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~Jake POV~

I pull her hips against mine. I want to take this slow. I want to comfort her. I want her to feel the love I feel for her. I kiss the corner of her mouth, her jaw, her ear lobe, and her neck. I take off her top and throw it, not caring where is lands. Ali'yah gasps, I smirk. I kiss her shoulder, travel down to her collar bone. I stop and look her in the eyes. "Ali'yah, I... You don't know what you do to me, baby. Everytime we are apart, I can't stop thinking about you. Everytime you touch me, my body feel like it's on fire. I can't lose you or our children." I say, she puts her hand on my cheek. Tears forming in her eyes. "I hope those are tears of joy." I say with concern. She nods.

"How do you say the words on my heart?" She asks, I smile and kiss her lips. I move down to her nipple. I suck on it, her back archs. I snake my arm around her back. I move my tongue around it. I play with it while sucking. She moans, I look at her. I notice she is searching for something to grab and pull. This arouses me further.

I grab her hands and put them in my hair. She immediately latches onto my hair. I feel her tug, I buck my hips. 'Shit! this isn't good. If she keeps tugging like that I'll cum for sure.' I know, she has control of me. I live for her at this moment. I lightly bite her nipple, before moving to the other one. I give the same treatment to the other. She is screaming at this point. She yells in na'vi. She pulls my hair and I know she came. I come with her. I remove my lips from her. I lay in her bosom. "Shit. Ali'yah you made me soil my loincloth."

"I will wash later." She says softly, playing with my hair. I remove her loincloth. I see her soaking, I look at her loincloth to see it soaked. I smile.

"We'll have to wash both of them. For now let me clean you." I lick her as she opens wide for me. I start to make out with her wet pearl. I stick my tongue in her entrance.

I finally decide to enter my fingers. I know she is still as tight as we first did it. "Jake." I hum as she is trying to talk. She screams and squirts in my face. "I..." I look at her as I help her with her high.

"Tell me baby."

"I want to sit on your face, like last time." She covers her face after the words leaves her lips. I stare at her in shock. I quickly recover and have an idea.

"I want you to suck me like last time." She quickly agrees with my proposal. "You are becoming bold ma Yawne. I like it, but only I can see this side of you." I say laying on the floor. As she sits on my face and leans down, she says.

"Only you." She sucks my painful cock. I make out with her pearl, just like last. I shove my fingers back in, earning a moan from her. I need her, but this is not about me. This is about appreciating my beautiful mate.

So, tonight I will do what she asks of me. I feel her walls tightening around my fingers. I know she is close. I pump my fingers faster. Until, she comes undone. She lifts her head up and screams. I clean her up with my tongue. She gets up. "How do you want me?" She asks me, I get up and kiss her. I pull away just enough to speak.

"How do you want me to take you?" I ask, she blushes. A deep purple staining her face. I groan at the sight of her. "Tell me, Ali'yah." I whisper in her ear, trying to hold myself back. Instead of answering she goes to the wooden pole and places two hands on it. I watch as she bends down. I stare at her, savoring the sight of her. She looks back she is about to get up. "Stay." My voice is laced with love and lust.

"I change my mind." I walk over to her.

"Oh?" I ask.

"This is embarressing."

I reach her and grind against her. She lets out a moan. I lean down to her ear, holding myself up on the pole. "Don't be embarressed. This is doing things to me." I stand back up. "Do you want to get up?" She thinks for a minute before responding.

"No." I can tell she's telling the truth. She grinds on my cock. I cum on her back. I didn't realize how close I was until now.

"Shit!" I whisper harshly. Her tail flipping to the other side, rubbing against my member. I grab the base of her tail, I'm trying with everything to not to just fuck her roughly. I line up with her and pull her back by the tail. She gasps and moans at the feeling. I pull her on me half way before slamming in her the rest of the way. I start slow at first, I then find a rhythm.

I hear her whimpering, I stop. "Ali'yah are you okay?" She nods.

"Your just squeezing my tail too tight." I look at her tail, I realize my hand is too tight, I loosen my grip.

"Is that better?" She grinds against me in response. I continue my assault. "Keep your hands on the pole, Okay?" She nods. I lift one of her legs over my shoulder, so I can get a better angle. I feel myself going deeper inside her. I lose all my senses. I slam in her harder, until she pulls me back.

"Not too hard. The babies." I go a little more softly, but still keeping the speed. She is yelling my name. I feel her squeezing around me.

"Ali'yah!" I come inside her. I stand her up quickly, back against the pole. I kneel down and attack her pearl. Her hand in my hair. I watch her come undone as she watches me. Her beautiful teal eyes trying to stay open. Our eyes themselves are battling. She comes on me. She starts to fall. As I get up I catch her. I lift her up carrying her to our pod. I lay her down, I notice she is asleep. I go and clean up our 'mess'.

1109 words

Jake X Ali'yah: FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now