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We are to mate in a month. I am scared. Is this man really my mate? I wonder around, I see him and jump in the ocean before he sees me. I swim away to my favorite spot. I sit on the sand, looking at the ocean. I pull look at the water, when I hear footsteps. I look back. "Tonowari."

"While I rode with JakeSully I saw you diving in the water you seem to be in a upset. What is wrong, sister?"

"I am afraid." I lay my ears flat on my head.

"Of what?"

"Of mating. It is for life. What if he regrets it later?" Tonowari looks at me offended.

"Has he given you a reason to have this fear?" I shake my head. "Then he wants you as his mate. I know he will not regret it. He looks at you like I look Arya. Like how any mate should look at their mates. I have never seen him unsure when he has made a decision." I look my brother in his eyes.

"Thank you." I say, he hugs me.

~TimeSkip One month~

I have taught Jake everything he needs to know to live here. He is a quick learner. We go for a swim, I show him my favorite spot to swim. He seems interested. 'This is where I like to collect shells.' He passes me and goes to the coral. He hands me two shells.

 He hands me two shells

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I smile big. 'I will make us necklaces with these.' I sign to him.

'I can't wait to have mine.' I smile. He gives them to me. I look at close he is to me. One of his hands wrap around my waist and he kisses me. I kiss him back. This man, I belong with him. We go up for air, I look him in the eye.

"You must wait. I have not yet made them." He laughs, I look at him.

"What if I can't wait to mate with you?" I widen my eyes.

"We must. It is tomorrow." His hand goes to my face.

"Choose which one we are going to do today." I look in his eyes. I see a look in his eyes there is a look I do not know of.

"I will be done with the necklaces today." I swim away from him and go to my Marui. I make the necklaces. They take all day, but I finished them.

I run to Jake's Marui to find they are having dinner. I hide behind the wall and sit. I bring my knees to my chest as I listen to what they are talking about. "Dad, why hasn't Ali'yah come over to eat dinner with us?" Little Tuk asks.

"Do you want her to come over?" Jake asks.

"Yes." She says excited.

"What about the rest of you?" Jake asks.

"I actually like her." Kiri says.

"Yes sir." Neyteyam says.

"Dad, I don't know why you haven't had her move in yet. She's your mate." Lo'ak says, I smile.

"She's going to be my mate." Jake corrects.

"It doesn't matter. She's going to be our mother, so I thought we would all do family stuff." Lo'ak explains. "Unless she's unhappy with us."

"Of course not. She is just not use to our ways. She talks about you guys when we are alone. Plus, if she wasn't happy with us, she wouldn't become my mate or your mother tomorrow." Jake explains. I get up and try to walk away, but I accidently knock down some baskets. I pick up the baskets, praying they did not hear me. "You know if you wanted to come in, you could've just came in." I jump at Jakes voice behind me. I look at my future mate.

"I-I- You guys seemed to be having a private talk, so I just went to leave." Jake grabs my wrist and traps me against the Marui walls. He smashes his lips against mine. I did not respond at first, but I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. He pulls away and his golden eyes looks me in my teal eyes.

"Does this mean you want to mate right now?" He chuckles, I frown at him.

"I do, but we must wait until tomorrow. It has been torture for me as well." I explain. I realize I do not have the necklaces in my hand. I look at the ground. I see they landed behind Jake. I pick them up. "They are not how I want them, but here." I hand him his necklace. He puts it on.

"It's perfect." He says. I try to run away, but he grabs my arm and pulls me backwards against his chest. His arms wrapping around me. "Don't leave. I need you here with me, with the kids." I turn and hug him.

"I have been waiting for you to ask." I say as he hug me back. Later, he leads me back inside and I sit next to him. He fixes me a bowl of food. I take a bite my ears perk up in excitement. "This is good." I say. The children laugh.

After I finish my food, the children go to their own pods. I take a deep breath and crawl on Jakes lap. I have not been this bold before. SO, why only with him? Jake holds me as we sit there in silence. I nuzzle my nose in his neck, wanting to smell his scent. He takes a deep breath. I do it again and his grip on my bottom tightens. He gets up lifting me with him. He carries me with him, walking out of his Marui. We arrive into mine, He lays me down, he puts out the fire and closes the cloth at the opening. He lays on top of me. "J-Jake we can't not mate." I say looking up at him.

"We won't. We will just touch each other." He says, I look at him confused.

1006 words

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