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~Ali'yah's POV~

I wake up in our new pod. I smile as I touch my stomach. I cook breakfast and go for a swim. I decide to come up for air when I see two Na'vi laying on the beach. I swim closer to see if they are okay. My eyes widen at the sight before me. "Neteyam? Ao'nung?" Neteyam stirs and looks at me. He sits up. I turn away, because their loincloths are off.

"Mother! I can explain."

"No need. you are both 19. Just remember to put your loincloth back on before falling asleep in a place like this." My face heats up. I go back into the water, I call for my Ilu. She comes, I get on I finish catching fish. I decide to go back home. As I come from the water I see Ao'nung pushing Anak. Anak slaps my brothers son, Aonung falls from the impact. I rush over and check on Ao'nung. I glare at Anak. "What are you doing, Anak?" My anger is boiling.

"Not only is he choosing an outsider, he is refusing to mate with my daughter."

I stand and glare at him still. "You hit the olo'eyktan's son because you are mad about the mating arrangment?"

"He pushed me."

"He is younger than you!" I push him. He gets in my face. "Are you going to hit me now?"

"Careful I just might." He says low. I punch him, like Neteyam showed me.

"Do not threaten my family!" I yell, he grabs my neck. I push him off by kicking his stomach.

~Neteyam's POV~

I have never seen mother act like this. She is fierce. "Get your father." Ao'nung whispers to me. I look at him with concern. "I will watch over her. If it gets too much for her I will protect her. She is with child and she is ready for a fight." He reminds me. I nod to him.

"Take care of my mother." I run to our Marui. I climb fast almost falling. I run to their pod to wake up dad. I see him still sleeping. I shake him violently. He shoots up and looks at my panic expression.

"What is it, Neteyam?" He asks getting up.

"Mother. fight." I try to catch my breath. Father doesn't understand. I grab his wrist and pull him to follow me. He gets that and follows. I lead him down the tree and to the scene. I see the Na'vi holding mother down as Ao'nung uses his tail to slap the man. The man falls over and Ao'nung goes over mother and hisses at the man. The man hisses and tackles Ao'nung over mother. Dad and I run to them. Dad grabs the man by the throat and I check on Ao'nung and mother.

I make sure she was not hit in the stomach. "I have been patient with you, Anak. But you attack my mate and the Olo'eyktan's son."

"They attack me first." Anak says, which is true.

"I don't care who is started it. I'm ending it." Anak hisses at my father, my father hisses back. I help mother sit up. "She is with child." Anak realizes his mistake.

"I did not know. I am sorry." Dads grip tightens on Anak's throat.

"If she loses the baby because of you, you will be sorry." He throws Anak down and Anak runs.

"Mother are you sure you are okay?" I ask.

"Yes. The..." Mother does not finish her sentence. Father lifts her up.

"Ao'nung lead me to you Marui." I get up to follow. "No. You stay." I go to protest, but mother puts her hand on fathers chest.

"Do not be mad at Neteyam. I chose to stand up for the boys." Dad glares at mother, she lays her ears on her head. Not making eyes contact with him.

~Jake's POV~

I am glaring and watching as my mate squirm in my arms. I sigh, I know this is none of their faults. Well, not completely. Knowing Anak he did something he shouldn't have done. I look to my son, who is avoiding my eyes and looking at... I sniff the air. I know this scent, they mated. Shit! No way Tonowari will miss this. "Ao'nung lead, now. Neteyam looks like you and Ao'nung needs to tell Tonowari and Arya something. I look at my son again. His ears go flat. "I don't care you two have mated. I only care you felt like you couldn't tell me." I explain, looking at my mate, who is still avoiding my eyes.

"Sir, I was going to tell you. But, Ao'nung and I thought it would be best that you don't seperate us. So, we mated. I also love him with all my might. Please, accept us, sir." Neteyam says. I turn to him and glare.

"What makes you think I would reject you, Neteyam? This is what makes you happy." I am offended by his words. "I have known this all along. I just waited for you to tell me." I turn from him. "I mean you make it so damn obvious." I look to Ao'nung. "Lead the way." I say again, losing my patience. He leads us. "If you hurt my son Ao'nung I will hurt you." He nods in agreement.

We get to the Marui. I see Tonowari and Arya laughing. I take a minute to enjoy the smile on my sisters face. It has been so long to see that smile. I look at Ali'yah she was looking at me, but soon turns from me. Ears still down. I sigh. "Boys go and tell them, now." They hurry to them. "I was scared he would try something. I do not want you fighting while you are pregnant... or with child." I correct myself.

"I will do what is right. Even fighting. Our son and his mate were being attacked because of a mating arrangement that was just made. Ao'nung said who he wants to be with."

"You could have lost our child, do you understand that?" I ask, she looks in my eyes.

"I am best warrior, hunter. I know how to protect our child and fight at the same time." She reassures me touching my face.

"Do not!" I say sternly. She drops her hand and looks down. Her ears are pressed against her head. "Do not make me forgive you when I'm suppose to be angry at you. Ali'yah looks at me, a smile appears on her face.

"I'm sorry for scaring you." I kiss her nose and walk to Arya and Tonowari.

1103 words

Jake X Ali'yah: FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now