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Ali'yah's POV

My brother looks to me and his kids. "My son Ao'nung, my daughter Tsireya, will show your children what to do." Ao'nung tries to protest but my brother holds up his hand.

"It is decided." He says, Ao'nung falls silent. "My sister will help me show you, your sister Arya what to do." I nod.

"Come. I will show you our village." Tsireya says, pulling me along. I follow my dear niece to show the family the village. We grab stuff on the way for their new home. We help them put their stuff together.

Jake's POV

I notice that Ali'yah keeps looking at me. I pretend I don't notice, but it's so hard not to notice when she keeps smiling brightly and looking away everytime I look at her. I like playing eye tag with her. She's beautiful and for the first time since Neytiri that I feel happy with a woman. I want to be with her and get to know her.

Ali'yah's POV

After we help them with their Marui, we start walking to my Marui. "I notice you and that forest man were looking at each other. I hope he is you mate."

"I hope you found your mate." I repeat her words. she looks at me. "I seen you smiling at the forest boy as he stares at you." I say, she nods as she walks back to her Marui. I hear someone coming in my Marui. I look up and see the little forest Na'vi.

"Hi." I say and she smiles brightly. She is adorable.

"Hi." She says. "I'm Tuktirey, but you can call me Tuk."

"I'm Ali'yah, but you can call me Ali."

"Ali. I like it." She says. I smile gently.

"Come in, little one. I am making food. Do you want some?" She nods as she watches me test my food. I give a bowl of food to her.

"You're very beautiful."

"Thank you little one. You are beautiful." I return her compliment.

We finish our food and Tuk falls asleep on my lap. I play with her hair, when I hear Jakes voice. "Tuk!" I look up to see Jake looking paniked in front of my Marui.

"In here." I say in a hushed voice. He turns to me and see her. He rushes in.

"I'm sorry. She knows..."

"It is okay. She is a good girl. She ate my food and fell asleep just now." I explain as I look at her, playing with her hair.

"She must really like you." I look at him. "She doesn't relax like this for just anyone. Regardless if she's fed or not. You're a natural with children."

"Thank you." We look each other in the eyes. The way he looks at me is like he is looking into me. Like he sees me for who I am." He goes and grabs her touching my hand gently while still looking in my eyes. The touch sends electricity through my whole body even my sacred place. He puts her on the ground between us. I look down, my cheeks heat up. He lifts my chin so I can look at him.

"You're beautiful." I try to look down, but his finger is still under my chin. "Very beautiful."

"Thank you." I say in an almost whisper.

"Do you have a mate?" The heat gets hotter. I shake my head. "Good, I would like to get to know you."

"I would like that as well." I whisper. Without doing much the air around us is intensifing.

"Dad, I can't find her." One of his boys comes in. We pull apart.

"I found her. She fell asleep in here." He says. "This is my oldest son Neteyam. Neteyam this is Ali'yah." I greet Neteyam, he greets me back.

"You can call me Ali." He smiles.

"I'll take Tuk home. You guys talk." Neteyam says to his father. Jake hands Tuk to Neteyam. The boy takes his sister out, Jake turns to me.

"I'm sorry if I went too far."

"You can take it as far as you want." As soon the words left my mouth I regreted them. I bite my lower lip hard.

"What?" Jake says. I look up at him.

"I-I-I meant... You know..." The sentences I want to say isn't forming. He wipes my lip with his thumb. He shows it to me and I look at his thumb, blood. I wipe my mouth.

"You shouldn't bite that hard." I nod, knowing if I talk I'll be a skxawng to him. "I'll see you tomorrow, lip healed." I nod. He walks out. I turn around and laid down.

I find my brother before we find Jake and Arya, I talk to him. "Brother, as you know I have no mate. I have no children. What I can do freaks people out. I want to tell you, this Jake Sully is..." I try to find the words. "He is... Sunu. (Likeable.) I may want to get to know him." I say these words. Tonowari nods.

"Let me know if you have found a mate in him. I will decide then." I agree with him. We go find Jake and Arya. We lead him to the spot we are training him. I see to others there holding a Tsurak.

"This is Tsurak. He is fierce." I explain, Jake climbs on.

"Maybe you should ride Ilu first." My brother suggests.

"Nah, this one." Jake says. He wraps his hand as my brother explains what to do.

"Now remember, when you dive back in, good position. Very important."

"Uh-huh." Jake finishes his wrapping. I step forward.

"You need to listen. This one is very fierce." I say. Jake looks between my brother and I.

"I got this." My brother and I look at each other and shrug.

Jake takes a deep breath and makes a sound. The Tsurak takes off. The others laugh at the clumsiness of the steering. I however, watch carefully. When he dives, his wrapping comes undone as he lets go. I make a face as the others laugh. "Stop!" I turn to them. "He is learning." They immediately stop. He swims back and wants to try again.

Jake X Ali'yah: FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now