Kanata Shinkai

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Type: Fluff


Currently, there are two producers in Yumenosaki Academy, Anzu, and me. Y/N. Me and Anzu bond well because of our love of work and idols, and I thought being a producer means that clubs are optional. But NoOoooo. Stupid Eichi says that I have to get into a club or else I leave. I mean, could he be any more demanding? Even after his units defeat... he's persistent as ever. 

"Y/n-chan... Are you.. Okay?" Anzu muttered, walking over to me with two bottles of water. 

"Yeah... I'm just not sure which club to join... None of them are really interesting to me.." I groaned, slouching in my chair. Anzu sat in the desk across from me, smiling as she wrote up proposals. 

"You like marine life, right?" She asked, I nodded my reply. "Then join the Marine Bio Club. I hear their in need of some members." 

"Eeh? But isn't Hakaze-senpai in that club..." I shivered. The mere thought of having to see that flirt every day irked me. 

"Yeah, but Shinkai-Senpai and Kanzaki-kun are there." She pointed out. I thought a little, sure Kaoru was in that club, but Kanzaki-kun would be there to help me. Plus, Shinkai.... "You're blushing again," Anzu stated bluntly. 

"Hmm? Am I?" Anzu gave me a look that said 'Don't play dumb with me'. "Alright, alright. So I am. Whats up with that?"

"Your crush on Kanata."

".... So?"

"N/N-Chan, you've gotta confess to him eventually!" Anzu sighed. 

"I can't Anzu-chan, you know this."

"Hmmm? Can't what~?" The voice made both me and Anzu stop. I looked behind me to see the said blue haired senior. 

"Y/N can't confess to her damn crush. When she SHOULD before it's too late." Anzu explained. I shot her dirty looks. How could she just say that aloud?! In front of Kanata non the less.

The bluette looked down at me, his green eyes pretty and curious. "N/N-Chan~, you like someone? Puka.." Maybe I was imagining it, but he seemed... hurt.

"I mean I guess... I know he probably won't like me anyways. Oh! Kanata-kun, would it be okay if I join the Marine bio club? Tenshouin has been on my case about it for so long..." I decided to change the subject, since it was making me feel awkward.

Kanata smiled and nodded, happy to hear my words. "Sure! Puka~." He grinned. I smiled back and gazed at my work. I expected that to be the end of the conversation, for the senior to leave. But he didn't. "N/N-chan~. clubs already started y'know~." Kanata cooed. 

I looked up at him, "Really? Anzu-chan, why're you still-" I turned to Anzu only to find the desk empty. 

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