The Trial

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Jin Guangyoa had done his research on the wolfsbane. He knows exactly what it can and will do to someone like Lan Wanji if inhaled. It will slowly weaken him. His senses will start to fail him one by one. First his taste ,then his smell,then his hearing,then his touch and finally his eye sight before he starts to bleed from his eyes and nose. Finally death. All he has to do is to create an opportunity a commotion to distract everyone to blow it into his face. Then he has to make sure that nobody is in the same vicinity as the twins for him to snatch and make a safe getaway with them. If only things were that easy but it is not always and our plans does not always goes the way we want them to.

Breakfast was at nine early enough as the trail would start at noon giving the accusers time to get their witnesses ready. The Lan, Nie and Wen were very relax giving nothing away which was nerve wrecking to say the least. Not even the accuse looked nervous or scared not by the way the omega was joking and laughing and it confuses them more because shouldn't he be scared or nervous or something. Soon breakfast was done and many made their way outside into the courtyard. Some were talking and others were just standing around. After a while Wen Rouhan, Lan Qiren and the others soon exit the dining hall and made their way towards the courtyard. There are many they know that only came out of curiosity and many had come because they were the gossipers and busy bodies. Probably these would be amongst the so called witnesses. They came to stop and starts to talk over everything and anything. "What should we expect you guys think. I mean its not like anything would actually hold". Wen Ning asked softly." Anything and everything. They are going to come hard". Mingjue answered. "What I do not understand is why Sect Leader Jin would allow this". Lan Qiren said with a small frown. " Well we could asked him but I do not think that would be wise. He's still a young sect Leader and still finding his footing in his sect and he is married to Fengmian daughter so he would just probably be doing this to show his support for his wife and her family". Wen Rouhan said thoughtfully. "A-Ying and A-Zhan will the two off you be fine". Xichen asked the two and Lan Zhan said." Do not worry brother we will be just fine". And A-Ying nods his head in agreement as he plays with A-Yuan in his arms which make his pup blowing bubbles at him. Li-Jie were watching the group with big curious eyes from his fathers arms. Even though they were all talking Lan Zhan,A-Ying and Fenhua senses were on high alert. So when someone approaches their group they immediately turns around and took a protective stance with low growls leaving their mouths. The others immediately stopped talking and looked their way   just to see sect Leader Jiang and his son standing there. "What do you want Sect Leader Jiang?". Lan Zhan all but growls out with hostility in his voice. The man had the audacity to look offended before he answers.
"Young master Lan there's no need for all this hostility really. I actually came with a proposition for you and your mate". Xichen and lan Qiren immediately stepped in front of Lan Zhan and his family pushing them back slightly before he spoke." Sect Leader Jiang whatever you wish to discuss we are not interested in it. You have accused Lan Ying of crimes he did not commit and now you come here with a proposition. Who do you take us for. Fools. You wanted a trial so we gave you want but just a fair warning. Whatever happens after this farce will be your own doing at your own hands. So please stepped away". Fengmian just gave him an unamuse look before he spoke again." Young master lan like I said I have a proposition for you. Let me have back what your clan stole from my sect all those years ago and I will let this all go. You can even keep the pups". Fenhua had enough before his father could do or say anything or even his family who were in shocked at man's words even the whole courtyard were quiet watching what will happen. Yanli herself was shocked at her father's words and moved towards him but before she made it half way a big wolf was standing in front of her father. Fengmian were in shocked when he saw the wolf standing in front of him shaking his fur out as he bare his teeth at him. The twins were so excited they clapped their little hands and making happy sounds. A-Ying and Lan Zhan whispers to them softly. "No you don't. Don't even think about it because this is not a game we are playing ". The twins looks at them as if they understands and went quite. Hua stood in front of Fengmian and Jiang Cheng growling eyes blazing with fury. " who do you think you are. You think we are afraid of you or Lan Wanji". Jiang Cheng all but screams at Hua who shakes his head and stomped his paws on the ground. Spit dripping from his mouth. A-Ying gave A-Yuan to Lan Zhan and stepped out of middle. He made his way towards Hua ignoring the looks and murmurs around them. He lays his hand lovingly on his sons wolf and stroke it slowly before softly spoke only for Hua to hear." It is fine to be angry and it's also fine to want to protect us but let's not give them what they so desperately want. Do not worry they will pay for everything and you will taste their blood my son. So reign yourself in and shift for your baba my sweetheart ". He said in a loving voice. Hua gave one last look at the two men before he shift back into his human form. He turns and gave his baba a tight hug." I'm sorry baba I just got so angry. Who does these people think they are treating you like this". A-Ying rubs his back softly and said." I know baby. I myself are also angry but for now let's play their little game okay". He nods his head in his babas embrace before they both let go off each other and then A-Ying placed a kiss on his forehead. Lan Zhan walk forward and gave his son a proud look and he nods his head at him letting him know that he is not angry at him.

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