🩹🌸 Itsuki Shu Part Two

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"Alrighty, are you all ready for your next performance?" I asked, staring around at the three. They all nodded.

I was happy Shu let me be a producer again, whether he apologized or not, I knew he would never aloud.

That's not the only reason, he hasn't been rude to me anymore. Aside from his normal strictness, but Mika always complains he's less harsh on me. I don't see it but whatever.

As they all walked on stage, I observed from the sides. They practice everyday, for so long... Shu's always telling me that their hard work always pays off, I guess the saying is true because they absolutely NAILED the performance!

I tried focusing on all three, but lately, even during practice, I find my gaze always wandering back toward Shu.. 

To be honest, I would be lying if I said I didn't like him, despite how crappy he treated me before, he's become nicer. Plus, he's pretty admirable once you get to know him. 

The crowds cheered as Valkyrie walked backstage. I gave Mika and Nazuna high-fives, and simply smiled at Shu, since high-fives weren't his thing.

"Well. How'd we do?" He asked, though, unlike the first times he's said it, it was gentle and genuine curiosity. 

"Like always, wonderful, Itsuki!" I grinned. Even with the dim lights backstage, I couldn't mistake the pink tint that appeared on Shu's face. 

"Y/N-chan, didn't ya say yew'd treat us to food after?" Mika called. I looked back and nodded, looking at the two expectant Valkyrie members.

I placed a hand on Shu's back and pushed him toward the dressing rooms. "Best get changed, don't wanna keep them waiting." I laughed. 

"Right..." Shu muttered before shutting the door behind him, and I left to find the others.

—Shu POV—

That smile... such a wonderful view... I want to see Y/N smile more like that, with such genuine joy, and cheerfulness. Wait.. no. No no no.. I can't be thinking of this..

I held up Mademoiselle who sat on the coffee table in the middle of the room. I stared at her for a long while, thinking.

"I am Itsuki Shu! I cannot spare time for things such as 'love'.." the mere word sent shivers down my spine.

"But can you really deny your heart, Shu?" Mademoiselle asked. I squinted.

"Yes! Not only am I, well, me. But I am also an idol, therefore it is unacceptable for me to ever love anyone, especially if that someone.. is my producer.." I muttered the last part. 

"Is that so? Then what will you do about that?" She asked, the same smile on the same face.

What will I do about it? I'm not sure... if I continue being so kind, I'm sure that would get me nowhere and I'd only end up falling for her more..

My thoughts continued on into dinner, and while Y/N, Kagehira, and Nito were conversing, I sat quietly with Mademoiselle in my lap.

"Teach, are ya okay?" Kagehira asked. 

"Yes, I am fine." I replied nonchalantly. They didn't seem convinced. 

"Itsuki, maybe you're not feeling well? You should go rest or something.." Y/N said, reaching over to touch my shoulder.

"I said I'm FINE." I snapped, smacking her hand away. "Now if you don't mind, me and Kagehira will take our leave." I got up and left, leaving the others.

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