New Life🍋

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~Seven months later~

I hunt with my baby daughter Neytiri on my chest a net is holding her there. We name her after Jake's first mate. I walk back to the Marui after our hunt of fish. Neytiri is like me, she looks like Metkayina. She is the first born. I see Jake rocking our son in the water. I smile. I look at my son Alar'at is like Jake, he looks Omaticaya. Neteyam is playing with Tuk in the water. He and Ao'nung pass the test of being men. Jake passed that test as well. Lo'ak has passed as well. Jake and Lo'ak have been better. I see my new life in front of me. A while ago, I was alone. I had no mate, no children, and now I have six. Neytiri, Jake and I have six. Alar'at is trying to swim. A month old and he is already trying to do that. Kiri has been practicing to control her powers. She is with Rotxo who is also a man now. Tuk still has a way to go, but who know she may become a woman soon. She is mighty. "Are you going to stare all day?" Jake questions.

I go to my mate and kiss him. I hear Neytiri giggling. I smile, we look at her. "At five months they will need to swim." I say.

"I know I have been trying to teach Alar'at to swim. He just wants to take off." He chuckles. I laugh as I open Jakes arms from around our son.

"Than let him." I say, Jake keeps his hand under Alar'at in case. Alar'at does not need his help though. He kicks his legs staying above the water. After a while our son gets tired Jake holds him. Jake laughs loudly.

"Did you see him?" He looks at me in disbelief.

"Yes." Neteyam and Tuk come over.

"What happened?" Tuk asks.

"Your brother stayed above water for a little while on his own." I explain, they both look excited. I take Neytiri out of the carrier. I set her in the water. She stays just as long as Alar'at did before getting tired. I hold her. We lay them in their own pod for a nap. "Come to the forest with me." Jake looks worried. "Neteyam is 19 years old, Ao'nung is the same age, he is about to come over." I say pulling my mate. He chuckles at me struggling to pull him. He follows me.

~Smut Warning~

We tell Neteyam we are leaving. I lead Jake to our spot. I push him against a tree. I untie his loincloth. I let it drop. I eagerly put him in my mouth. "Such a good girl." Jake growls. He holds my head still as he thrusts in my mouth, hitting the back of my throat. "Baby, Ali'yah. You have don't know how many times I imagine you doing this, because we were busy. I moan at his words. He thrusts harder. "That's it baby. Fuck! Shit!" I touch myself. The way he has done before. I miss him. I miss him doing these things with me. I grab his wrist with my other hand. I do this to keep my balance. He stops and moves out of my mouth. "Do you want it in you pretty mouth or on your beautiful face?" He asks, I think.

"In my mouth, please Jake." I say, he slams back into me. I insert my fingers into me. I stretch myself for my mate. He releases in my mouth, I release on my fingers. "Shit Ali'yah. That was sexy as hell. I like watching you squirting on yourself. For now though I need to feel inside you though.

He lays my down on my back. He kisses me as he line up with my entrance. "Did you stretch enough?" He asks.

"Yes." He slams in me. I scream from pleasure.

"Damn, found it already."

"Same spot every time." I say breathless. His eyes darken.

"You can still talk. Lets change that." He slams in me faster and harder. "Shit! Ali'yah, I am close." I flip us, I want to try this. I sit on his member. I bounce as I watch him roll his head back. His eyes yells my name. I feel pride well up in me. "Ali'yah. You ride me so good baby." I grab my Queue and I grab his. I connect our Queue's. He thrusts up. I throw my head back moaning. He grabs my hips and slams in me from our positions. I feel love coming from him. I feel what he is feeling about me. He lifts me and slams me down. He gets rougher. I love how he is gentle with me at times and rough at others. He always know how to make me feel. I feel my stomach tightening, but I can not form the words. I whimper. "I know, Ali'yah. I feel you tightening around me." I squirt on his member. He thrust some more, until he pulls out. He releases on his stomach. I pout, wanting to feel him come in me. "Let's wait until our children can walk before I put another child in you." We laugh.

We get cleaned up and dressed. I feel Jake put something on my arm.

 I feel Jake put something on my arm

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I look to see it is arm band. I smile at how it looks like forest. I look at him. "I love it." He smiles, proudly.

"I'm glad, you are now of Metkayina and Omaticaya. I may have been accepted at Metkayina, but I was Omaticaya first." He says. I smile and kiss him. We go back, I see Ao'nung and Neteyam hold the babies. I look at them with a smile. Neteyam sees my arm band.

"Mother, your arm band is beautiful. Father worked really hard on it for days." He says, I feel my cheeks heat up. I hear the babies making noises. We all look at them. Kiri and Lo'ak are here. Jake and me watch our children all playing, while holding our youngest children. I lean on Jake's shoulder. I close my eyes to listen to the sound. I smile, I open my eyes. I have a feeling this is not the end of sky people, but for now I will enjoy this moment.

~The End or is it?~

1061 words

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