Chapter 30

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Two days later Wen Rouhan, Wen Xu and Wen Zhuliu and Wen Popo arrived at the Cloud Recess with gifts for the twins. Lan Qiron and lan Xichen welcomed the four at the gate and together the walked up the stairs after exchanging greetings and pleasantries. Wen Qing and Wen Ning was so excited and surprised to see her because they did not expected her be brought with. They gave a grateful bow to their uncle and he just waves his hand and said it was nothing and that she and the rest of the family misses them very much and that they should come visit sometimes seems as they have taken permanent residence at the Cloud Recess with a wink at them and a smile and the siblings just smiles back and said that they will just do that. The rest of the walked was silent and they made their way towards the Gentian house for more privacy. Lan Qiren told one of the nearby disciples to inform Lan Zhan and A-Ying that they were waiting for them at Xichen's residence. The disciple quickly turns around after he had bowed and made his way down the path towards the Jingshi. Soon they arrived at the Gentian house and as soon as everyone was seated Xichen and Wen Ning started with making tea. Huaisang arrived shortly after. His brother short on his heels. As soon as Mingjue stepped inside he raised an eyebrow and asked as he made his way towards the table and sat down and looked at Wen Rouhan. "Who let you in here?". "Boy is that the way to talked with your elders. Have you no respect?". Wen Rouhan asked with a raised eyebrow himself. Mingjue just huff and kept quiet. "That's what I thought. So Qiren where are those great nephews of mine? I heard they are adorable". Wen Rouhan asked as Lan Qiren choked on air. He asked. "Your great nephews. Since when?". Wen Rouhan laughs as he saw the look on his face and said. "Qiren are you denying my right. I mean I get it that you might feel jealous that the boys would choose me over you. But who can blame them. Have you seen me. This face.  I am gorgeous let me tell you". Lan Qiren stuttered and said." What right do you have. They don't even know you as for me they love and adores me just so you know Rouhan. And I have seen you and there's nothing special about you old man".
"Who are you calling old man you old goat. As for not knowing me that would be rectified today. Let's see how long they will love and adore you". He spat. "Who you calling old goat. You want to fight. We can do it right now". Their pheromones spike and Wen Popo had about enough.
"Alright both of you stop it. Acting like two spoiled brats. The two of are not to old for me to whip both your asses". She said with a stern face and voice. The others just starred at the two men who are now both pouting and at the same time glaring at each other. "I am taking you down". They both mouth at the same time just as Wen Popo gave them both a slap over their heads. The others bursts out with laughter as the two scowl but said nothing just rubbing their heads where the slap had landed. Xichen and Wen Ning finally are finish with the tea and carried the two trays over with some cakes also. They put the trays down on the table and starts to pour everyone a cup.
They drank in silence nobody willing to break as Qiren and Rouhan were still glaring at each while sipping their tea.

Lan Zhan and A-Ying were busy getting the twins ready when they heard a knock on the door. Lan Zhan quickly walked out of the bedroom and made his way towards the front door. He slides it opened and the disciple bowed in greeting. Lan Zhan nods his head and the disciple relay the message. He bowed again after Lan Zhan thanked him and made his way back inside. "A-Ying they have arrived. Uncle send a message". Lan Zhan said as soon as he stepped back into the room. " Ohk thanks Lan Zhan. Are Fenhua still sleeping? Do you think I should wake him up". Lan Zhan shakes his head and said.
"No leave him. Let him sleep. I will leave a note for him on his table in his room. He knows how to get to Xichen-ge". "Are you sure? I do not want him waking up and then we are not here". A-Ying said with a worried frown and voice. "I'm sure. Do not worry he will be fine. He is after all our big boy". Lan Zhan said as he place a kiss on A-Ying's forehead and made his way towards the low table and write the note and walked towards his sons room seeing him sleeping so peacefully a small smile graze his lips and he looked with soft eyes as he slowly let's out his pheromones bathing his son in it before place a kiss on his head and place the note on the table.
He looked at his son once more before he leaves and walked back into the bedroom." He is sleeping peacefully and I left the note on the table". A-Ying nods his head and pick up A-Yuan as Lan Zhan picks up Li Jie. They walked out and made their way towards their brothers residence. They walked up the path looking at the beautiful gentians starting to bloom. Spring is almost upon them and with it, it brings a new season. Hoping that it would bring within more peace and loving family moments and memories. They climbed the steps and Lan Zhan knocked once before he slides the door opened. He stood to the side and let A-Ying step in first and he follows behind his mate as soon as he had walked inside. The atmosphere that greets them were rather strange because nobody was talking and when their eyes landed on the two older men they saw them glaring at each other as if they were daring each other. A-Ying and Lan Zhan were confused and looked at Xichen-ge. "It's nothing really. Do not mind them. Come sit down". He said. As soon as he spoke Wen Rouhan head whipped around and a smile comes on his face as he quickly stood up and walked towards Lan Zhan and A-Ying. "Ah you are finally here with my great nephews". He said and shot a quick glance at Lan Qiren who also stood up and made his way over." They are not your great nephews. And if anyone should hold them it is me". Lan Qiren said. "You think I care what you think or say". Wen Rouhan said and turns towards A-Ying and Lan Zhan asking. "Can I hold them. I have been waiting to meet them for so long". He looks hopefully at them and the two could just nods their head shock and confusion evident on their faces. Wen Rouhan holds his arms out and they placed the two pups in is his arms. Lan Qiren wanted to ripped the twins from his arms but hold himself back as he made his way back to his seat seething. Wen Rouhan thanks them and turns around and took his seat again. In awe at how precious and cute the twins was. His heart was so full he could not described the feeling. He looks over at Lan Qiren and said." They are really precious and beautiful Qiren. You must be so proud. As for me I do not think I will ever be made a grandfather not with my eldest training everyday instead of looking for a mate and my youngest well all hope is lost there so better not dwell on it". "Father I told you that I am not ready yet. Any way there is still time to find a mate. I am still young you know". Wen Xu said as he looked at his father. Wen Rouhan just shakes his head and sighs softly as he looks down at the twins who looked at him with those big honey golden eyes and silvery grey eyes. His eyes mist over and he place a kiss on both their foreheads.
"Well I am sorry to break such a beautiful and heartbreaking moment uncle but we have some serious things to discuss". Wen Qing said and Wen Rouhan lifts his head and said." Well what I know of this flower and you all probably as well. It is one of rare flowers that could be use to poison a wolf especially dangers if you are being able to shift into your wolf form. And as our two boys are capable of it. Say if someone should ground it into a powder all they have to do is get close enough to blow it in their faces and within minutes their insides would start burning up. Literally burning them from the inside out until there is nothing left not even bones. They could also mixed into their tea,wine and the same result. But like they say every poison got an antidote. So we just need to find it. What I know about the antidote is that it must be eaten in plant form". He answered and looked around the room. Their faces were ash white and A-Ying had grabbed Lan Zhan's hand in a painful grip." Lan Zhan our pups lives will also be in danger as they are also able to shift. What if someone finds this flower and mean harm. What will we do". A-Ying eyes glistening with tears as he looks at his mate and then at his pups in Wen Rouhan's arms. "Nothing will happen to them A-Ying not as long as   I am breathing. I will protect you and our children with my life. That I promise ". Lan Zhan said with conviction in his voice." A-Ying you and your family are not alone remember we are also here to help and fight if it should come to it". Mingjue assured him and a chorus of voices could be heard in agreement.

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