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He unties my loincloth and slips his hand in it. He touches my pearl, I let of a gasp. "That's it, baby. You like that don't you?" He asks.

"Y-Yes." I whimper. I hold his shoulders, he slips his arm by my head. His hand is on my head. I want to let out a scream. He moves his hand, I whimper. He slips off my loin cloth.

"I have been wanting to taste you." He says as I watch him between my legs. He keeps his eyes on me, when he licks between my folds. I moan, but I keep looking in his eyes. His eyes roll back, he moans. The vibration of that made me throw my head back. "Baby, you taste better than any food." He says, he attacks my pearl. There's a tightening in my stomach. I moan loudly. "Shh, baby. If you're too loud then someone will hear you." I cover my mouth.

As he attacks my pearl the tightening gets tighter. "Jake, my stomach is tightening." I manage to say before I cover my mouth again. His tongue gets faster. I scream in my hand.

"That's it baby. Scream for me." He says against my pearl. That is my undoing. The tightening releases. He keeps attacking, helping me through it. "That was amazing. I love to see you cum. It's beautiful." I flip us over and undo his loin cloth. I slip it off and his member is hard. I touch it, he groans. "Careful, it's in pain." He says.

"How do I make the pain stop?" I ask concerned. My breath hits his member, his breath hitches.

"Put your mouth on it and squeeze in with your mouth." He orders, I obey. As I stay like that, his hand grips my hair. "When I pull go with it, when I push go with it. Never fight me, you will get hurt. And I don't want to hurt you." I nod, he groans again. He pulls my hair to the tip of his member and he pushes to his base Causing me to gag. "Oh, that's it baby keep gagging on my cock." I do not understand right away. I guess that's what his calls his member. He stands, keeping my mouth on his member. I do not know how I managed to follow him. He thrusts his hips while I sit there. The deep animalistic sounds coming from him makes me moan. I love hearing those sounds. He hugs my head tight as he stops thrusting. Something warm spurts down my throat, I swallow. "That's it baby swallow my cum." When he moves his hands, I move my head the way he did before. "Ahh, Ali'yah if you don't stop... Fuck it." He pulls away from my lips and lays us down. He has me on top of him, my head at his member. I put him into my mouth. "That's it baby, Suck my cock." I suck like he told me. Until, he licks my pearl. I gasp pulling away from his member.

"Don't stop or I stop." He says, sternly. I put him back in my mouth. I feel his tongue go into my entrance. I scream on his member. "Ali'yah!" He yells my name. I stop and look back.

"Shh, Jake or they will hear you." I repeat his words. I put him back in my mouth. He attacks my entrance and I feel my stomach tighten again. He starts licking my pearl. I feel his finger enter me as his tongue stops. The feeling of him in me makes my head go faster.

"Oh, you like that?" I do not answer, just go faster. "Shit! Ali'yah!" He says, sternly. He adds two other fingers. "Oh, baby I want to be inside you." I release on his face. He keeps going I feel twitching coming from his member. "I'm close, baby. I need you to swallow my seed, do you understand." I nod my head. His warm liquid splurts in my mouth. He stands up as I swallow it. I am trapped against the Marui wall. "Now, stand here and let me take care of you." He kisses my lips and kisses down my body. He kneels in front of me.

"Jake." He looks at me as he puts my leg on his shoulder. He licks my pearl. I mewl. He attacks my entrance with his three fingers. I scream in my hand, still looking at him.

"You like it when I do this, don't you, baby. Do you want another finger?" I nod, he smiles. "Be a good girl and use your words." I whimper at his words.

"Yes." I say, he adds another. I feel my walls tightening on his fingers. His other hand rubs fast against my pearl. I scream in my hand and I feel a release like no other rip through my body. Liquid rushes out of me. Jake helps me though this feeling. When I stop, he puts my leg down and cleans up our mess. He then dresses me. I'm still leaning against the wall.

I try to stand but fall over. Jake catches me. "Careful. You're still weak from tonight. Let me carry you." He lifts me and carries me to his Marui in his pod. He lays us down on his hammock. It's small but cozy. "Tonowari and I are going to build two Marui's between forest and water. So that way we get both worlds." I look at him in awe. How can this man get that I would want this? He looks down at me, his eyes shows so much.

"Do you want more children one day?" His eyes shines and his tail wraps around my arm. I giggle at this gesture. I look in his eyes. "That is not answer." I say.

"With you, yes. With anyone else other you or Neytiri, no." I look down at his words. Neytiri, I let my curiosity get the better of me.

"What happened to Neytiri?" His eyes go dark. Sadness and anger cloud them. I get scared.

1018 words

Jake X Ali'yah: FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now