Mate (part 2)🍋

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He holds my head. I do not cry, but I bite his shoulder. He thrusts in me once. I wince. "Shit! I'm sorry, Ali'yah. When you bit me my hips reacted." Jake says, rising enough to see my face.

"It is okay." I look in his eyes. He rubs my lower stomach and looks at it.

"I'm in here, right here." He points. I moan at the thought. He leans down to my ear. "It's hard enough with you so tight around me, but you keep adding onto it with doing cute stuff. You are testing my strength, ma yawne." He whispers in my ear, I feel the heat in my cheeks. The uncomfortable feeling stops.

"Jake, I am ready." He slowly pulls almost out of me and slams back into me. I mewl, he groans. He repeats his action. I pull him down to a kiss. He licks my lips, I am confused as to what he wants. I open my mouth to ask why he licks my lips, but he shoves his tongue into my mouth. My eyes shoots open as he explores my mouth.

Soon, I copy his actions and our tongues fight for dominance. He wins that fight, I am happy to give him control. I break us apart, he looks at me. "Please, you are frustrating me. Please, do not hold back. Do what you want with me." He thrusts into me hard. I throw my head back and moan.

"Baby, that's dangerous to say, because now I'll do what I want to you." He thrusts hard and fast. I bite my lip to hold in my noises. "No, baby. I want to hear you." I obey him. I am moaning. He sits up straight still thrusting into me. He hits a spot that makes me thrown my head back and scream very loud. I squirt on him. He helps me through my release. "I found it." I lay there breathless. "Oh, Ali'yah don't fall asleep now. We're not done yet." I notice eclipse is here. He sits me on his lap, without breaking Tsaheylu and he stays inside me.

"I'm okay. I can keep going." I say, breathless. He smirks.

"That's my mate." He says, He thrusts up hitting that same spot without mercy. I am holding onto his shoulders. I am screaming and biting his neck. "Shit! Ali'yah you are not loosening you're only getting tighter." He whispers, he stands up. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I kiss him, our tongues dance. My hands is in his dreads. He is still thrusting into me, my release soon comes. I clench my jaw, until I hear him. "Ow!" I look at him his lip is bleeding.

"I am sorry." He laughs at me.

"You really are a biter, aren't you. It's okay, I like that." He lays me down and brings my legs over his shoulders. He never leaves from inside me. Our Tsaheylu never breaks. I do not know how he does it. He thrusts into me hitting my spot all over again. I feel weak, my body is trembling. He notices me trembling, he puts down my legs. "Are you okay?" I nod. "I'm almost there." He leans his head on mine. He begins his attack. As he gets harder and faster, he gets deeper. "I'm coming, baby. I'm going to spill my seed in you. Would you like that?" I nod. "Use your words, ma yawne."

"Yes." I start see black lights. I feel a my release coming. Jake rubs circles on my pearl. I scream as I release on his member. He does not slow down, like he did before. His release must be coming. He groans and nibbles my ear. I moan. "I want your seed now Jake." I moan in his ear.

"Ali'yah!" He thrusts one last time, before he stills. I feel his seed in me, it is warm. I moan. "Ali'yah, we are mated now." I hum.

"Mated for life." I say, agreeing with him. I lay on his chest. "How do you do that?" I look at him curious.

"Do what?" He asks.

"You move us in different ways, but never pull out of me or break our Tsaheylu." I say. He laughs his beautiful laugh.

"You forget I was a sky person. Sky people's greed knows no bounds. I once would do this stuff with woman or two. I thought they liked me, but they left. That was in my sky people form. In my na'vi body Neytiri." I nod.

"No more mating with any woman." I say, he chuckles. He kisses me on my head.

"I promise." I kiss his lips. I fall asleep on his chest.

When I wake up, I see I am dressed. "You must have been worn out last night, because I dressed you and you didn't wake." I sit up hearing Jakes voice. I look behind me and see his body facing the water and his head turning to look at me. I get up, I feel a ping of pain. I ignore it, I walk to him and hug him from behind. He place a hand on my arm and snickers. "How are you feeling?"

"There's a bit of pain, but I can handle it. I am strong." I say.

"Yes, you are. My strong mate." I feel my cheeks heating up, I kiss his cheek and dive in the water. I look back as I swim, he is coming after me. When he catches me, he kisses my lips. I make a sound with my throat, my Ilu and his Tsurak comes to us. We grab on and I take him to see more of the reef. He smiles, I love making him smile. We graba shells of all sizes.

927 words

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