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I am out gathering stuff Tuk needs for her weaving. I decide I have gathered enough and I am about to climb when I see something. I look at it more carefully. "Kaya!" I yell, I call my ilu. I call Jake's name. He rushes to my side. I grab his hand. "Za'u! Come meet my spirit sister."

"Okay." He laughs. "I drive the ilu." I giggle and nod. I get on ilu behind Jake. I show him where to go. I get off the ilu and swim to Kaya. Jake comes beside me. I sign to Kaya.

"I see you, sister."

"I see you, sister."

"I met a man."

"Ali'yah, are you with child?" I smile at her question.

"I am. This is the father." I introduce my mate. He greets her to show respect. "His name is Jakesully. I call him Jake. He is a strong warrior."

"Sister you love this man." I smile.

"I love her." Jake signs. "She is with two children." Kaya squeals in excitment. Jake hugs me from behind, with his hands on my stomach.

We watch her leap out of the water and dive in. She is excited, Jake gets my attention. I look back he points up, I nod. He swims up. "Ali'yah, Ka'am is swimming up to your mate." I look at her and she love in her eyes when she looks at the male Tulkun. I sign to her.

"Kaya you are in love."

"Yes. We are mated before Eywa." I hug her, excitment runs through me. I look at Jake he is in the water face to face with Ka'am. My eyes widen, I know what is happening. I get my brothers attention. He and his spirit brother comes to us. I look around to find Arya. I point when I see she is coming out of a Tulkuns mouth.

"Arya, is bonded to Tulkun." I point to her, he sees her coming with her spirit sister. I look to Jake who is swimming in Ka'am mouth.

Ka'am closes his mouth. I watch as they watch. I look at my brother who is being introduce to Arya spirit sister. They come to me. "This is Ai. She is my spirit sister." Arya introduces us, I introduce Kaya to them. I look up and see Jake swimming out. I swim to him.

"I am proud of you. You are brother of Tulkun." I sign to him.

"This is my mate Ali'yah. Ali'yah this is my spirit brother, Ka'am." I greet him in respect. I look behind me to see Ro'a, Ronal's spirit sister. I swim to her. "I see you, Ro'a."

"I see you, Ali'yah. I see you have found a mate."

"Yes, I am with two children." Ro'a's eyes grow big. "Have you been blessed yet."

"I am happy." I look the way she is looking. She had a calf.

"Your son is beautiful." We talk about everything that has happened. Kaya joins us. I say goodbye to them as they leave for the cove.

I walk along the shore. Watching my mate and brother riding their Tsurak's, following the Tulkun. "Tomorrow, you're going to get your Ikran. Use this." She hands me a weapon.

"Is this a Ikran catcher?" I question.

"Yes. I assume Jake taught you how to do Tsaheylu with the Ikran."


"You must not show it fear. You must not back down." I nod, understanding her.

"Or we can wait until the babies are born." I hear Jake behind us. I think about what he has said. I turn and look at him.

"Okay." His eyes widen. He does not expect me to agree. "You are letting me go to the war for our children. I will listen to this request." I say, his eyes soften. Love fills them. He places his hand on my cheek.

I lean in his hand. This man is more than just any man. He is my mate. "Did I tell you that I love you today?" He asks.

"No." He leans down, he stops before our lips touch. His lips are close enough for me to close the gap.

"Nga ywane lu oer." He closes the gap between us. Our lips dancing, I remember Arya being near. I pull away gently.

"Nga ywane lu oer. Arya is near." He chuckles, he looks behind us. He looks at me, he does this while keeping a close distance.

"She is kissing her mate and it looks very heated." I look behind us. My brother is kissing his mate very intimate. I look at Jake, I close the space between us. He chuckles in the kiss. He licks my lips, I open. He slips his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues dancing with each other. He licks my mouth as he moves back. "I really want to take you." He says as he pulls me to him. I feel his member on my stomach. "See?" I do not say a word. "I just don't want to hurt the babies."

I pull him through the forest. I keep pulling until I am sure we can not be heard. I push him against a tree. He watches me kneel. "Ali'yah, you can't drink it." I frown at my mate.

~Small smut warning~

"Choose one, you spill you seed in my mouth or you do it in me." His eyes darken. He pulls me up, he bends me down. I hold the tree. He rubs his member against me. I moan in delight.

"You should not have given me two choices." He says rubs against me again. "Is being with children making you like this? I wonder."

"Jake please." He unties my loincloth. I feel him enter me. I gasp in surprise. When did he get his loincloth off? I feel him bend over me.

"You asked for this. Now you will take it like a good girl." He says. I do not answer, I am focusing on how his member is in me. "Answer me or I will not move."

"I am a good girl. I will take what you want me to." I say between breathes.

Wind is on my back now. He thrusts in me. I can tell he is being gentle for the babies. I moan from thought of him worrying about our children. I slide down the tree, he watches me as I turn on my back and open my legs for him. He smiles and bends over me. He fills me, I throw my head back. "That's it baby take my cock." I look in his eyes. I watch as he kisses my stomach, still thrusting in me. "You want my seed in you?" I smile at his words.

"Yes. Only yours." He fills me with his seed. He grabs a cloth from his bag, he cleans me. We get dressed and I lay on his chest. I feel the children moving in my stomach. He feels them move. He laughs, I look at him confused.

"They are moving after we get done. How kind of them." I laugh, he guides my head to look at him. "Little do they know, I went easy on you for them. I really want to pound into you. I want to treat you roughly. I want to see how far you'll let me go." I gasp at his words, feeling my cheeks heat up. I hit his chest.

"Go to sleep." He laughs.

1242 words

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