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~Two months later~

We have been practicing more. Jake says I am doing very well. He makes me attack him. He teaches me what I should do when I am out strength. Now, I am cooking dinner, I hear someone come in. I pick up my head to see who it is right away. Kiri, sits by me. "Mom, I'm in love. I do not know what to do." I am shocked, but I smile at her.

"Does he treat you respectfully?" She nods at my question. "Does he know?" She shakes her head. "You need to tell him to see how he feels about you." I tell her, she nods her head. "If he does not, he is missing out on a beautiful girl. If he does, bring him. I would like to meet this charming young Na'vi." She smiles and runs out. I laugh quietly. Jake comes in.

"What is that about?" He questions me.

"Kiri is in love." He smiles, but in his eyes I see him wanting to be protective. "She will be okay, either way." He hugs me from behind. A vision comes to me.

I look around and see Kiri being lifted by Ikran. I see him tie her to a sky person ship. I see Tuk and Tsireya trying to untie her. The man pushes Tsireya in the water. He grabs Tuk and ties her up. I can't hear the words.

I look at Jake. I choose not to say a thing. If I tell him, he will not let me go. This war is going to be dangerous. Our children is involved. I finish the food. I go and jump in the water. I call for my Tsurak this time, he comes. I go to the cove. I connect to the spirit tree. I see Neytiri and Ronal. I hug them. "Ronal, I miss you. I love Arya, but I miss you as well." I say.

"I miss you, sister. Say what is on your heart." I tell her all my worries. Both listening. "You forget sister. You see only one possiblity. One future."

"But how do I protect both Kiri and Neteyam."

"Do not." Neytiri says. I am shocked by this answer. "Eywa, told you only Ao'nung can save Neteyam. You save our oldest daughter." I know she is right, but part of me wants to protect both. They smile. "That is being mother. Wanting to protect them is part of being mother. Right now is important to know Eywa will watch over us. I hug them.

I am about to disconnect. "What will happen to Kiri?" I turn to look at Jake.

"Nothing is going to happen. Ali'yah is experiancing being mother." Neytiri says.

"Neytiri." He hugs her, he looks at me, but I look away.

"Ali'yah, Yawne, please tell me." He says, I feel his hand on me.

"She is captured." Jake looks at me. "I am sorry. I am not staying away from war. I will not let our children be alone." I touch my stomach. "I may be with children, but we have children who..." Jake covers my mouth with his. Stopping me from speaking. He pulls away.

"I know. I'm sorry that I made you think I would stop you. I know you will protect our children. I will not stop you, but I will join you." I look at Jake with guilty eyes. "I understand why you kept this from me. Though I wish you didn't." He looks behind me at Ronal and Neytiri. "Ronal, I will take care of her during this war. Neytiri, I will protect our children. I will do this with a strong heart." I look at Neytiri, she is smiling kindly.

"Strong heart." She repeats. We say farewells and disconnect with the tree.

I look at my mate. "Nga ywane lu oer." He signs to me.

"Nga yawne lu oer." I sign back. This is our home. I call my Tsurak. Jake calls his, we head back to our Marui. I stop him and he looks at me. "Tomorrow I teach Kiri." He nods in understandment. I go inside and the children are gathered on the net. Kiri and Lo'ak see me.

"Mother over here!" Lo'ak says to me. They are excited to see me. I quickly climb. It has been harder to climb with my stomach growing. Neteyam and Lo'ak grab my arms, I am strong, but I let them help me. It makes them feel good. I cuddle with Neteyam under my head (His choice.), Tuk on one side of me, Lo'ak on the other, and Kiri laying on my stomach. Jake comes to cuddle with us. Kiri puts her legs on his. Neteyam lays down.

"Lo'ak turn off the torch Skxawng." Lo'ak gets up, he turns out the torch. He snuggles near me.

When they all go to sleep, I feel a pulse. I look to see the pulse, it surrounds Kiri. I let it go, it is calming. She is connecting with Eywa. I look at Jake who is asleep with Tuk in his arms. I wake up Kiri and we go out by the ocean. I teach her everything I know to control her abilities. We practice all of eclipse. Kiri tells me about she is feeling Eywa's heartbeat. I listen as she explains how she is different. "You are the same as me. I once thought the way you do. I see now, I am needed to protect the people. Now, you must find what you must do for the people. "

"I will." She hugs me.

"Go, do your duties." She gets up and walks away.

Arms go around my waist, I push the Na'vi away and hiss. I see Jake, My ears go flat, I bow my head, ashamed. He touches my cheek. "I'm sorry, Ali'yah. I didn't mean to scare you." I look away, he lifts my chin so I look at him. "I do not take offense of your response to me touching your waist. I know what you have been through."

"I am sorry Jake." I look in his eyes. "I should be punished for how I treat my mate." He smirks.

"You did nothing wrong, but if you want to be punished that badly, I am more than happy to do so."

1053 words

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