The Trail and Retribution

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They started after the lunch was done and the tables were cleared. Lan Zhan and A-Ying gave the twins both a kiss on their foreheads and made their way back to the middle of the room standing facing the crowd. The next witness was called in and the story much went the same. The servants who had been Jin Guangshan personal servant would tell how they on many occasions found the omega in the sect leaders bed and some would say that when the sect Leader decided to break off the affair the omega was furious and started to threatened to kill him. This went on for about two hours. Two hours of fabricated lies they had to listen too. Two hours of people standing there and could not even look A-Ying in his eyes. Two hours of spitting on his name and demolishing his character. Two hours of keeping Wanji and Chenqing at bay when all their wolves wanted to do is kill them all. To show them that nothing and nobody would ever again try to come for there family. Yes two long hours of watching the faces of the people who had started this charade and seeing the satisfied looks on their faces. It took everything with in them not to let their pheromones out and let these bastards know exactly how pissed off they really was. It was the words of Jin Guangyoa that finally broke the string. Jin Guangyoa stood up after the last witness was finished and bow to the chief cultivator before he spoke." Esteem Chief Cultivator as you have heard the testimony of the witnesses. I believe that we the Jin sect are with in our rights to take what belongs to us. One of the accused pups belongs to the Jin sect and is by right our brother. So with your permission we would like to lay claim to the pup and take him back with us to koi tower ".Wen Rouhan looked at the jin boy before him and he knows that everything that has been told here was all lies but they have no way of proving it. He looks at the lans and he could see the anger and right now he is feeling the same way. That finally made them realise that these people wants to take their pups away from them. It was when the words penetrated through their brains which took Wanji and Chenqing back to when their pup and they were killed and they were helpless back then. They could do nothing as the one watches the other getting impale with a sword. The images taunting Wanji telling him and Lan Zhan that the same thing is about to happen again just this time instead of killing his mate and pups these people will take them away and lock them up. Lan Zhan's hand grabbed the side of his head as he dropped to the floor on one knee. Gritting his teeth as he feels Wanji trying to take over. A-Ying dropped next to him and Jin Guangyoa smiles thinking that the wolfsbane finally are doing its job. He did not wait for the chief cultivator to answer he looked at two Jin disciples and said." Take the one pup and bring him to me". The disciple nods their heads and starts to move towards the Lans. Xichen got up and so did everyone else and formed a protective circle around Huaisang and the twins. As the disciples came closer he spoke. " Stop if you dare to another step or lay your hands on my nephew I will not hesitate to kill". Vibrating with anger. "Sect Leader Lan please do not make this any harder than it already is. You have heard the witnesses account". Jin Guangyoa said with a smile." Witnesses account. You came here and slander my ward, my son with your lies and fabrications. What do you really want with my nephew and son". Lan Qiren all but screams in anger. Jiang Fengmian stood up and asked." Lan Qiren are you going to ignore the statements of the witnesses right now. It would be wise just to hand over the pup and it's mother. Don't you think because I do not think that you would want to start a fight over something so small". "Quiet". Wen Rouhan's voice vibrated through the hall as the voices of others starts to agree with Jin Guangyoa and Jiang Fengmian. The hall instantly grew silent. The two Jin disciples did not know what to do so they look back at Jin Guangyoa who smiles and said as he looks at Wen Rouhan. "Esteem Chief Cultivator could you please tell Sect Leader Lan to move so that we can take our brother". He dipped his head and that's when a growl vibrated through the hall followed by another. A shiver and fear runs through everyone when they heard it.

