The Wedding Day

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The day of the wedding finally arrived. A-Ying, A-Sang and Wen Qing slept in the Gentian House the night before more for privacy and to get A-Ying ready without any disturbance from anyone. A-Sang ordered the servants to fill the tub with milk. He woke A-Ying up which in it self was a whole fight but finally he and wen Qing had him out of his sleep wear and put him in the tub. " A-Sang where did you get so much milk". Both A-Ying and Wen Qing asked him. "You don't want to know believe me". He answered. A-Ying's hair was washed with the finest oil to soften it and gave it a natural glow. His body was scrub in the most painful way possible. God knows he's not getting married ever again. " A-Sang is this really necessary. I mean it's Lan Zhan he wouldn't mind how I look or feel really". A-Ying said close to tears. Because A-Sang isn't very kind to him right now. " Believe me A-Ying you will thank me later". Wen Qing just rolls her eyes thanking the heavens that she is a alpha because she shudders to think what would he do to her not that she would allow it of course. After a hour of soaking after the scrubbing he could finally get out. Once dried of and his air has been dried both Wen Qing and A-Sang helped him into his wedding robes. Which are adorn with Gentian and plum blossoms but it doesn't overlap. Small golden dragons and cloud motifs adorn the ends of the sleeves and the bottom. It fits like a glove accentuate his middle who are being held by a beautiful belt. They sat him down while Wen Qing brush through his hair they already worked out all the nods and clots. She brushed it until it fell like a flowy waterfall. A-Sang pinned some of his hair up with silver hair pins before they draped the red veil over. They helped him up and throw a extra piece over with a long veil at the back flowing down on the floor. A-Sang had tears in his eyes as he looked at his friend. They just put some light red rogue on his cheeks. He put some eyeliner to accentuate his silver eyes making it looking bigger. " Are you nervous A-Ying". He asked. " Just a little". He said. "We will wait here with you until it's time for your uncle to come fetch you". Wen Qing said and he nods his head.

Xichen was busy dressing his brother in the Jingshi. Lan Zhan had the same attire as A-Ying only exception is that he won't have a veil. His brother put his hair up and pinned it with a silver Guage on top of head. He fasten it with silver pins to keep it in place.
" My didi getting married before me I can't believe it. Do feel nervous". He teases and asked. " No I'm not. Maybe if didi tell sect Leader Nie how brother feels we could be having another wedding sooner than later". Lan Zhan answers very smug. Xichen is speechless by his brothers words but his cheeks blush red. "Come let's go and stop sprouting nonsense". He said. The brothers leave the Jingshi. As soon as they left some servants came inside and transform the place into a wedding chamber. Red bedding, red veil around the bed, candles burning low they put

the sweets and tea pot on the low table. Red rose petals were strewn on the bed and floor once done they lock the place and leave. Once they were gone a invisible barrier were going up.

Lan Zhan and his brother arrived at the door. Lan Zhan took a deep breath and they walked inside and took their place in front of the dias that's been put. Not long Lan Qiren made his way over to the Gentian House. When he opened the door and saw his son is heart swell with pride and his eyes filled with tears. He thanked the two friends and he took A-Ying's hand and they made there way across the Cloud Recess towards the hall. When they arrived A-Sang and Wen Qing made their way inside and made their way towards their respective places. " Are you ready A-Ying". Lan Qiren asked him softly and he nods yes. They walked through the door and all eyes turns towards them. The people stares even though they couldn't see his face it's just that there is something about the boy that makes you looks. Lan Zhan's eyes has not left his beloved since he and uncle started walking down the aisle. He could not see his beloved face but he could feel the happiness that vibrates off him. Once they reached him he took his hand in his and turn towards the elder who will officiate the wedding. They were told to kneel which they did. And they were told to bow to their ancestors, the heavens and lastly to themselves.
Just before they stood up a commotion were heard as a woman in white robes came walking in. " I'm I to late or just in time for my grandsons wedding". The woman asked as she made her way slowly towards the front. Gasps were heard in the hall. Lan Zhan and A-Ying stood up and looked at the woman. The woman stop in front of the two and then she holds her hands out. " Who are you". A-Ying asked in a small voice. " I'm your grandmother Boashan Sanren". She said with a smile and with tears in her eyes. She pulled him into a hug while A-Ying cried in her embrace. " Now, now don't cry on your wedding day my little boy". " But how did you find out and how did you get here. They said that you never left your mountain". A-Ying said. " I was traveling for a bit when I heard about two very special wolves getting married and then I heard what happened at the discussion conference. So my curiosity was peak especially when talks went around that a second young master got eyes like blazing son. When the one appear so does the other and it seems that they chose right". "You know but how". Lan Qiren asked. " Qiren in all of these hundred years only two sects were powerful enough to be able to turn into their wolf forms. The Lan Sect and the Sanrens of the Celestial Mountains". Their were a quietness about the place. " So shall we proceed with this auspicious wedding and then she claps her hands and took her seat next to Lan Qiren. A-Ying looked her and she mouth well talk later with a smile. Lan Zhan and A-Ying kneel again and bow before her. When they rise the wedding proceedings continue as normal as things could be because now they have a immortal amongst them. A woman they said never leaves her mountain. Lan Zhan and A-Ying took the teapots as Lan Zhan poured tea for Boashan A-Ying poured tea for Lan Qiren both took the cups and smile at the two boys before they starts to drink. Lan Zhan and A-Ying took their seats when they were done and

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