Their Story Part 2

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As they landed outside Gusu. They walked through Caiyi Town. ChengQing was a nervous wreck. He could always control his scent. Living on the streets and being a rogue omega cultivator. He never had a problem but now, now it is out of control. He can't shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen. Wanji and the disciples could feel his nervous energy, he reeks of it. It is rolling of him like a waterfall. Wanji took his hand in his and gave it a reassuring squeeze. ChengQing looks up and gave him a appreciated smile. Wanji knows how he feels. He himself is feeling nervous but he is beter at hiding it. Their scents had change anybody can smell it if you are paying close attention. But that's not what bugging him right now. It's his family's reaction. He knows that they and the elders were setting up an appropriate mate for him since he haven't found his mate yet. He is only 20 years old. He looks at ChengQing his heart smiling. He will protect him from anyone he does not care if it is his own family. He spoke softly to his mate. " It will be fine. I'm here. I'm going nowhere. So do not worry".
ChengQing smiles again at him and says. " I know. With you by my side I can face anyone and do anything".
They reached the gates of the cloud Recess and walked through and up the stairs. Wanji never once let go of ChengQing hand as they walked up the stairs. When they reached the top the disciples once again thanked him for his help and bowed before they went to their dormitories to start writing their nighthunt report.

Wanji lead ChengQing towards his uncles residence to tell him that his back and about his bonded mate. When the reached the residence he knocked and waited for his uncle to give him permission to enter. He did not have to wait long when he heard his uncles voice. He opened the door and walked in behind him followed ChengQing. They both bowed and greeted his uncle. When they came up from the bow there was a furrow between the man's brows and he asked wanji. " Wanji who is this young man with you?". Still standing wanji answered. " Uncle this is ChengQing and he is my mate". ChengQing step forward and bow.
" This one greets sect Leader Lan. My name is ChengQing. I'm a rogue cultivator". He greeted. Wangji's uncle ignore ChengQing greeting and instead asked wanji. " Wanji did you bond with this boy. I have raised you beter than this. Do you even know him. His background. I have already found you a suitable mate. You will break this bond and you will marry the one that I chose for you. She is from a good family with good values. You will not disgrace me and this sect with your actions. Do you hear me".
ChengQing and Wanji looked at him wide eyed. ChengQing expected it in a way but he did not think someone could be this rude. He don't mind him but to Wanji his own nephew. Wanji stood a little straighter and square his shoulders before he answers his uncle. " I did. To answer uncles question. I know who ChengQing are. He is honorable, honest, trustworthy, he is my mate and I will choose him over anyone. I have never asked uncle to find me a mate you did it on your own. You never asked me how I feel about it. I have not disgrace uncle or the sect. If uncle do not except ChengQing as my mate then I will leave right now with my mate. I will not stay where my mate is not welcome". He said with anger and disappointment in his voice. His uncle looks at him and slams his hand on the table saying. ". You will do as I say Wanji. You will break this bond. I will not let someone that we have not approved of for you into this sect". He yelled at Wanji. ChengQing wants to open his mouth but Wanji shakes his head. " And if I don't. What will you do uncle. I will not break my mated bond not for you or for anyone. Why do I need your approval when I have found my mate. When my alpha approve of our mate. My alpha would not steer me wrong. My alpha had found his mate and Wanji had found the one he loves". He stared with a hard gaze at his uncle. ChengQing heart and his omega are happy. His alpha approves of him, his Wanji loves him. His alpha loves him. Before his uncle could say anything more Wanji took ChengQing hand and walked out towards his residence. Anger rolled off him. Disappointment, hurt and pain in his heart. He never thought that his uncle would be so unreasonable and disrespectful towards his mate. Status is not everything. It does not make you a honorable person.

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