Chapter 16

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After everything that had happened and after everyone had left the young couple decided to open their marriage gifts. They were so excited over everything they got. Those they know that they won't use. They would give it to the those less fortunate. They also started going on nighthunts. Their uncle and brother not please because they will usually go alone just the two of them but they would assured them that nothing would happen to them. They heard nothing of the Jin sect Leader but they were not so arrogant not to realise that the man is still a threat as well as the jiangs. But for now they will help the commoners. Ridding their towns from ghosts and anything unsavory. Not long they were talked about in most highest and honorable way. People telling stories of the two young masters who helped them and not even want payment. Word would reached the Cloud Recess and Lan Qiren's and Lan Xichen's hearts could not helped but to swell in pride even though being prideful is forbidden if the others don't know then it is quite fine. But they were not the only ones the whole of the Cloud Recess was proud of their two masters. The common people will tell stories of a beautiful white wolf and a beautiful black wolf fighting monsters. Blood dripping from their mouths but neither one of them would ever attacked humans. But not everyone took the stories in good stride. In the Jiang sect yelling and screaming could be heard. A woman telling her son to do better. How can he allow that a son of a servant out do him. How could he allow himself to be lesser than that boy. You should train harder she screamed. The disciples themselves weren't spared as well. The sect Leader never leaves his office unless it's for official business. In the Jin sect the leader is no closer in acquiring the omega and it's pissing him off.

A-Ying and A-Zhan were almost two months gone now. They are enjoying the freedom and the chance to help those that are forgotten so easily by the Cultivation Sects. Most of the time they are their wolf form especially when they are in woods and out in the wild. Sleeping outside begin to have a new meaning to them. It's during times like these that they would allow themselves to indulge in their every day activities. Their last stop before they return home was Yiling. When they step into the small town people looked at them and bowed their heads in respect and thanks to the two young masters. A-Ying had been feeling tired and had been throwing up the last few days. His stomach was cramping and he just did not feel like doing anything but sleep. They booked a room at a inn and A-Zhan asked the inn keeper if he could please fill the tub with some warm water. He was very worried about his mate and he had also pick up that his mates scent had change a bit it had a sweeter milky snell to it. As soon as they entered the room Lan Zhan helped A-Ying towards the bed and helped him to sit down. There was a soft knock on the door he stood up and opened it and servants came in with hot water and starts filling the tub when they were finished he thanked them. He coached A-Ying out of his robes who was almost asleep. He picked him up and lowered him carefully into the water. He carefully washed his hair and then his body by now A-Ying was fast asleep. When he was finished rinsing his hair and made sure no soap was left he dried his hair and then lift him up carefully and started to dry his body afterwards he put sleeping robes on him and put him to bed making sure that he is comfortable before he himself took a bath once done he put on his sleeping robes and slide in behind his mate. He draw him closer and put a soft kiss on his forehead and put his head down not long he also was fast asleep.

As they slept red and black smoke creep through the door. It float towards the foot end of the bed and then the red smoke materialize into a woman dress in red. She stood there as the black tendrils dance around the two sleeping young men. A smile materialize on her face, eyes soft and then she whispers ever so softly. " I am so glad that you are fine. It seems that you two have a surprise on the way and this time we will make sure that you will get to enjoy your pup". The black tendrils howl softly in agreement. Their masters is back and this time they will protect them beter.
They stayed the whole night watching over the two sleeping bodies until they saw one of young men move and slowly opening his eyes. They slipped away but not far because from this day forward they will be their keepers and protectors. A-Zhan opened his eyes fully and look lovingly at his mate who is sleeping with his face in his neck close to his scent gland and his arm across his chest. He layed still for a little while longer stroking his mates hair gently.
He  indulge himself to lay a little bit  longer beside his lover before he maneuvered himself carefully from his mates hold who was making whining noises but went right back to sleep. Lan Zhan smile lovingly and gave him a tender kiss on his forehead before he stood up and get dress. He made his way out of the room to go and order them some breakfast. When he came back he sat down at the low table cross his legs and closes his eyes. He meditate until he heard a soft knock on the door he stood up in one smooth action and opened the door. There stood a servant with a tray with their breakfast. He thanked him and took it and closes the door behind him then he walked towards the low table and sat the tray down. He lay the food out on the table and went over to the bed to wake up his lover. He softly calls his mate.
" A-Ying it's time to get up. Breakfast is ready". " Lan Zhan let me sleep just a little longer". A-Ying said still half a sleep. " A-Ying you need to eat". He starts pampering him with kisses that in return makes A-Ying giggle. After awhile he finally coach him out of bed he dresses him and almost carry him to the table. As soon as he put A-Ying down and he himself sat down A-Ying immediately scoot over and sat his behind on Lan Zhan's lap. " You have to feed me Lan Zhan your mate is to tired to eat himself". He pouts as he looks at his mate. Lan Zhan smile and give him a kiss on his pouty lips but as soon as he uncovers the food and tried to spoon fed A-Ying he scrunch up his nose. " Is something wrong? Do you not like the food?". Lan Zhan asked him with concern in his voice.
A-Ying shakes his head and said. " The food smells funny. I don't think I will be able to get it down". Now Lan Zhan gets worried because he knows how much his lover likes to eat. " A-Ying do you think we should return to the Cloud Recess. I'm worried about you and there is something I have notice. Your scent had change". Lan Zhan said to him. " Change? How?". A-Ying asked confuse. " I don't know but I think it best if we leave immediately".
He told his lover. A-Ying nods his head and soon they were on their way back home unbeknownst that they were not alone. Red and black mist traveling in the distance but not far.

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