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~Ali'yah's POV~

I sit on the mat outside as Arya checks me and the baby. I look at Jake, he is watching. I can tell he is still upset. "Arya?" Arya looks at me, she looks at Jake after.

"It's strange." I look at Arya. "Relax, Jake." She says, I turn back to Jake he is very upset. "The babies are fine." I turn my head. I must look confused. "There are three heartbeats. One is Ali'yah's the other two are your children. I felt only one before, but I was trying to make sure she was okay. The third heartbeat may have been in sync with the second." She explains.

"In Sync?" I ask. Arya looks at me.

"They were beating at the same time. Now they're out of sync. It's rare that this happens but it does happen." I am not sure how to feel about this.

"So, in other words you risk two of our children." My ear go flat against my head at Jake's words.

"Jake." Tonowari says. I look at my hands, I do not like Jake upset with me. How can I tell him I know how to fight even with child? "Na'vi know are trained to fight. The women are trained to fight and protect their stomachs while with child. They are trained at a young age."

My brother tells him, tears form in my eyes. "I wouldn't fight unless I know I can protect our child... children." My voice is breaking. Arya puts her hand over mine. I hear a sigh making my ear twitch. "The children are important to me." Jake sits next to me. He puts a hand on my head.

"I'm sorry for yelling. I just get worried when I hear or see you fighting. All I can think about is you or our babies getting hurt." He says, softly. I throw my body on his, he catches us. I silently cry. He plays with my hair. "I'm sorry." He says, his voice is now breaking. After I calm down, I pull from him.

"I can not say I will not fight, but I promise I will protect our children, all of them." He smiles and places his hand on my cheek. I touch my stomach. I look down. "Two?" I look at Arya. She nods, she is now next to Tonowari. She looks at Jake, he is looking at me.

"Looks, like your genes are strong as ever." This causes Jake to laughs. His laugh makes me smile.

"What do you mean?" Tonowari asks.

"Well, Jake is a twin. Our brother Tommy was his twin." I look at Jake.

"I'm sorry." He smiles.

"I got to meet you. I know my brother would be very happy for both of us." He says. He kisses my lips gently. I kiss him back. He pulls us apart. Before we can say something to each other, a Na'vi man is at their entrance. I stand up with Jake.

"Kiri is sick." He says, I run with the man. I do not know what has happened, but my child needs me. We get to Kiri. I sit next to her. I take her hand into mine. Arya is in the Marui soon as Tsireya hands her a bowl. She starts her ritual to healing Kiri. Jake is by me as I watch her. I hold my tears back. I want to smile when she wakes up.

Kiri wakes up and starts crying. I hug her as she lays on the mat. "Kiri, my sweet child."

"Kiri, your back." Tuk says. Kiri hugs me crying hard. "I saw her. I saw my mother."

"You saw Grace?" Jake asks. Kiri nods. I look at Jake. "Grace is a sky person who helped me become a Na'vi, she also stood up for the na'vi. We don't know when Grace was with child, but she had Kiri after her death. Neytiri and I adopted her. She is now my daughter." I place my hand on Jake's while hugging my child.

"Our child, including Neytiri and Grace." I correct him. I sit up and look at Kiri. "You are my child as well. You are so loved." I place my hands on Kiri's cheeks. "All of you are so loved." I look to Tuk.

"Mom." Kiri squeaks out. she sits up and hugs me.

"She needs to rest here for now. I will take care of her." I look to Arya. I say thank you to her. I take Tuk out and Jake follows.

"Tuk go play. Your sister will be okay." Tuk nods and walks away. I do not look at Jake, I walk to our Marui.

When I there, I make sure no one is there. I cry, Jake holds me. My knees is too weak to hold me. Jake guides us down softly. "I thought we lost her. I thought the great mother would take her, before I could teach her." I hug his arm I was leaning on.

"I know, I did as well." I hear his voice break. I hug his waist. He leans his head in my neck and cries softly.

~Jake's POV~

I hold my mate even after we couldn't cry anymore. We lay in our same spots and look at the ceiling. "I want to learn the ways of forest." I look down at her words. She is looking in my eyes with intensity. I nod, knowing she is serious.

"Okay, but I want to go through the test to becoming Metkayina." She smiles.

"That is easy. You already did all of them but one. I will let my brother know." I smile at Ali'yah. She is so carefree sometimes. "The same, but different." She looks at me confused. "You are like Neytiri in some ways, but different in other ways." She smiles softly. Straddling my stomach she leans down and place a peck on my lips.

I grab her by her arms and pull her down to keep kissing me. My love, my life, my Ali'yah. I can't believe another person would slip into my heart. My hand travel up to her neck as I flip us over. She gasps, I use this to slip my tongue into her mouth. My hands slip under her top and I pinch her nipple hard. She arches her back as savor her taste. I tug her nipple, just a little. She moans, I smile. "Ali'yah." She looks at me. "We're going to have fun tonight."

"What about Kiri?"

"Arya is watching her. She will get us if something happens. I know my sister very well. Kiri is also very strong." She is satisfied with my response. I kiss her once again.

1120 words

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