Chapter 19

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A few weeks later Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen left to attend the wedding at LanlingJin. On their way out they were greeted by A-Sang, Wen Qing and Wen Ning before they mount their swords with a few Lan disciples. The three friends made their way up the stairs while A-Sang are complaining of how tired he is and why must their be so many stairs and he already tired and in the process asked Wen Ning if does not want to carry him with a pout and fake tears in his eyes. Wen Ning did not know what to answer so he looked at his sister who is already side eyeing A-Sang and said. " Would you stop with your whining and my brother will not carry your lazy ass". At the top of the stairs A-Ying was waiting impatiently he would've run down if Lan Zhan wasn't holding him back. They haven't seen each other in like forever and for the next few days they will spend some time together and he can't wait to share with them the good news. Finally they came into sight and A-Ying waves energetically to them urging them to hurry up. Lan Zhan hold him in place just long enough for the three to make it to the top before he let him go and A-Ying hug them all tightly. " I have missed you all so much. I hope that you have missed me just as much". He said while pulling away. " I have missed you A-Ying". Wen Ning said. " Ah thanks I knew you would". "I sure as hell did not". Wen Qing said as she looked him up and down. " Ah Qing-jie so rude to your A-Ying". He said with fake tears and a hand on his heart. " I also missed you. I do not know she is talking about. Did you hear how rude she was to me and then she called me her friend". A-Sang said while fanning himself. " Who said we were friends". She asked him. A-Sang fake faint and A-Ying and Wen Ning just laughs. They turn around and started to walk. Lan Zhan keeping his hand on his mates lower back so he does not fall because he is bouncing from excitement not only because his friends are finally here but also about the good news they are about to share with them. Wen Qing has been watching A-Ying and she knows something is up with him. A-Ying's happiness is that off a child who had received a new toy to play with.

They made their way towards the bunny field once there they sat down and now the three friends were looking at A-Ying who is sitting with a big smile on his face almost bursting with excitement. Wen Qing could not take it anymore and she said. "Spill it. You are like a two year old on a sugar crush". " What are you talking about?"
A-Sang asked confuse looking from the couple to Wen Qing. " We have something to tell you". A-Ying said. "I can see that you have something to tell us so spit it out". Wen Qing urge him on in a not so patient way. "Qing - jie do have to be so rude and impatient. Anyway me and Lan Zhan are expecting. And it is twins". A-Ying said smiling from ear to ear. A squeel was heard and then A-Sang jump up and threw his arms around A-Ying's neck. " I'm going to be a aunty or uncle. I'm so happy". He cried into A-Ying's neck. " Congratulations to the two of you". Wen Ning and Wen Qing said. A-Sang was still crying and holding on until Lan Zhan loosen his hands. He was just about to threw himself at his friend again when Wen Qing grab him from behind and made him sit next to Wen Ning. " Whats wrong with? Don't you know how to behave yourself". She asked him but he is way to happy to be offended.
" How far along are you A-Ying?". She asked him and he  lifted two fingers.
She nods her head and asked him.
" Any nausea?". " It is not so bad anymore. I can keep my food down. Lan Zhan let me only eat soft foods anyway". He answered with a pout which earned him a quick peck on the lips. " You two are so adorable and I know that your kids will be just as adorable as you". A-Sang said. They talked about anything and everything for while. About how the jins probably are going overboard with the wedding and how everything will probably be draped in gold. They all laughed and stood up. They made their way towards the gates and into Caiyi Town to have some lunch and just walked around. A-Sang grab Wen Ning's hand as soon as he saw a shop that sells baby clothes and drag him inside. The other three followed behind. When they got inside A-Ying could not believe all the cute little outfits that were sold there. They bought two of everything and anything that looks cute or adorable. When they were done they walked around the market and Lan Zhan let Wei Ying indulged in some sweets and cakes.They entered a inn and immediately sat down as soon as they were shown a table. They ordered their food and A-Sang ordered some wine for him and Wen Qing while the other three order tea for them. As soon as their food and drinks arrived they ate and drink mostly in silence. They were not even half through their meal when A-Ying's eyes began to droop. They quickly finished their meal. They paid and by the time they were done A-Ying was fast asleep. Lan Zhan picked him up and carried him bridal style without shame through the street towards the Cloud Recess. The people who saw that cooed at the scene. It was just to cute. The three friends look at each other and then back at them and smile warmly at the scene. Once they reached their destination. They went straight to the Jingshi and Lan Zhan lay A-Ying down and threw a quilt over him before joining the others in the front.

The wedding procession went smoothly. The couple smiled at each other with loving eyes. Jin Guangshan was upset when he saw that A-Ying was not there but he kept it from showing on his face. He had everything planned and now he had to make another plan to get the omega. Maybe he should asked his new daughter in law to invite the boy over they. Maybe for tea in the name of good inter sect relations. Yes that could work. Satisfied with himself he starts to interact with the guests. Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen were not going to stay for the whole three days. They are just waiting for to give their congratulations and their gift then they will be leaving soon after. It would be for the best. Really they should try and not be so courteous it's tiring. As soon as the opportunity presented it self they stood up congratulate the couple and their parents and then presented their present to the couple giving them their well wishes and happiness for the future. Mingjue did the same and then they bowed again and leave. They have far more important things to do at home like knitting little booties and jerseys thought Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen. He and his uncle is in a non spoken competition on who can knit the most outfits for their two newest family members who will join them in a few months time and he be damn if he lets his uncle win. He will be the best damn uncle out there even if it kills him. Lan Qiren is thinking the same thing so the quicker they get home the sooner he can start finishing up the ones he had already started.

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