While they were busy Lan Zhan and A-Ying were on the floor holding their heads as images of a past life were flashing before them. What they had lost. What were and had been done to them. To their wolves. How they had suffered and the pain they endured and its happening again. Their lives are being dictated by greedy men. They want to separate them but most importantly they want to take what does not belongs to them. They want to take their flesh and blood. So now what are they supposed to do but the only thing that there is and that's to defend and protect their pups...their children. Wanji and Chenqing took over because it seems as if Lan Zhan and A-Ying are giving these people way to much time to do what they planned all along. Nobody and they mean nobody no little snake who thinks of himself as a anaconda or a man who thinks that he will use them to bring glory to a sinking sect.
So they will show them why they never should've cross a True Alpha and a True Male Omega. As the growls resonate through the hall and bouncing off the walls. Fenhua shifted and Huaisang almost had a heartattack as the twins also shifted. The call was made and I was answered. Today the wolf pack of Gusulan will show these greedy bastards why they never should have come for them for Lan Zhan's/ Wangji's mate and pup. The three wolves walked towards their parents and stood next to them. Xichen, Mingjue, Wen Qing, Wen Ning, Wen Xu and Wen Zhuliu moved and stood also beside the five wolves. Everyone eyes was on the five wolves standing in front of the hall who was looking so domineering and right down scary. Wanji and Chenqing dipped their heads and looked straight at Jin Guangyoa and Jiang Fengmian before another growl left them. Shaking out their furs they slowly starts to stalk towards them saliva dripping from their mouths. " and think that I would let you get away with it. Your little plan might have work if you actually have done your homework little mouse". Wanji said as his eyes glare at Jin Guangyoa who now was shaking badly. "If you had you would've known that I have not left the Cloud Recess for months. If I wanted your whore of a father dead I could've done it when he was at the Cloud Recess. But on second thought I do not need to explain myself to you or anyone know do I".
"I believe we had let this spectacle went on for far too long. You think you have the right to take what is mine". Wanji asked and without a shred off anger no he was calm too calm at that. "You think we will let anyone take away our pups. You think that we are so weak that we can not protect and defend what's ours. Oh how wrong you are". Chenqing said in the same calming tone. "Today all of you will learn a very valuable lesson. We do not care if you were coherence into telling all those lies. We do not care what you were promised or what you think you will gain by doing it. Today all off you will pay dearly for your mistake. Wether with your life or a  limb we do not care". The hall erupted into chaos as soon as those words left Wanji's mouth. Not soon the doors slam open and in walk a woman dress in red and with her came the screeching and howling sounds of ghost. Swirling through the doors and then the doors slammed shut again. The woman walked straight towards Wanji and Chenqing and bow. "Your call was heard and we are here to answer it my master". She said and stepped aside as her eyes glides over the room. With razer sharp finger nails she tapped her chin slowly before she turns to the Wen Rouhan and asked. "Esteem Chief Cultivator this one has something to say. So if it would be fine with you and everyone present I would like to be heard". Wen Rouhan nods his head as Lan Qiren gave a look that said. Where were you all this time. She gave him a sneaky smile and turns around before she spoke. "I am Rushi and I was the one that killed that Jin pig and that bitch. You all accuse my master but without evidence. So let's see how that pig died". She said as she starts to walk up and down slowly stopping in front of the Jin. " Your father planned to kidnap my master and in prison him in a room in his dungeons who had already been made ready. Now now I could not let that happened could I know. So I gathered some ghost friends of mine who was raped and discarded by him and gave him what he deserved. We tied him up with the same chains he wanted to use against my master. If you do not believe me asked his heir who now is the sect Leader how they had found his father". She looked at Jin Zixuan as the room gasp in shock. Jin Zixuan stood up and said as the question was thrown out by some. "It is true. We did found my father bound to a bed with chains in one of the dungeons ". She looked at him eyes turning hard." So instead of stopping all of this. You chose to stay silent. Maybe I should just kill you for being a coward. For allowing an inbred to walk all over you. But I won't not seeing that you are a father now. Maybe now you will learn to be better and do better". She turns away from him ignoring Jin Guangyoa and walked towards Fengmian. "You are one despicable human being. Your wife died because of what she had done to my master. You want to know what we did. You plague her with nightmares about everyone she had ever wronged or hurt. We are the reason she had gone mad and we are the reason she took her own miserable life". "You are the reason my mother is dead. I will kill you for what you did". Rushi looked at him and said.
"Give it your best shot little boy and see if you can". She turns and looked at the room in whole when a she heard. "How do we know if you are telling the truth. Maybe you are just saying that so we won't bring justice to the rightful person". Yao said and soon agreeing voices echos through the room. Wanji just had about enough and he made it clear when he moved so fast that when Yao tried to open his mouth again Wanji lifted his paw and smacked him that he flew his body hitting the hall on the far side. Without sparing a thought he was on the man again and as he tried to scream Wanji grabbed his tongue with his teeth and ripped it out. Spitting it to the side as blood stain his white fur as the man are gurgling on his own blood. He took him by his leg and dragged him behind him as he walked back to where his mate and the others were standing seeing the looks on their faces all he said was." Talking too much". Dropping the man right in front of Jin Guangyoa.

Wen Rouhan and Lan Qiren at this time just sat back and let things go whatever way it wants. Wen Rouhan drinking his wine and Lan Qiren drinking his tea. He by now had moved and sat next to Wen Rouhan.
"Voilence never solved anything. I think we can talk about this like civilized people and wolves". Jin Zixuan said. "Well sect Leader Jin you should've thought about that before you accused my baby brother off such crimes and smeared his name through the mud. Yes the words may not have came from your mouth but your silence spoke volumes now did it not". Xichen said with a small smile that did not reach his eyes. "Sect Leader Lan you can understand how we came to such a conclusion". "Understand you fabricated the whole thing and now you want understanding. They are going to make you all regret that you ever tried to take their pup away from them. That's just the start and I am going to have a front row seat to your demise. Wait I think I should get me a seat next to Wen shufu and Qiren shufu. This is going to be so much fun to watch". Huaisang said as he stood up and took a seat next to his shufus. "You think that I am scared of some wolves. Why don't they face us in their human forms then we will see who comes out victorious". Jiang Cheng said with anger and venom in his voice. A vicious smile graces his face as he looked at Wanji and Chenqing daring them. But they did not take the bait. "Are you not an alpha yourself. Just because we are more evolved does not mean that you can't take us now. I mean you are not scared of a little wolf now are you". Chenqing said. Smelling the anger of the Jiang sect heir. Knowing that he won't back down. "Then let's go I'm not scared like I said". "A-Cheng no do not. Father are you going to let him do this. He will die". Yanli said as she looks at her father but Fengmian shook his head and said."I will only let my son fight if it the one he is fighting are in their human form". Fenhua immediately shifts into his human form and looks at the two Jiang and said." Better". He asked with a sneer a crooked smile on his face as he slowly walks forward stretching his hand out and his sword flew right to him." Shall we move this outside because i really do not want to stain my Shufus floor with more blood a die already had made quite a mess already". Ignoring the shocked whispers from the people in the hall.
They have another son and an older one at that the whispers flew through the hall. He started to walk and made his way outside towards the courtyard and soon his family follows Wanji and Chenqing snapped at Jin Guangyoa and Fengmian as they stalked pass them making both men jumped and the twins bares their teeth at them. Soon as the family were outside the rest of the hall followed. Lan Qiren and Wen Rouhan and Huaisang stood up lastly and made their way down the isle arriving outside seeing that Fenhua and Jiang Cheng had already took their places. Yao was took to the healers and when they tried to locate his tongue to attach it back they could not find it reason being that one of ghost took it and now he and his friends are playing with it behind the swords hall.

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