Chapter 9

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Lan Zhan's body clock woke him up exactly at five the next morning. The first thing he felt was something heavy on top of him. Second he can see a head with curly locks on his chest. He was confused at who this was. Thirdly the smell hit him cinnamon and honey. A-Ying. He questioned himself. What is he doing here. His mind still hazy from the sleep and the ordeal he went through the past week. He slowly lifts his head to look around. He is in the Jingshi but how did A-Ying end up here with him in bed. He slowly close his eyes again trying to remember what had happened. He felt movement coming from A-Ying thinking that he is waking up so he opened his eyes again but all that A-Ying did was just snuggling deeper into him. His eyes flew wide open when A-Ying's knee touch little wanji by mistake. Wide awake now all he knows is that he needs to get up so he slowly starts to loosen A-Ying's grip on him and slide slowly out from under him hoping that he didn't wake him up but when he looked at him thankfully he was still fast asleep. He sank slowly to his knees and took deep and slow breaths to calm himself down.

He heard his brothers voice calling softly to him. He stood up and walked towards the sitting area. There his brother is busy making tea. Xichen looked up and saw his brother. "Good morning A-Zhan. I hope you are feeling beter. You do look beter I'm so glad". He said. Lan Zhan looked at his brother confused. Was he sick that he didn't know about. Xichen saw the confuse look on his face and told him to get dress and as soon as A-Ying wakes me and uncle will tell you both what happened ". He told Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan turn around and went back into the bedroom and behind the privacy screen and dress himself once done he did his hair looked over to the bed and saw that A-Ying was still sleeping. He went back into the sitting area where his brother already poured them both some tea. He sit down and took his cup and sip slowly.

Lan Zhan was worried the small lines between his eyes said it all. His brother was watching him with concern he knows what his brother must think so he said to him. " A-Zhan nothing happened. Nothing happened between you and A-Ying so you don't need to worry". Lan Zhan looked at him and nods his head. He felt a sense off relieve if he had done something to his mate he would've never been able to forgive himself. Not long there was a knock on the door Xichen stood up and opened it. There stood Lan Qiren stil with a guilty look on his face. Xichen stood the side to let him in. He step inside and sit down at the table after greetings were exchange between the three. He sat some robes down next to which Lan Zhan recognized as A-Ying's. Lan Qiren could not look his nephew in his eyes and it confuses Lan Zhan once again he wondered what exactly had happened. He looked at his with a question in his eyes but his brother just smiled at him.

Wei Ying started to stir. His eyes opened slowly the scent of sandalwood invaded his nose. He is confused his eyes instantly flew wide open. He looked around. He's in the Jingshi. What is he doing here. He tried to think how he ended up here but his mind draw a blank. Just then Lan Zhan entered with the robes his uncle brought. Wei Ying looked at him in confuse. " Wei Ying should get dress uncle and brother is waiting in front". He gave Wei Ying the robes turn around and leave. Leaving a more confuse Wei Ying behind. In a daze he got himself dressed. He walked out. As soon as he entered the room he saw his uncle, Xichen and Lan Zhan said at the low table he made his way towards them and sat next to Lan Zhan who poured him a cup of tea.

Once they were done Lan Qiren cleared his throat. He looked at the two boys and stood up. Before anyone knows what's going on he started to kowtow before the two boys asking for forgiveness over and over. Lan Zhan and Wei Ying was confused. They don't know what's going on right now. Why would their uncle be kowtowing before them and ask for forgiveness. They looked at Xichen who just looked at them sadly. They stood up and asked their uncle to get up but the man refuse. " Uncle please". Wei Ying pleaded. Please get up. After some time they finally got him to get up and sit down while Xichen poured him some water.
" Brother what's going on?". Lan Zhan asked Xichen. He looked at them and told them what had happened. How the two of them got sick after they were separated. The two were shocked and confuse after hearing that. Lan Qiren had finally calm down enough and said to the boys." I'm sorry because of me we almost lost the two of you". He said with tears in his eyes. " Uncle please don't blame yourself and you to Xichen-ge. You couldn't have known. None of us could've known. So please we don't blame you so don't blame yourself". Wei Ying told the two men. Lan Zhan agrees with a nod of his.

The two men looks at them and nods their heads. They sat in silence everyone in their own thoughts.


Just a little note Wei Ying and Lan Zhan has never been outside of cloud Recess. They did night hunt but only within the borders of Gusu. They have never met the other sect heirs so the next chapter will be a time skip. The book is starting to get boring so this will be their first time attending a discussion conference with Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen at jinling towers. So just imagine the shock when two certain people sees him😁😁

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