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I lean against the chest holding me. I know this scent anywhere. A chuckle is heard in my ear. "Do you often lean against men's chests?" Jake's voice rings in my ear.

"Only one's I want to be with." I answer.

"How many?"

"One." I say, turning my head to look at him. His golden eyes meets my teal ones. He turns me around so my full body is facing him. He pulls me so I am straddling his lap. He smells my neck, as my fingers tangle with his dreads.

"You smell nice. I want to devour you." He whispers. I let a moan slips from my lips. "But first, I have to ask. Who is the one you want to be with?" He asks me.

"You." With that one word he attack my lips. Although I am on top, but he has complete control over me. I pull from our heated kiss.

"Do you want to be with me?" I fold my ears back and look in his eyes.

"Not only do I want to be with you." I look at him. He smiles. "I need to be with you." I kiss his lips. His arms hug my back pulling me closer, so he can deepen the kiss. I gladly deepen. His teeth grab my lower lip and I gasp. He kisses the corner of my mouth, my jaw, and my neck. He licks a spot that makes me wrap my arms around his neck. I pull on his hair, he chuckles.

He does it again and I tighten my grip. "Jake." I say breathless. He lays me down with his hand under my head. I slightly push him away. "We can not, I need to talk to my brother and you have to talk your children." He lays his forehead on mine.

"Just let me kiss you a little longer." He says with pleading eyes. I pull him down to my lips. As we continue kissing, we hear.

"What is going on?" We pull apart and look to my opening to see Arya. This is bad.

We are at my brother's Marui. I keep my eyes on Tonomari. "I asked you to tell me." He scolds, I glare.

"I was going to. What happened is that..."

"It just happened. We didn't expect it to happen. I went in there to talk to her, but when I saw her cleaning up her mess. I wrap my arms around her to help her clean it up. I should've restained myself."

"Why would you need to talk to her?"

"I thought I offended her." I look at Jake.

"Tonowari, I promise we just kissed. I was going to tell you, tomorrow. I-I just wanted to have him keep holding me and kissing me. I would not given my body to him, yet. I would like to mate with him though. With your blessing and if he agrees." My cheeks heat up. Tonowari turns to Jake.

"Will you agree to be Ali'yah's mate, JakeSully?" I do not look at Jake, afraid of the answer. He takes my chin and turns my head towards him.

"Oe mllte. (I agree.)" He looks in my eyes. I turn my head quickly to hide my face.

"I agree to this pairing." Tonowari sighs. Arya eyes look at me with a softness in them.

"I will talk to my children, but I know they will agree to this." I nod with a soft smile on my face. I look at him and thank him in my head. "You're welcome." My eyes widen at his response to my unspoken words.

Jake's POV

I wake up the next morning, remembering last nights events. I notice the kids gone. I search for them and find Tuk in Ali'yah's Marui. I can always count on her to get Tuk's attention. They're making jewlery. I clear my throat, they both look at me. "Dad!" She exclaims with a bright smile. I hug her, I look at Ali'yah.

'I really want to kiss her.' Ali'yah straighens up.

"Tuk, I think your dad needs to talk to you." She says, Tuk looks at me.

"I do, but I need you to get your brothers and sister." She groans.

"I need to finish my necklace. I'm making it for Kiri."

"I will not finish mine without you. I promise." This brightens up Tuk's mood. She gently puts down her necklace and runs off to find her siblings. "We can not kiss, no matter how much I want to kiss you as well." I look at Ali'yah with widen eyes. "I don't know how to explain it, but it's almost like I could read your mind. Like you read mine last night." I remember answering her unspoken question.

The kids come back to our Marui. "Father, is something the matter?"

"No, I need to tell you something. Sit." They obey. "I know this is happening all of a sudden, but I found another mate. Now, understand. I will never stop loving your mom, but I am falling for Ali'yah." They listen to my words carefully.

"Yay!" Tuk laughs, I knew she would have this reaction.

"Dad, we have something to tell you." Neteyam says, I gesture for him to talk. "We already know. We have been wanting you to be happy. Also, Ali takes care of us and Tuk. She feeds us and keeps Tuk back when we want to hang with our friends. Also, we get a really good feeling from her." I hug my children.

"Now, shall I bring my future mate here?" I ask, Tuk shakes her head.

"No, I have to finish something with Ali first." She runs off to Ali'yah's Marui. I laugh.

"I guess we need to hang out with her too." Lo'ak says brightly and gets up.

"Not now. Your sister doesn't want anyone seeing what they are working on yet." I say.

"Yes sir." He says, they run off.

Ali'yah's POV

I look out my window, waiting for Tuk to return. "Hi!" I hear a little voice. I look at the little girl.

"Hi, Tuk." She sits and is ready to finish her necklace.

"Dad told us about you being his future mate. We all approve, but don't hurt him, okay." Tuk concentrates on her necklace while speaking. I smile and start mine.

"I will not."

1060 words

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