some point, you began humming some Valkyrie songs out loud to yourself, forgetting Mika sat in the room.

His face lit up at the sound of your voice humming his units songs. The boy began singing along to the parts you sounded. 

Hearing his voice made you remember he was still in the room, you looked up to see him smiling, singing the songs, and guiding himself with his hands. When Mika realized you stopped humming, he faced you, turning a beet red.

"A-ah! Ah'm sorry! I-"

"It's fine Mika. Your voice is pretty!" Y/n laughed, making Mika turn an even deeper shade of red. 

"Y'know, yer voice is pretty too!" Mika stated, looking away from you. The girl tilted her head to the side,

"You really think so, huh?" She muttered, lowering her head a little. Y/n never got compliments about the way she sang.

The boy nodded, "Mhm! I think yer really good at singin'!" 

Y/n let out a snort of disbelief and went back to sewing. Mika's shoulders lowered, he had just complimented you, though you barely had a reaction. 

To pass the time quicker, he too found something to sew. He thought he'd give a gift to Y/n's younger brother. Some accessories for the bear. 

For a long while, the only sound in the room was the faint tick and tock of the clock. Mika had finished up a small little bowtie with a buttoned collar. Y/n had finished up the last thread that connected the head. 

Before she began packing, she noticed the small article of clothing the boy had made, Fascinated, she stared. Mika hadn't noticed, nor had he planned to. That was until Y/n noticed he pricked his finger. The boy didn't flinch, he just kept sewing, sometimes continuing to prick the same spot. Y/n reached out for Mika's hand, seeing the drop of ruby-red blood.

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