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Tonowari's voice sounds concern. "I see that it is true. Before, I ask why, What has happen to Ali'yah?" Something snaps in me. I turn and face my brother. I walk to him threatening, other Na'vi tries to step in front of him, he stops them. I am in his face.

"If something happens to Lo'ak, I will know who's fault it is." I say, tears still running down my cheeks. Someone grabs my arm, I turn to them glaring, it is my mate. I run out ready to go out to find my son. I stop. "My son." I whisper, it hits me that these children have made their way into my heart. My heart is now breaking, I know what is out there. It scares me that I might not see my Lo'ak again. I start to feel lightheaded. I stumble forward, I try to catch myself, but I fall to the ground. I feel my wrist being touched. I look to see Arya checking my pulse. I look at Jake, who is right beside me, now. I throw my arms around his waist and cry harder. "We can't lose him." He hugs me.

Jake's POV

I hug her, I don't know what happened, but I know she has grown attached to my children. She has bonded with them and now Lo'ak is missing. "Jakesully." I turn to Tonowari the best I can, without disturbing her. "What has happened? Why is she upset?"

"Because, Ao'nung and Lo'ak had a fight earlier today. I told Lo'ak to apologize to Ao'nung. Ao'nung left Lo'ak outside the reef. I don't know what happened between that." Tonowari looks at his son. I turn to my mate, my wife. "Ali'yah, I need to go find our son." Her head shoots up at me.

"No! You do not know what's out there!" Ali'yah is freaking out.

"She is right Jakesully. I will send warriors to find your son. Ali'yah they will find him." He says to us. I hold her closer.

"I need to go..."

"No, you can not stand and even if you can now. You are weak right now. I promise to find him." Tonowari says. I nod and hold her tighter.

"I need you here. The children need you here. With us." My words had some affect.

'I want to go where they part.' She looks in my eyes pleadingly. I nod.

"I understand." I help her stand and take her to the pier. We watch as they depart.

Ali'yah POV

"They found him! The sully boy is found!" The clan shouts, I look and see Lo'ak. I jump off to the canoe. I check him, when I see he is fine, I hug him tightly. Lo'ak sees Ao'nung he tries to go at him. I hold his arm back and Jake appears in front of him.

"He's okay, just a couple of scratches." I glare at my mate. I pull Lo'ak to me. His back facing me, my hands on his shoulders. Tonowari notices my anger, he forces is son to kneel.

"It is my sons fault, he knows not to go beyond the reef. I am sorry." I try to walk away with Lo'ak. He stops.

"No, It's my fault. Ao'nung tried to stop me, but I wouldn't listen." Jake looks disappointed. I do not believe Lo'ak, the guilt on Ao'nung face from earlier. The surprise on his face now. Jake leads us to away from everyone. "Dad, you told me to make friends that's what..."

"I don't want to hear it. You brought shame on this family."

"Jake!" I hiss. He looks at me.

"Can I go now?" Lo'ak asks.

"Anymore trouble, I jerk a knot in your tail. You read me?" Jake asks.

"Yes sir, Lima Charlie." Lo'ak says, Jake lets him go. I walk away from Jake, he follows.

"Hey, Ali'yah." I ignore him. "Ali'yah." I reach the Marui, when Jake grabs my arm.

"You say one thing and do another. Lo'ak is hurt and you tell him he brings shame. I see no shame." Jake tries to turn me, but I stay.

"He put Tonowari's son in danger." I turn around fast.

"If you pay attention, you would see that Lo'ak was lying. He takes the blame." Jake look at me in surprise. "I will sleep outside tonight. I need to think." I say grabbing a mat. I lay it down and look at the stars. I hear Lo'ak come in and Jake starts talking to him. Jake finds out everything.

"Dad, I am trying to make friends. Please, don't tell anyone." Lo'ak says.

"Ali'yah knows already."

"Dad, she is our mother now. She knows?"

"She's good like that." Jake sighs. "You scared us. Your mother had a panic attack. She was ready to hurt Ao'nung and her she got into her brothers face. She lost her strength in her legs and she fell."

"I did that?"

"No, son. Ao'nung did that." I sigh and turn on my side. "Go to sleep." He tells Lo'ak. "Eywa, what am I doing? I don't know how to apologize. I won't sleep if she's not in my arms. Eywa, please help me." I listen, when I hear movement I close my eyes. Footsteps getting closer. "Ali'yah." I ignore him, he touches my arm. I stir like I am sleeping. Jake lays next to me and holds my back to his chest. I keep my eyes close and turn. I lay on his chest, I wrap my arm around his body. I fall asleep like this.

I wake up early again. I see I am in Jake's embrace. I slowly get out of his embrace. I kiss his head and go cook breakfast. I grab Neytiri's band and look at it. When I put it back, I feel arms around me. "Why would you not choose me?" This is not Jake's voice. I turn to see Anak. I try to push him away.

"Let go of me Anak." He does not listen. I try to fight him. "Ja..." I am interrupted by him covering my mouth.

1017 words

Jake X Ali'yah: FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now