Tuktirey and Neteyam

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(Ya'll poor little Tuk is so tramatized. I know why, but what have I done? So, I want Tuk to open up and Ali'yah to show her something. I wonder what it is?)

~Ali'yah's POV~

I find Tuk by the Ikran. I am afraid of them, but I sit next to her. "Your words hurt your father." She hums at my words. "Why do you blame yourself?" She looks at me, then looks away. She sighs.

"I was playing in that part of the forest. Mom found me when the fire was set, because I screamed for help. We run to find safety. A tree falls, mom pushes me and her foot gets trapped under the tree. Mom tells me to run to dad, but I wouldn't leave her. She gave me her arm band, she tells me to be brave and run. I listen to her, but I look back as I run and see mom engulf into the fire. I still hear her screams go silent. I stop at the sight, I see the fire coming for me, I close my eyes, but the flames stop. I open my eyes and see the flames have stopped. I walk to my dad, when I see him, I feel bad. Mom never would have came to save me if I did not go into the forest to play."

I hug her. I take her hand and lead her to the ocean. We get my ilu and she rides with me to the spirit tree. We get air and dive back down I get two Txampaysye in case we need them. Tuk holds my hand and we connect to the tree. I watch her close her eyes, I close mine. We are now on the one the forest. I look at Tuk her ears down. "This is where your mom died?" I ask, she nods. "It is beautiful." Her ears twitch when we hear a war call.

"Mom." We follow the noise. We see Neytiri. "Mom!" She runs and hugs her. I smile, Neytiri looks at me.

"Jake has you in his heart, not in same place he has me." Her words brings joy to my heart.

"Tuk, refuses to accept your armband and blames herself for your death." I say remembering why we are there. Neytiri looks at her daughter. She kneels in front of her.

"Oh Tuk." Her voice is breaking. "My death is not your fault. I die because I must. I save you because you are my daughter. It was my job to protect you, now it is Ali'yah's job. You are brave and strong. Do not let this consume you. I am happy here."

"But if I..."

"No. You did the right thing, in calling for help. My decision is mine. Now, yours is in front of you. Will you let fear consume you or will you rise above it?" Tuk is thinking.

"I will rise above it." Tuk says. Neytiri smiles. "I miss you mom." She hugs her. We say goodbye to Neytiri. We disconnect from the tree. Tuk starts panicing. I place the Txampaysye on her back and connect her hair to it. She hugs me, I pull away. I sign to her.

"When we get back, I will cook your favorite food for dinner." She smiles and nods. We go back to our Marui. I smile as Tuk hugs her dad. She accepts the armband, Jake walks to me.

"How did you change her mind?" I shake my head.

"Neytiri." His eyes widen and he smiles. I get the supplies to cook as Tuk and Kiri go pick fruit and vegetables that Tuk likes. Neteyam and Lo'ak help Jake sharpen the knives for me. I strip the twigs from the bark.

I hear footsteps, I look up to see Tonowari and his family. I gestured for them to come in. I notice Ao'nung staring at Neteyam, Tsireya is staring at Lo'ak. "Ao'nung, Tsireya, help me strip the twigs." I say, they look at me. "If you are to eat dinner here tonight please, help." They look at their parents, when they nod to them, they run to me. They start helping. "Did you see the other Marui?" I look at Arya, she nods. Her face is turning purple from blush. I smile, gently. Tuk chops the fruits and vegetables she and Kiri picked. Neteyam steals looks at Ao'nung while putting them on the sharp sticks. I reach for the next, Neteyam accidently pokes me with the sharp end. I yelp, Neteyam looks at me. We look at my hand, it was bleeding.

Neteyam rushes to my side. "I'm so sorry, mother."

"It's ok." I grab a cloth. I cover it. Neteyam ties the cloth around my hand. I turn my attention to cooking the Shish kabobs. Arya sits on the side of me holding the leaf plate. Neteyam pays more attention of the food. We finish the food, cooking and eating it. I take Neteyam to the Ikrans to talk to him. We sit down and I look at him. "You want Ao'nung." I say, his eyes widen he looks behind us.

"Mother, please. If dad finds out..."

"When he finds out. If it is not by you he will hurt that you do not tell him." I look down. "Na'vi has always accepted all mating couples. I will not let your father stop your happiness. I see you, Neteyam." I put my hand on his shoulder. "I will tell you what I seen when I had a vision." Neteyam looks at me. "I seen you dying in from the war. You were shot in the chest. I believe your father said the words are shot and shoot." Neteyam nods, fear is in his eyes. "I asked Eywa what I can do to save you. Two words were heard. 'Ao'nung. Mate.' I was surprised, but I accept who you want to be with. I am not saying this to only save you. I say this for you to be happy. He makes you happy, right?" He looks down and nods. He tries to hide the smile forming on his face. I lift his chin to look at me. "Do not hide how he makes you feel. Tell him soon, son." Neteyam nods.

"Mama." Tuktirey hugs my neck from the back.

I giggle. "Tuk, I am talking to you brother."

"But, I want you to know Arya left with Ao'nung. She said they need to talk." Neteyam looks behind and asks where Ao'nung is. Tuk tells him which direction they went. Neteyam excuses himself. "Mama, why is Neteyam leaving?"

"Love." I say that one word. She understood right away. Tuk smiles.

"I hope they tell each other. Neteyam can not hide it very well, even dad knows. You know right, mama?" I nod, even when we first met them I have known. I watch Tuk run around the Marui. I get up and walk by Jakes side.

1163 words

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