Date Night🍋

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She is studying for long time. It is almost eclipse, we make dinner. I watch Arya make what she calls Shish kabobs. I do as she instructs and put the food on some sticks she gathered. The children come running in. "Are those Shish kabobs?" Tuk asks.

"Yes." Arya says.

"I miss those. We have not had them since the forest." Tuk is very happy. Tuk looks at me. "Are you helping?" I smile quickly to her. I look at the last one I make. I hand it to Arya. She give the children plates with food.

"Perhaps we should take them to our mates." I say this, we hear them coming in.

"No one is allowed out there until we're done." Jake says. "Shish kabobs, alright." Arya hands Tonowari and Jake a plate. She makes us plates as well. I take it, but do not eat. I look at it. "Try it." Jake says, I shake my head.

"It is cooked fruit and vegetables. I..." Jake shoves a piece of fruit from his plate in my mouth.

"Just try it." I chew the fruit, my eyes go big. "Right?" Jake laughs.

"It is good!" I say happy. My brother laughs. I glare at him. "Have you tried this and not shared?"

"I have tried it with Ao'nung and Tsireya. She is my mate, she cooks for us." I frown.

"Arya." Arya looks to Tuk. "You should try mama's fish mushroom soup. It's delicious." I look at Tuk, I want to run. I hide behind Jake instead eating my food.

"Is it that good?"

"It is not my best dish." I say from behind Jake. "I like to make fish stew more." I say. I feel Jakes tail rub against my inner thigh. I yelp, I jump from behind him. "Jake!" He looks at me surprise. I hide behind my brother.

"Ali'yah. What happened?" Jake asks, I glare at him over Tonowari's shoulder.

"Your tail tickled me." I finish my food.

"You were behind me. You should be proud on your food anyways, ma yawne." I take my plate outside to wash. Jake follows me, he washes his plate. "I did do it on purpose." I glare at him. "Listen, I have missed you and I want you. No, I need you right now. So, I tried to get you to that point. This is what I wanted to do." His hand rubs my pearl through my loincloth. "We can not. They will hear."

"I asked Arya and Tonowari to keep the kids tonight. I promised them we will keep the kids tomorrow night. I stand and walk away. Not before tugging his tail playfully. He chuckles, grabbing the plates. I walk into the Marui.

"Thank you, for the food and watching the children." Arya smirks playfully at me. I feel my cheeks heat up. Tuk walks over to me.

"Are you okay, mama? Your cheeks are purple." I smile at my youngest.

"Yes." I hug her. "Behave. All of you." The children smile, Arya stands and takes Tuk into her arms. This causes Tuk to giggle. I say goodbye.

"Arya, Tonowari. Thank you for our date night." Tonowari bows his head to Jake.

"Remember your promise." Jake nods his head. He grabs my hand. We go to the forest. He shows me his clans wonders. I look around as he leads me deeper in.

I go and play with plants that shrink when I touch them. Jake chuckles, he grabs my hand and shows me this creature. I go to touch it. It starts to spin in the air while glowing. I laugh as more do the same. "Beautiful." I smile. He grabs my waist with his hands. I lean into his chest. "I love it here." I turn to face him. "Thank you, ma yawne." He smiles gently.

"You're welcome, ma yawne." I reach around and playfully pull his tail. He turns as I run. I laugh, I hear him laugh running after me. I hide behind a tree. I look to see if he's there. I don't see him. "You forget I know the forest." I turn at Jake's voice. He traps me against the tree. His hand goes down my loincloth, he rubs my pearl.

"Jake, I can't..." I try to say. I moan loudly.

"That's right. Scream, I want to hear that pretty voice. I finally get to hear you being loud." He inserts two fingers, my legs feel weak. The tightening in my stomach is getting tighter. I scream Jake's name. "Baby, touch me." I obey and rub him through his loincloth.

~Quick smut~

I squirt on his hand. I fall to my knees. I hear him chuckle, I look up at him. "Open." He says, his eyes are half open. The look he is giving me is pleading. I obey, He shoves in my mouth. I gag, this movement is unexpected. He grabs my queue. As he roughly pulls it, he thrusts in my mouth. I moan at the pleasure and pain of my queue being pulled. He groans and pulls out of me. He forces me to look at him. "Do you like me pulling your queue?" I can't speak, I nod. I try to go back to pleasing him, but he will not let me. "No, I want to cum in you." He lifts me up and turns me. I am facing the rock behind the tree I hid behind. He bends me over it. I am on my elbows. He thrust into me hard and fast. "Baby, how are you this tight still?" I gasp at his words. I think about wanting to give him another child.

"Please, Jake. Seed... In me." I can not speak in full sentences. He thrusts harder.

"You want a child?" I nod at his question. "Who's seed do you want in you?" He grabs my queue, pulling me to his chest. I whimper. "Say it or you won't cum." His voice is very serious.

"I want yours, Jake." I say quickly. He reaches around me and rubs my pearl hard and fast. I scream as I squirt around his member, my back arches. He groans and his seed spills in me. He pulls out of me and we get dressed. I hear a growl, I turn to see a huge beast. Jake grabs my arm and starts to put me behind him. The beast bows her head.

1073 words

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