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"If I hear his name come from you mouth I will kill him." I glare at him, he would dare to threaten my family. "I just want to know why you would choose an outsider." He removes his hand.

"I choose him, because he makes me feel. I choose him, because my heart yearns for him. I choose him, because I will not survive without him. Without our family. Now, let me go." He lets me go.

"That's all I wanted to know." He walks out. Jake rushs to my side, I hug around his waist. He hugs me. I smell the breakfast, I check it and get the plate ready. This food is best served cold. I go to Jake and pull him into our pod.

"I need you." I say, he looks at me confused. I kiss his lips, he kisses me back. I jump and he catches me. The sky is still dark.

He has my back against a wooden pillar. He attacks my neck. "Nga yawne lu oer." I whisper, he looks in my eyes. "Nothing has happened with Anak." He smiles, like he knows that.

~Smut warning~

"I know. I would've killed him if he tried to hurt you." He says, kissing my shoulder. "Nga yawne lu oer." I kiss his lips. I need him, I need him to know I am his, only his. I need him to know he is mine, only mine. He chuckles against my lips. I pull back to question. Before I can ask. "Anak wants you but can't have you. " He puts me down. "You." He takes off my top. "Are." He take off my loincloth. "Mine." He smashes against my pearl. I gasp and throw my head back.

"I am yours." I grab his dreads.

"Even if you want to leave you can't." I look into his eyes. He stands and takes off his loincloth. "I won't let you." His words sends a jolt of eletricity through my body. I fall to my knees and I lick his members tip. He thrusts. I look at him with pleading eyes.

'Please, do what you want to me.' I think. He grabs my hair, tying it back with his hand.

"Open, baby." I listen. "Stick that beautiful tongue out." I listen he slams in the back of my throat. I start gagging. "That's it baby, fuck. Ali'yah, take all of me. Only you can do this to me." His words sends another wave through my body. I meet his hips, he closes his eyes. I smack his hand away and pull away. He looks at me.

"Look at me, Jake." I suck on his member and he watches. His hand finds the back of my head and his hip moves to meet my movements.

"That's it, Ali'yah let me fuck your mouth just like this." I moan at his words. His seed shoots down my throat. I pull away and he lays down. "Your turn. Kneel over my face. I listen, a little nervous. He licks my pearl. I watch him and moan. his tongue goes into my entrance and I squirt on his face when I feel tsaheylu made. He chuckles.

'When did he make tsaheylu?' I ask myself. He lifts me and turns me on my back. I look outside and see it has a little light. He climbs over me. His member in my face. I open as he thrusts into my mouth. He licks my pearl. He does this until we come.

"Next time we will go longer, but now I want Anak and the rest of the village to know you're mine and mine only." His member is at my entrance. I am hearing him, but I do not say anything. I look at him with pleading eyes. He thrust into me, I yell, Jake covers my mouth. "Shh. The kids are still here." I look in his eyes. He bites my shoulder, I wince. He pulls up to look at me. Little blood on his mouth, I wipe it. He kisses my head. I feel him thrust into me, I realize our Tsaheylu is still connected. I put my hand on his cheek. He looks at me loving. I rolls us over, Tsaheylu still connect I can feel his surprise. I remember the movement of his hips and I move my hips. He thrusts and grabs my hips. He guides me. "That's it. This is called riding. Shit, Ali'yah. Please don't stop." He stops guiding me, I keep riding him.

I watch Jake under me. I am jumping on my knees. "Jake, am I doing it right?" I ask after seeing him making a face.

"Yes, baby. You feel amazing, don't you stop. It's just hard to not thrust into you and take control." I giggle and his words. I keep riding him, he thrusts. "I can't hold back." He explains.

"Do not." I say. He hugs my waist and thrust into me. "Jake!" I yell, as I come and bite his shoulder. He comes into me. I feel his seed filling me.

"I want to mate with you all day, but we can't. We have duties and our kids will..." He quiets, I listen. I hear the children eating. I look at Jake with wide eye. He laughs quietly, I hide my face in his chest.

"Did they hear me?" I ask.

"I don't know, ma yawne." He kisses my head. We wait until the children leaves to get up. We eat breakfast and I do my duties. I sit in the Marui and sew and make jewelry. I wait for my mate to come. I cook lunch the children does not come. I take the food to my brother and his mate, Arya. I see that my brother is gone as well.

"Are the men out to build the Marui?" Arya looks up at me.

"Yes. Is that for us?" She asks.

"Yes." I set the pot down in front of her.

"I like your necklace. Jake had one just like it. I'm guessing you made it for both of you." I smile and nod. "You really love him, don't you?" She asks.

"I do. I know I can never replace Neytiri, but I hope to find a new place in all of your hearts. I am not like her, I do not know the forest." Before I can keep talking she raises her hand.

"I know. That you see my brother as your mate and that he sees you as his mate. I know you do not wish to replace Neytiri. I am glad you're the one he's found. I like you. I must ask you to help me with my abilites. I nod and sit with her and teach her about her visions.

1133 words

Jake X Ali'yah: FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now