Chapter 3

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When Wei Ying woken up again ,it was already dark outside. Things slowly started to come back to him. He is not the YunmengJiang sect anymore he is in the Gusulan Sect. Will things be better here? Will they also hide him away and not care what happens to him? He wondered how he got here. The last thing he remembered was being thrown on the floor of his bedroom after Madam Yu caught him stealing a bun.

But he was so hungry. He closes his eyes and pushes the memory away. When he opened it again, there in front of him stood three men in white. He couldn't help but think mourning close. He almost burst out laughing. Why are they just standing there? At least he knows the younger ones name that's Lan Zhan. He wave at them with a bright smile. The three moved closer to his bed.

" Wei Ying, my name is Lan Qiren, and these two are my nephews. Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji. We are in the Cloud Recess. The Gusulan Sect. I know you're confused about how you end up here. And who brought you here, but I will try to explain as best as I can. "

Lan Qiren said to him. Watching for any reaction but the boy just looks at him with that big grey eyes confused.
Maybe he should ask healer Lan to explain to the boy. He doesn't want to make things worse for the boy. Wei Ying patiently waits for him to explain. He makes his mind up even though he will probably sound crazy to the boy.

" Wei Ying, a man and a woman brought you here more than a week ago. You were in very poor condition, and your back was hurt from the whipping you received. I don't think I have to mention a name. They asked me to take you in and to take care of you. Which I'm willing to do if you agree to that. "

He told Wei Ying. Wei Ying couldn't help but kept staring.
He wants to take care of me. Wei Ying hadn't realised as of yet, but now that he moved his arms, he doesn't feel any pull on his muscles. Nor does he feel uncomfortable.

" Is it okay if I call you shufu? If not, I'll call you sect Leader. It's not a problem for me. They asked you to take care of me. Do you know who they were?".

Wei Ying asked.

" First, I have no problem that if you so wish to call me shufu. Yes, they did. Unfortunately, I don't. Wei Ying I know you don't know me or us but we promise to keep you safe. To love you as our own. Your mother and father were good people. I was not friends with them, but they love to help others.
I would also love to make me your ward or even adopt you as my son. If that's okay with you. "

He said to Wei Ying, who was crying now, his little shoulders shaking. Lan Xichen moves to sit next to him on the bed, holding him while running his hand up and down his back, trying to calm him down.

When he finally stops crying. He looks at the three of them. Who are practically strangers to him but who makes him feel like he finally belongs.

He doesn't know why he feels like that. He doesn't know why when he looks at Lan Zhan, he feels like he has known him for a long time. He can feel that there is something inside him that pulls him towards him. His mother used to say something to him, but he couldn't remember. He feels that it was important somehow. Maybe one day he will remember.

"I would love to be part of shufu's family. Just promise me that you won't hurt me and throw me away. That you won't treat me like I'm a burden. "

He said with tears once again in his eyes.

" Wei Ying, we would never do that. You are now a part of our family, and that makes you a Lan. Maybe not by blood but by heart."

Xichen pressed his hand on Wei Ying's heart.

"You are my little didi now, and I will protect you just as I will protect Wangji. Do you hear me? "

Wei Ying nods his head, and just then, his tummy decides to interfere. He shyly presses his hands on his tummy to stop the growling. He looked at the three with fear in his eyes, and their hearts wanted to break. Lan Zhan turned and asked one of the disciples to bring Wei Ying something to eat. Some soup because something too heavy may let his stomach cramp.

" I'm sorry."

Wei Ying said in a small voice full of shame.

" There is no shame in being hungry, and don't you ever apologize for it, Wei Ying. We are here for you. This is no empty promise. Remember that. I want you to be comfortable and tell us if something is bothering you. Let us know when you want something to eat. We will never deny you anything okay".

Lan Qiren said. He sighs softly.
What did that woman do to this poor child that he even fear to asked for something to eat. How many times have he been gone without something to eat, and did the sect Leader know? And if he did, why didn't he put a stop to it or give the boy to someone who would look after him.

If it's true and she had him locked up, can the boy even write and read. He needs to know God forgive him.

" Wei Ying can I asked you something".

Lan Qiren asked.

"Yes shufu".

Wei Ying answered him.

"Can you write and read?"

Wei Ying let his head hang and shake his head no.

" Madam Yu said that it wasn't necessary for me to learn. She said I was a servant, and servants don't need to do those things. "

Before any of them could answer. There was a soft knock, and a disciple came in with a tray with food on. Also, some fruit that ,was easy on the tummy. Wei Ying looked with wide eyes at the food.

" Come on, Wei Ying, let me feed you."

Xichen said which Wei Ying shyly allows. Maybe just maybe if Xichen took the time and looked at his little brother, he would've seen his death in so many different ways. But he didn't thank God, and he kept on feeding Wei Ying.

If Lan Zhan is thinking of asking shufu if he could visit the forbidden part of the library, then it is nobodies business but his own. His brother should learn his place just because he is the eldest, but it doesn't mean he can come and take Wei Ying's care over just like that. So his brother better sleep with one eye open.

Really, Wangji Lan Qiren thought as he took a glance at his younger nephew. He doesn't know why Wangji is jealous of his brother. He can't help but smile.

He can't stop wondering. What if Cangse wasn't just an ordinary omega.
Changze himself was strong, and he could even say extraordinary alpha. Sect Leader Jiang wouldn't have kept him by his side for so long. He even went out of his way to spend his time looking for the child. But what made them lock him up? Something must've happened, or he didn't find out what he expected. He wished there was some way he could find out more about Cangse.

He knows nothing about true male omegas. He doubt they will find any in the forbidden section. Was Cangse really just a disciple of BoashanSanren, or is there more. Even if he wanted to, nobody knows where her mountain is, and he strongly doubts Wei Ying would know. Xichen was finally finished feeding Wei Ying.
Maybe they should go and let him rest. His been through a lot.

" Wei Ying, you should get some rest, so we are going now. We'll be back tomorrow."

Wei Ying looked sad but nodded his head. He gets himself ready to lay down.

" Shufu, I will stay with Wei Ying.
I will play for him to help him sleep."

Lan Wangji told his uncle with a bow.

" Fine Wangji."

He said, and both he and Xichen left.

" Thank you, Lan Zhan. But you don't have to stay, I will be fine."

"I will stay with Wei Ying and play for him."

Wei Ying smiled, and Lan Zhan took out wanji and started playing. Not long, soft snores could be heard, but Lan Zhan didn't stopped he kept on playing.

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