Chapter 32

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Six months has passed since that day and Lan Zhan and A-Ying had been training daily. They would end each day in the cold springs so this day was no different then any other. They took of their robes and walked into the water. Once they reached the middle instead off sitting next to Lan Zhan, A-Ying waited for his mate to resume his lotus position before he climbed onto his lap and straddle him. Lan Zhan gave him a lift of the eyebrow looked and asked.
"A-Ying what are you doing?". A-Ying looked at him innocently and said.
"Well I need you to make me forget even if is just for awhile". Lan Zhan was confuse with his answer and asked." What do you mean by that".
"I need to forget for awhile about this whole mess. I want you to make me feel good and take me to a place where it's just you and me for awhile". He said while rubbing himself against his mate. Lan Zhan looked at him knowing what he means by those words. He place a kiss on his forehead and then he dipped his head and they shared a rather sloppy kiss with teeth and tongues. He pulled back and said." I will make you forget. Will make us forget for just a little while before he came in for another kiss. This one slow as he bit his mates lip and as he gasps he slip his tongue inside. A-Ying could feel his body slowly starts to heat up and he grinds into his mates already hard erection. He moans into the kiss that send a fire running through Lan Zhan. He got up quickly as their scents starts to turn their arousal slowly rising and he gave his mates ass a hard squeeze before he picked up their robes and throw it over them as he had no choice because A-Ying refuse  to get down. He could smell his mates scent getting stronger and he all but run up the path towards the jingshi. Some of the disciples who were patrolling turned their heads away as a slight blush crept up their faces as the smell the arousal in the air as the two walked past them. As soon as the reached the jingshi Lan Zhan slide the door open and walked inside still with a tightly wrapped A-Ying in his arms. He quickly send a butterfly message to his brother asking him to keep the twins and to inform Fenhua not to come to the jingshi. Not soon he waved his hand and locked the jingshi. He went and sit on the bed and lift his mates face. He did not expect to see his mate fully flushed face or those eyes filled with so much desire in it. He captured his lips and kissed him as if his life depended on it. Soon moans were coming out of A-Ying's mouth as he made his way down his neck. Kissing and sucking as he went down. His teeth grazes over his mates mating bite and a shudder went through A-Ying's whole body as slick starts to gush out of his whole.
"Lan Zhan please. I need you". He gasps out. Lan Zhan lifts his head and said in a strained voice."Patience A-Ying". He stood up and laid A-Ying on the bed as he quickly took of their under robes. He looked at his mate who's whole body were hot to the touch. He lowered himself and he starts to kiss him again. A-Ying arched his back to get some friction but Lan Zhan pushed him back and held him in place.

He made his way down to the inviting nipple that are standing on attention. White substance were dripping from it. Why did he not see it. He smell the sweetness of milk and he attached his lips to the nipple. Gently sucking it as he played with the other. After giving it the attention that it needs he moved on to the other giving it the same amount of attention. Once sated and satisfied he lifts his head and oh his mate looks so beautiful with his eyes close and his face flushed red. He licks his lips and lowered his head. He starts to place kisses all over his mates body. He sucked and bite smoothing every bite and sucked mark with a tender kiss. He slowly made his way down while his mates body was writhing under him his one hand still holding him in place. He looked at his mates member that's leaking right now. He gave the tip of his member a gentle kiss before he took it his hand away from his mates stomach and took his legs and put it over his shoulder. He dipped his head again and took A-Ying's member in his hand and gave it a few strokes before he put it into his mouth while he used his fingers to opened him up. First one finger not long after he added another. Scissors him open before he adds another. He pumped his fingers  in and out while still sucking A-Ying off. Moving his fingers around until he finds his soft spot A-Ying let out a long satisfied moan as his arch his back as Lan Zhan hits that same spot with those long fingers. Not long A-Ying came in his mouth with a moan mouthing hanging open and shudders rocking through his body. Lan Zhan let go of his member after milking him dry and then he sat back taking his own hard and throbbing member in his hand he took some of A-Ying's slick and rubbed it on his own member before he pushed his mates legs into his chest and lined himself up at his hole. He slowly starts to penetrate him until he was in to the sheath. He took a few slow breaths before he starts to move slowly at first trying to find his rhythm once he found he searched for his mate soft spot once again. Founding it he went after it time and time again. A-Ying was moaning and screaming out Lan Zhan's name. His eyes close face flushed and his lips slightly parted. The jingshi reeked of sex and pheromones. The two drunk on the scent Lan Zhan rammed into his mate with anew mission pulling out and slamming right back in rummaging his mate everytime with new force. He turns him around on all fours grab him by his hips and slammed back in hitting so much deeper. They both were in seventh heaven. Lan Zhan leaned forward and kissed A-Ying's neck grazing his teeth over his scent gland sending a shiver through his whole body not long A-Ying came again. Lan Zhan sat an impossible pace as he continues to hit his mate soft spot and at the same time chasing his own orgasm. Thrusting with anew strength and speed he could feel his knot starts to form so he turns his mate around quickly before pushing right in and he resumes his pace as his knot grew he grabs A-Ying's hips keeing him steady and still fucked him until he felt his knot starts to swell more. His thrust became a little sloppily as he felt his own release. Soon his knot was in place and locked them together he slumped over onto his mate careful not to crush him. When he finally catches his breath he slowly turns making sure not to hurt his mate and lays on his back with A-Ying on top of him. He gave him a small kiss on the top his head as A-Ying gave a small smile looking up at him eyes glassy before he laid back down and closes his eyes. They both rest waiting for Lan Zhan's knot to come down. They went for a few more rounds after that this time more slowly and sensual just enjoying each other's bodies. Their spiritual energy surging through their bodies.  They were so engrossed into just giving each other a good and unforgettable time that they did not even realise that their energies were starting to mix to the point where they did not know where the ones energy starts and the others end. A surge off energy surrounded them and took them to a place of euphoria  both of were sweaty and bodies flushed. They made love into the deep of the night. With their last round they in the heat of the moment and high on ecstacy. Their minds a mumble of nothing but only each others name they bite each other again. Renewing their mating bonds. Becoming one but this time it is different because this time they truly became one. In mind, heart, body and soul. The true alpha and true male omega finally became who they were meant to be. Their powers finally unlocked. Not only because of them having made love no its because for the last six months they had the one place the purest and the one with the purest energy flowing throw the Cloud Recess.  The cold springs. Yes they had change even though they don't know it yet. Their wolves were howling in joy finally they have come to be what they were always meant to be. To be superior. To rule above all. To bring peace and prosperity to all. While sleeping the two went through a change themselves as the deity Simms stood by their bedside a smile on his face as he whispers to himself. "Finally it took you long enough. I have been waiting for this moment for so long thinking that Chenqing and Wanji made a mistake chosing the two of you but you have proven me wrong. You finally are ready so I will leave you with a little present. Use it well". He put something on the low table with a note attached to it and take one last look at the two before he disappeared. His work is done finally .

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